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Climate Change thread

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Fran Unsworth, the Director of BBC News, has issued new guidance to BBC journalists on how best to report climate change. They have been told that they no longer need to include contrarians like Nigel Lawson in any discussion on the subject and that the science does not need to be constantly challenged. This news was welcomed by climate change campaigners who have long criticized the approach traditionally adopted by the BBC.


It's like the coverage of a moon landing or the collapse of the twin towers on the 9/11, it would be wrong to have someone on a TV program every time saying that the moon landing etc. was faked.


No more Nigel Lawson, a non-expert on climate change.





Just like the lefty BBC just reporting one side of the argument. The tree hugging plastic sandal wearing unwashed brigade must be ecstatic.



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The moon landing has nothing to do with science, there are astronomers who think it was fake. Retep was questioning the fact of whether the earth was warming, very few scientists question that.


Roger Launius, now senior curator in the National Air and Space Museum’s Space History Division, discusses the belief that the moon landings never actually happened.




I'd say space exploration has a lot do with science, it would be pretty difficult without it.

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I'd say space exploration has a lot do with science, it would be pretty difficult without it.


Most people accept the climate science, is my point.

The science of the moon landing is not in question.


It is a fact, and accepted, that greenhouse gases exist.

It is accepted that there are more of these greenhouse gases.

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Here's some common sense on the subject. A clip of Michael Portillo on Andrew Niel's late night politics show.



Michael Portillo is very good on most things, but in that clip he was asking questions, not really saying anything is fake, just that things will be really difficult to change, which it will.

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Most people accept the climate science, is my point.

The science of the moon landing is not in question.


It is a fact, and accepted, that greenhouse gases exist.

It is accepted that there are more of these greenhouse gases.


You might want to amend post #17 then.

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I don't think Retep is into science.


I don't think you are into sense, now tell us how you are going to change the world,

and where in my posts do I question,


"Retep was questioning the fact of whether the earth was warming, very few scientists question that."

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I don't think you are into sense, now tell us how you are going to change the world,

and where in my posts do I question,


"Retep was questioning the fact of whether the earth was warming, very few scientists question that."


You posted a link -


The fate of the planet is at stake, but the key temperature data set used by climate models contains more than 70 different sorts of problems.
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