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Climate Change thread

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Yes to the failings of data.


Joanne Nova has said ....


carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas and that adding more to it will warm the planet, yes, absolutely, that's all well proven solid science known for years, yes. I have no disagreement with any of that. Disagreement is with how much warming there is. Is it going to be a catastrophe or is it going to be 0.5 degrees and as far as we can see the evidence the empirical evidence, and there's lots of it, all seems to point to it being around about half a degree to maybe one degree with CO2 doubling which is not the catastrophic projections that are coming out from the climate models.


How can one person know better than the many computer models, NASA, NOAA, Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) and the IPCC?


Vested interest you say!

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Joanne Nova has said ....




How can one person know better than the many computer models, NASA, NOAA, Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) and the IPCC?


Vested interest you say!


Quick question, why so many models, if it's settled science shouldn't one be enough?


Why do the different models all give slightly different results?



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Quick question, why so many models, if it's settled science shouldn't one be enough?


Why do the different models all give slightly different results?




Scientists run many different experiments to simulate climates of the past, present and future. They also design tests to look at the performance of specific parts of different climate models. Modellers run experiments on what would happen if, say, we suddenly quadrupled CO2, or if geoengineering approaches were used to cool the climate.



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scientism -


excessive belief in the power of scientific knowledge and techniques.





Trust in your own observations and senses and you're a lot more likely to find the truth.


Belief in their experiments / data is just that,a belief nothing more.

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Scientists run many different experiments to simulate climates of the past, present and future. They also design tests to look at the performance of specific parts of different climate models. Modellers run experiments on what would happen if, say, we suddenly quadrupled CO2, or if geoengineering approaches were used to cool the climate.




Here's a question for you.. we know the temperatures in the past and we apparrently know the CO2 levels...has anyone ever run the models "backwards" to see if they give the actual temperatures that did exist..?

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You have accepted that temperatures are rising, if the data was manipulated, that is now in the open and corrected.


---------- Post added 16-10-2018 at 11:04 ----------


Here's a question for you.. we know the temperatures in the past and we apparrently know the CO2 levels...has anyone ever run the models "backwards" to see if they give the actual temperatures that did exist..?


How are Climate Models Tested?


Once a climate model is set up, it can be tested via a process known as “hind-casting.” This process runs the model from the present time backwards into the past. The model results are then compared with observed climate and weather conditions to see how well they match. This testing allows scientists to check the accuracy of the models and, if needed, revise its equations. Science teams around the world test and compare their model outputs to observations and results from other models.




Around the world, different teams of scientists have built and run models to project future climate conditions under various scenarios for the next century.


---------- Post added 16-10-2018 at 11:06 ----------


scientism -


excessive belief in the power of scientific knowledge and techniques.


Trust in your own observations and senses and you're a lot more likely to find the truth.


Belief in their experiments / data is just that,a belief nothing more.


Is there any other science that you think is false? Perhaps you just follow the crowd and don't actually know what the science of climate change means?

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scientism -


excessive belief in the power of scientific knowledge and techniques.





Trust in your own observations and senses and you're a lot more likely to find the truth.

Belief in their experiments / data is just that,a belief nothing more.


That's all very well, and normally I would agree with you, but climate change is not a regular feature of our everyday lives here in Britain with its benign climate.


I think you have to look further afield at other countries and the people who are much more affected by it.

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  • 1 month later...

Sir David Attenborough has made a speech informing all that climate change is man's greatest threat and the collapse of civilisation is on the horizon, further more he has told the UN climate summit that the fate of world is in their hands. Heady stuff indeed.

While his intentions are laudable his own actions are somewhat controversial in my opinion. The man has made a career of Jetting around the world making TV naturalist programmes, which are excellent, no doubt about it. But you have to wonder how much pollution he has added over the years on his many many plane trips while making his films. It smacks a little of the, do as I say, not do as I do mantra.



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