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Climate Change thread

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22 hours ago, Leo Tomlinson said:

Perhaps all the doubters will finally sit up and take notice now , From Australia to the Americas , Across Africa and Asia and now Europe the fires are spreading ,  climate change is now beyond doubt, we are now in a desperate situation unless temperatures drop within the next five or ten years .Get ready for the World population to start migrating North with our own Country being one on  the  fringe of this migration.     although the situation may include our own population looking for cooler climes in years to come .

The climate may be warming up, but it is by no means certain what is causing it, or, just as importantly, if we can do anything about it (at massive cost I would add).

I would have more time for these climate change obsessives if :

1 - They were realistic about what can actually be achieved as regards "nett zero". *

2 - They actually considered the alternative strategy of realistic measures and mitigating for any increased temperatures.

3 - They stopped banging on about home insulation like it was going to make a massive contribution, it isn't.

4 - It's often the same people banging on about the Climate emergency who were keen on exaggerating Covid to motivate people to suppress society, so, for me and many others, they've shot their bolt. I don't listen any more, they all exaggerate too much to be taken seriously. And they're doing it again, they say it's a national emergency because of the predicted 40 degree temperatures on Monday. Sod off.


* The Times (9 May 22 p36)

Treasury spurns call for net zero cost plan

The Treasury has rejected a request from MPs to come up with a “clear funding plan” for the cost of meeting the government target of being carbon-neutral by 2050 and detailed reporting on the impact of policies on costs for consumers and businesses.
The department was criticised by the Commons public accounts committee for having “no clear plan for how the transition to net zero will be funded” in a report published in March. MPs on the committee warned that the government’s ability to track its performance against the 2050 target was “hampered by vague performance measures, a lack of overall budget or plans to collate and report what it is spending and limited assessment of the cost impact on consumers”.

Edited by Chekhov
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14 minutes ago, Chekhov said:


4 - It's often the same people banging in about Climate Change who were keen on exaggerating Covid to motivate people to suppress society, so, for me and many others, they've shot their bolt. I don't listen any more, they all exaggerate too much to be taken seriously.

We all noticed that you "...don't listen any more...".

What else do the "... people banging in(?) about Climate Change (and) ...exaggerating Covid (do) to motivate people to suppress society..."?(my underlining).

Is this another Grand Conspiracy Theory you have uncovered all by yourself?

At least this time your contributions are harmless. 

Edited by Annie Bynnol
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Guest sibon
55 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

The climate may be warming up, but it is by no means certain what is causing it, or, just as importantly, if we can do anything about it


I don't listen any more, 






Electrical safety expert.

Road Safety Officer.




You have never listened. As evidenced by Justin Smith’s post history.

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1 hour ago, sibon said:



Electrical safety expert.

Road Safety Officer.




You have never listened. As evidenced by Justin Smith’s post history.

Beat me too it . Was going to say the forum expert on any subject, is now spouting on this one

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Malaga Spain and South Western France are on fire , peoples homes are at risk , And yet the Jet planes are taking off by the minute and people are still rushing to contribute to this madness , Who is so stupid as to want to sit in the middle of 40 plus degrees while breathing  in smoke and fumes is beyond belief .

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6 hours ago, Chekhov said:

The climate may be warming up, but it is by no means certain what is causing it, or, just as importantly, if we can do anything about it (at massive cost I would add).

Don't you listen to the climate scientists?

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2 hours ago, El Cid said:

Teachers are educated people, but NASA are the experts.

There are experts in other countries too.


The world has a great many problems. Some of them surprisingly simple, and well within the wit of man to solve, yet 'the experts' still haven't managed to sort them out. They have not been able to bring clean drinking water to every community. They have not been able to distribute food to all those that need it, yet preside over an overweight, bloated society with food to spare. 


If they cant get the feasible stuff right, what makes people think they can handle the tricky stuff?


Experts can be part of the problem. I'm not saying they can't be useful, but their arrogance is sometimes astounding and belongs in the 'do as I say, not as I do' world. They all have taskmasters with vested interests  which muddies the water and has them pulling in different directions, which is of no help to anyone. Beware experts, or at least temper them with a bit of critical thinking. They sometimes do more harm than good.

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