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23 minutes ago, Annie Bynnol said:


The temperatures were unpleasantly high in the City Centre and in workplaces with temperature thresholds high enough for the free salted orange squash/lager token to be issued(the last time?) at some of the steelworks.


Blimey Annie, I'd forgot about that, brings back memories..

The drinks machine at my place of work was programmed to issue free cold drinks...

As I've already mentioned, I'm sure it lasted 3 months. June-July-August.

Not a cloud, just blue skies for the duration.

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As a so-called "climate denier" (I'm more of a Catastrophic Man Made Global Warming Hype denier).


I recall delivering the Star back in 1952/3 or so.


The headline read "Sheffield sets heat record!", and I remember they said it was 83 degrees.


With the subsequent warmer summers over the next 50 years, or so, I became a global warmer.


That was until I really looked into the science, and found that the Left had commandeered and appropriated the issue in their fight against Western Capitalism.


I found they could, and did, blame any kind of weather on their Global Warming/Capitalism convergent theories.. Lots of hyped modelling and  predictions, and very little science. that goes on today. It became a lucrative cottage industry if you signed on to it, effective in separating the "planet carers" from the "deniers" along political lines.


The MSM picked up on the game, warning us that catastrophy was just around the corner, and flogging stock photos of a sick polar bear on a 10 foot aquare of ice, photoshpped pictures of New York an Miami under 30 feet of water.


All the result of "predictions, and modelling" by the "experts", but leaving always leaving out the qualifiers, that smart scientists include in their "predictions", If. and if, then, likely scenarios.


A reminder. You are only 2 "ifs" away from being a multimillionaire.

"If" you buy a lottery ticket, and "If" your number is drawn.  :)


But today's rhetoric contains little actual science.


The Media and politicians, and the true believers tell us, "scientists say".


But what exactly do scientists say?


Edited by trastrick
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1 hour ago, Annie Bynnol said:

There were plenty of moaners in 1976 particularly amongst the older population who had far less experience of 'continental' temperatures and did not have the 'holiday' clothes which most have nowadays. 

The temperatures were unpleasantly high in the City Centre and in workplaces with temperature thresholds high enough for the free salted orange squash/lager token to be issued(the last time?) at some of the steelworks.

In the suburbs, the stench of bin bags and stale milk that lasted for weeks and houses and buildings also warmed up over time and did not provide a cooler place to escape from the outside temperatures.

The shade temperatures and night minimum temperatures in Sheffield were never near what they were recently but the length of the heat wave caused different problems. A combination of the duration of 1976 and the recent high minimum temperatures does need to be planned for.


Incidentally your body can detect temperature differences of 0.2 degrees and our physiology triggers many responses to overheating and dehydration  which don't work as well amongst older people

They were mainly moaning about the lack of water and having to fetch it from a bowser on the street. I cannot recall our firm offering us anything to combat the heat and we worked on rolling mills. We had to work then, because we were on piece work, and if you did not work you did not earn anything.

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Guest sibon
31 minutes ago, trastrick said:

As a so-called "climate denier" (I'm more of a Catastrophic Man Made Global Warming Hype denier).


I recall delivering the Star back in 1952/3 or so.


The headline read "Sheffield sets heat record!", and I remember they said it was 83 degrees.


With the subsequent warmer summers over the next 50 years, or so, I became a global warmer.


That was until I really looked into the science, and found that the Left had commandeered and appropriated the issue in their fight against Western Capitalism.


I found they could, and did, blame any kind of weather on their Global Warming/Capitalism convergent theories.. Lots of hyped modelling and  predictions, and very little science. that goes on today. It became a lucrative cottage industry if you signed on to it, effective in separating the "planet carers" from the "deniers" along political lines.


The MSM picked up on the game, warning us that catastrophy was just around the corner, and flogging stock photos of a sick polar bear on a 10 foot aquare of ice, photoshpped pictures of New York an Miami under 30 feet of water.


All the result of "predictions, and modelling" by the "experts", but leaving always leaving out the qualifiers, that smart scientists include in their "predictions", If. and if, then, likely scenarios.


A reminder. You are only 2 "ifs" away from being a multimillionaire.

"If" you buy a lottery ticket, and "If" your number is drawn.  :)


But today's rhetoric contains little actual science.


The Media and politicians, and the true believers tell us, "scientists say".


But what exactly do scientists say?


Cool story. A lot of it irrelevant.


The claim that this is all some sort of left wing conspiracy is risible.


Go and see what the investment houses and pension funds are currently doing. You’ll find raw capitalism fully engaged with well researched science. Pension funds in particular need to take a long term view. They are all very busy trying to mitigate the effects of climate change on their investments. 

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Just now, sibon said:

Cool story. A lot of it irrelevant.


The claim that this is all some sort of left wing conspiracy is risible.


Go and see what the investment houses and pension funds are currently doing. You’ll find raw capitalism fully engaged with well researched science. Pension funds in particular need to take a long term view. They are all very busy trying to mitigate the effects of climate change on their investments. 

I didn't claim it was a "left wing conspiracy".


You made that up again!  :)


It's actually good business for the Mega Corporations, to embrace the prevaliing conventional wisdom.


In particular, for the Big Oil Corporations, it keeps the protesters away from their petrol stations!  :)


Pols and celebrities can also get a free pass for using their obscene levels of Fossil Fuels to fuel their private planes, yatchts, multiroomed multi mansions, and their fleets of cars.


I don't subscribe to the notion that the rich are stupid!  :)




Edited by trastrick
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1 hour ago, trastrick said:

A reminder. You are only 2 "ifs" away from being a multimillionaire.

"If" you buy a lottery ticket, and "If" your number is drawn.  :)

A flawed analogy.


Climate modelling is the equivalent of giving you some idea of "when" the lottery is going to be played, not "if" you will win. :loopy:


One thing is certain...


..."If" you don't buy a ticket you're not going to win "when" the draw happens. :roll:



Then there's the whole and somewhat obvious...


...lottery outcomes can't be modeled from historical data, which is not the case for climate modelling! :thumbsup:



Edited by Magilla
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Just now, Magilla said:

A flawed analogy.


Climate modelling is the equivalent of giving you some idea of "when" the lottery is going to be played, not "if" you will win. :loopy:


One thing is certain...


..."If" you don't buy a ticket you're not going to win "when" the draw happens. :roll:

Climate modelling is just that!


Modelling past events, and predicting various outcomes, depending on assumption of a series of ifs".  :)




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