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Climate Change thread

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23 hours ago, altus said:

You introduced covid to this thread. People aren't going to give you free license to post your covid nonsense

It isn't nonsense, and I prove it on the Covid thread, here 

Edited by Chekhov
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32 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

Yes it does.

I, along with millions of others, get depressed in the cold wet and dark.

I am pretty sure there is a medical term for it but I cannot be arsed to look it up.

Why don't you just be honest, you have no desire to fly off to Tenerife in the winter so you do not see why anybody else should (i.e. basic selfishness).

Oh dear,  you poor soul.  I do hope it soon warms up for you.  Do you think someone as delicate as you should be living in the UK ?

There's a medical term for it alright,  but I'll not put it on here.    I am always honest.  I have no desire to fly,  or sail,  anywhere else at all,  and not just Tenerife and that includes both  summer and winter.

My body and my mind can cope perfectly well with our climate including the cold,  dark,  and wet.  I go out and walk in it every day and it doesn't make me depressed at all.

What anyone else does is not my business and it's a waste of time my disapproving anyway because it won't alter anything but I think,  it's those who are ruining the planet who are selfish.


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1 hour ago, Chekhov said:

You never read the posts you reply to do you |?

@Prettytom said he had mush sympathy for people with mental health problems.

Or is that only sympathy for people like himself (who may or may not have mental health problems) ?

Of course I do because I quote them in my reply you moron 

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A group of older Swiss women have won the first ever climate case victory in the European Court of Human Rights. I believe a UK court would say the same!

The women, mostly in their 70s, said that their age and gender made them particularly vulnerable to the effects of heatwaves linked to climate change.

The court said Switzerland's efforts to meet its emission reduction targets had been woefully inadequate.


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The Earth is warming, but then the Earth's temperature has always fluctuated alarmingly. In the past we've had ice ages, snowball earth, tropical rainforests and vegitation at the North Pole etc, so what's new? 

How come we never hear about sunspots anymore? They used to be blamed for all manner of weather fluctuations... 


The big change recently is that modern technology, burning fossil fuels, etc is now being blamed, and on the strength of dubious evidence, we are being subjected to all sorts of rules and restrictions. The authorities now have carte blanche it seems to impose their will without  mandate on all manner of daily activities. '15 minute zones' being a good example.

I am not convinced it's necessary. There is scientific evidence to support both points of view 

But as with many things these days opinions seem to be polarised between the two extremes. Is the threat genuine or Are we being flooded with doomsday scenarios simply to frighten us into compliance?

Whatever...   While China et al are continuing to pump out CO2 with gay abandon what is the point in our crippling restrictions which are a drop in the ocean compared to theirs?   


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58 minutes ago, Anna B said:

The Earth is warming, but then the Earth's temperature has always fluctuated alarmingly. In the past we've had ice ages, snowball earth, tropical rainforests and vegitation at the North Pole etc, so what's new? 

How come we never hear about sunspots anymore? They used to be blamed for all manner of weather fluctuations... 


The big change recently is that modern technology, burning fossil fuels, etc is now being blamed, and on the strength of dubious evidence, we are being subjected to all sorts of rules and restrictions. The authorities now have carte blanche it seems to impose their will without  mandate on all manner of daily activities. '15 minute zones' being a good example.

I am not convinced it's necessary. There is scientific evidence to support both points of view 

But as with many things these days opinions seem to be polarised between the two extremes. Is the threat genuine or Are we being flooded with doomsday scenarios simply to frighten us into compliance?

Whatever...   While China et al are continuing to pump out CO2 with gay abandon what is the point in our crippling restrictions which are a drop in the ocean compared to theirs?   


     We were not around for for "snowball earth, tropical rainforests and vegitation at the North Pole etc "  These events happened tens and hundreds of millions of years ago and lasted for millions of years.  We are in an Ice Age now at a stage called an interglacial period where the ice caps have retreated toward the Poles. These cycle around 50 000-to 100 000 years for the past 20 million years. Modern estimates suggest 70 000 years as the next polar max. 


      Climatologists will point out that it is the rate of change caused by human activity that is the concern.

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   Economists will tell you that we live in a global economy where demand by consumers like us is met by suppliers from all over the world. Why do the Chinese produce so much? Because we want it as cheaply as possible and we don't really care how the energy or raw materials are provided  or how polluting the ships, planes railways and vans are.

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