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Climate Change thread

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4 hours ago, Chekhov said:

Time to be positive....


OK today was a bit hot, rather unpleasant really, but even if there is a bit of global warming high 30s will still be relatively rare. 

Don't forget a two degree rise in temp would at least mean the winters wouldn't be as cold.....

Less cold feet and lower heating bills here we come !

And we'll be able to get our cars out without having to clear a load of snow and spread a load of salt all over the road (which makes our cars rust as well.....).

In the weather slot on ITN's 18:30 news tonight, the weather presenter stated that the UK is now experiencing twice as many days with temperatures over 30 degrees than it was 50 years ago the biggest increase has been in the last 20 years.  Therefore, there appears to be an obvious upward trend. 


I agree with you, I like the heat, that's why I go abroad.  I'd also like milder winters.  However, you have to remember, if there's a shift in climate to a more Mediterranean climate for the UK, the Mediterranean countries themselves will probably get sub-Saharan climates which would impact heavily on them. 


Also if warmer temperatures do move north, it will also possibly affect Arctic regions, further melting glaciers, releasing fresh water into the seas, not only raising sea level & destroying coastal communities but possibly shifting the flow of the Gulf Stream, so we in the UK might not get mild winters but the same winters as Northern Canada?

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16 minutes ago, sibon said:

South Yorkshire have declared a major incident because of multiple serious fires.



I wonder how these people would have coped in a  real emergency, like being bombed in WWII.

If a few fires is a "major incident", what would they call the Blitz ?

Modern society is populated by a load of wimps.


2 minutes ago, Baron99 said:

In the weather slot on ITN's 18:30 news tonight, the weather presenter stated that the UK is now experiencing twice as many days with temperatures over 30 degrees than it was 50 years ago the biggest increase has been in the last 20 years.  Therefore, there appears to be an obvious upward trend. 


I agree with you, I like the heat, that's why I go abroad.  I'd also like milder winters.  However, you have to remember, if there's a shift in climate to a more Mediterranean climate for the UK, the Mediterranean countries themselves will probably get sub-Saharan climates which would impact heavily on them. 


Also if warmer temperatures do move north, it will also possibly affect Arctic regions, further melting glaciers, releasing fresh water into the seas, not only raising sea level & destroying coastal communities but possibly shifting the flow of the Gulf Stream, so we in the UK might not get mild winters but the same winters as Northern Canada?

All I'm saying is there is always an upside, well almost always.

Edited by Chekhov
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8 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

If a few fires is a "major incident", what would they call the Blitz ?

Modern society is populated by a load of wimps.

Perhaps you aren't aware that "major incident" has a specific meaning within the emergency services:


"A major incident can be defined as any emergency that requires the implementation of special arrangements by one or more of the Emergency Services, the NHS or local Authority for:

  1. The initial treatment, rescue and transport of a large number of casualties.
  2. The involvement, either directly or indirectly, of large numbers of people.
  3. The handling of a large number of enquires likely to be generated, both from the public and the news media, usually to the Police.
  4. The need for large scale combined resources of the emergency services.
  5. The mobilisation and organisation of the emergency services and supporting organisations, e.g. local authority, to cater for the threat of death, serious injury or homelessness to a large number of people.

Overall coordination of major incidents, other than those that are purely fire related, will usually be the responsibility of the Police."

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Guest sibon
21 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

I wonder how these people would have coped in a  real emergency, like being bombed in WWII.

If a few fires is a "major incident", what would they call the Blitz ?

Modern society is populated by a load of wimps.


All I'm saying is there is always an upside, well almost always.

It was the hottest day ever recorded in the UK today. There are multiple fires ruining peoples property and endangering their lives.  Some of those fires are spreading through parched woodland and grassland. It has hardly rained for three months.

Feel free to trivialise if you like, let’s just hope that your properties aren’t amongst those that catch fire.  If they do, why not send the fire brigade away and just let them burn down, like they did in the blitz

You do know why major incidents are declared, don’t you?

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1 hour ago, sibon said:

It was the hottest day ever recorded in the UK today. There are multiple fires ruining peoples property and endangering their lives.  Some of those fires are spreading through parched woodland and grassland. It has hardly rained for three months.

Feel free to trivialise if you like, let’s just hope that your properties aren’t amongst those that catch fire.  If they do, why not send the fire brigade away and just let them burn down, like they did in the blitz

You do know why major incidents are declared, don’t you?

The Planets on fire ,or it was yesterday .

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Guest sibon
1 hour ago, Leo Tomlinson said:

The Planets on fire ,or it was yesterday .

It isn’t on fire, but it is reaching crisis point.


Or, summer as a few of our gammonic correspondents would call it.

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I'm doing what I can, as I'm sure are many people, but what is the government actually doing? 

 Apart from preaching at us, and clobbering the little man with sundry so called 'green'taxes.


Where is the investment in green infrastructure and housing? Where is the investment into tech research and development? Where is the legislation preventing big business with its many monstrous breaches of the rules? Where are the ideas for converting the modus operandi of our governments from mass consumerism and non stop 'growth,' into something more sustainable? Why is 'growth' still our main measure of success?  


Why are we manufacturing weapons and selling them all over the world, (including Ukraine) to trash the world, and in the same breath tell us not to drive our cars or fly on planes. Why is carbon trading even allowed? Why is there one rule for us and another for them?


This is a global situation which requires global solutions, so what the heck do they talk about at Davos etc?

Edited by Anna B
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1 minute ago, Anna B said:

I'm doing what I can, as I'm sure are many people, but what is the government actually doing? 

 Apart from preaching at us, and clobbering the little man with sundry so called 'green'taxes.


Where is the investment in green infrastructure and housing? Where is the investment into tech research and development? Where is the legislation preventing big business with its many monstrous breaches of the rules. Why is carbon trading allowed? Where are the ideas for converting the modus operandi of our governments from mass consumerism and non stop 'growth' into something more sustainable? Why is 'growth' still our main measure of success? 


Why are we manufacturing weapons and selling them all over the world, (including Ukraine) to trash the world, and in the same breath tell us not to drive our cars or fly on planes. Why is there one rule for us and another for them?


This is a global situation which requires global solutions, so what the heck do they talk about at Davos etc?

Is that just our government or all the governments at Davos?

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3 minutes ago, hackey lad said:

Is that just our government or all the governments at Davos?

As far as I'm aware it's all governments, or at least most of them. They have plenty of jollies when they all get together. It's about time they had something to show for it.

Edited by Anna B
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