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Climate Change thread

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9 hours ago, El Cid said:

Scientists have discovered “dark oxygen” being produced in the deep ocean, apparently by lumps of metal on the seafloor.




I very much believe in climate change, because that is what the experts believe.

But the above does show that they don't know everything, so there is uncertainty.

What an interesting article 👍 

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Ed Miliband has launched "Great British Energy" today.


Considering Labour are pushing through rejected planning applications for datacentres and welcoming more tech, you have to wonder if all this extra energy will go here instead.


Particularly as this was in the news today:

Datacenters guzzled more than a fifth of Ireland's electricity in 2023



A very good comment:



The amount of power being consumed by data centres (worldwide, not just in Ireland) is fast reaching an unsustainable level. In this day where more and more action is being taken to reduce carbon emissions and hence lower the threat of global warming, can we really afford huge data centres literally consuming megawatts of power each? I know that some data centres have attempted to go green (using sustainable power sources), but what we are seeing is but a drop in the ocean.

I think that governments should mandate the use of green power sources for all data centres (existing and new ones). If a data centre cannot or will not comply with this demand, then it is not simply not allowed to operate.



Bet you any money they haven't thought about that.

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On 24/07/2024 at 22:51, El Cid said:

The record for the world's hottest day has tumbled twice in one week, according to the European climate change service.

On Monday the global average surface air temperature reached 17.15C, breaking the record of 17.09C set on Sunday.

It beats the record set in July 2023, and it could break again this week.

I've just read a very interesting report, that shows that the rise in average temperatures in the UK is due to the increase in sunshine, ok seems a bit obvious but the reason we have more sunshine is because we have less air pollution.

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24 minutes ago, Uggy said:

I've just read a very interesting report, that shows that the rise in average temperatures in the UK is due to the increase in sunshine, ok seems a bit obvious but the reason we have more sunshine is because we have less air pollution.


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7 minutes ago, Uggy said:

Yes that's the purpose of debate and dissent.


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7 hours ago, Uggy said:

     A foreign funded charity fails in its educational role of informing the UK public because of its bias and its activities. It is reprimanded and warned and obliged to change its operation in order to conform.

Charity Commission:

“Our role isn’t to examine their (American Friends of Global Warming Policy Foundation, Global Warming Policy Foundation, Net Zero Watch) worldview, but to ensure that charities demonstrate that they are furthering their purposes for the public benefit. 

“All charities must comply with a range of legal obligations, which for educational charities includes ensuring balance across their outputs to allow people to make up their own minds.

“We have engaged with the Global Warming Policy Foundation on a range of regulatory issues in some detail and over many months. During that time, the charity has made changes and improvements both to its charitable activities, and its relationships with third parties

“We expect the trustees to now fully implement the proposed changes. On that basis, we are satisfied the concerns raised are now resolved.”


    My underline.

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