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Climate Change thread

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2 hours ago, trastrick said:

Sometimes :


Aircraft do crash.


Bridges do fail


Electric has blackouts

None fail by random chance, those outcomes would be accurately predicted by the appropriate model if the same factors were fed into it... the outcome is not in doubt!


These are all examples of the sort of thing that happens if you ignore or dismiss problems and not address them.... addressing them would be the equivalent of your"ponzi-scheme" claims re: climate action...


...which highlights just how stupid and ill-thought through a comment it really was! :thumbsup:

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10 hours ago, CaptainSwing said:

If that's what you think, then what you've been "really looking into" is not "the science".


I think your knowledge of climate science is as shaky as your knowledge of set theory was shown to be a few months ago.

What you "think" is not my problem!  :)



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15 hours ago, CaptainSwing said:

If that's what you think, then what you've been "really looking into" is not "the science".


I think your knowledge of climate science is as shaky as your knowledge of set theory was shown to be a few months ago.

Having watched 'Big Oil vs the World' on BBC2 last night, it seems even the accredited Scientists and experts can't get their message across, when up against the vested interests of the Big Oil companies who spew lies, fake news and doubt with abandon in the interests of keeping their sales and profits up. 


How can scientists et al compete against these Mega rich Corporate Giants, who have the ear of governments and pay their own propaganda machine well to delay change and investment in new technology if it could threaten their mega bucks business. They care nothing for the planet or the people who inhabit it.They are richer than some countries, and are powerful enough to buy favourable research, and control governments, the media and the markets. 


Who is strong enough to stand up to these meglomaniac bullies?


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Just now, Anna B said:

Having watched 'Big Oil vs the World' on BBC2 last night, it seems even the accredited Scientists and experts can't get their message across, when up against the vested interests of the Big Oil companies who spew lies, fake news and doubt with abandon in the interests of keeping their sales and profits up. 


How can scientists et al compete against these Mega rich Corporate Giants, who have the ear of governments and pay their own propaganda machine well to delay change and investment in new technology if it could threaten their mega bucks business. They care nothing for the planet or the people who inhabit it.They are richer than some countries, and are powerful enough to buy favourable research, and control governments, the media and the markets. 


Who is strong enough to stand up to these meglomaniac bullies?


You can blame "Big Oil", but where would you be without it? Do you ever drive? Cook with gas? Take a bus?


It's the "Paris Accord" Europeans that cannot give up their addiction to Russian Fossil Fuel Oil and Gas.


Since the Ukraine War started they have paid Putin some $31 billion at inflated prices, and it continues.


In 2021 alone they paid Putin $101 billion.


And every penny helps finance Putin's war on the hapless Ukrainians.


Not to mention what it is doing to my planet!  :)


I'm outraged too, but not necessarily against "Big Oil".

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11 minutes ago, Magilla said:

...but being lampooned for getting basic facts wrong or failing to understand your own links... you're all in! :thumbsup:

Nonsense, it's  an old trolling trick.


Refer to some old completed discussion, misqote it, then generalise about all posts.


If somebody want's to discuss a post in full contex, best to repeat the specific post in full.


As I've said before I'll be happy to re-open that discussion.


But I won't respond to generalisations from the usual critics.


Life's too short, for some of us!  :)


To those, I just say, "so's yer old man!"


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3 minutes ago, trastrick said:

Refer to some old completed discussion, misqote it, then generalise about all posts.

Is your M.O...


...the quick generalisation of Hutchinson's recent testimony as all false, because there was some minor doubt about a tiny part of that testimony highlights just how quick you are to to do the very same... then there's the whole Roe thread... a car crash of your own making...


  ...like Trumps presidency! :thumbsup: :?


3 minutes ago, trastrick said:

If somebody want's to discuss a post in full contex, best to repeat the specific post in full.

...and when they do... you ignore 99% of it, and concentrate on trying to muddy the waters by spouting more miss-information completely unrelated to the original point! :?


3 minutes ago, trastrick said:

As I've said before I'll be happy to re-open that discussion.


But I won't respond to generalisations from the usual critics.

There's no need to re-open anything. you were wrong and did nothing more than highlighted your extreme gullibility! :thumbsup:


3 minutes ago, trastrick said:

Life's too short, for some of us!  :)

Aye, let's not address any issues I won't be around to be affected by! :thumbsup:


3 minutes ago, trastrick said:

Nonsense, it's  an old trolling trick.

...and you got rumbled long ago :thumbsup:

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Just now, Magilla said:


Is your M.O...


...the quick generalisation of Hutchinson's recent testimony as all false, because there was some minor doubt about a tiny part of that testimony highlights just how quick you are to to do the very same... then there's the whole Roe thread... a car crash of your own making...


  ...like Trumps presidency! :thumbsup: :?


...and when they do... you ignore 99% of it, and concentrate on trying to muddy the waters by spouting more miss-information completely unrelated to the original point! :?


There's no need to re-open anything. you were wrong and did nothing more than highlighted your extreme gullibility! :thumbsup:


Aye, let's not address any issues I won't be around to be affected by! :thumbsup:


...and you got rumbled long ago :thumbsup:

In your opinion!  :)  


Politeness, and my good humor prevents me from returning your personal insults.  :)


No time for that childish nonsense!  :)





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As a change from the whining, griping and sniping, blaming, and demands for ever more spending and tranfers of wealth from the developed world to the undeveloped world, it's time for some science here.

Which is sorely missing from these threads.



Press Release


"Climate Change ‘Biggest Threat Modern Humans Have Ever Faced’, World-Renowned Naturalist Tells Security Council, Calls for Greater Global Cooperation"


With similar rhetoric echoed by Western World Leaders, and the World Health Organization.


And with only a few years left to avoid "catastrophe" they say, it deserves a more serious discussion.


"Scientists say" is a frequently used intro to the perils of Global Warming, aka Climate Change aka Extreme weather events, by politicians, MSM, and the climate pontificates.


But what exactly are scientists saying?


Since 1979 the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has been monitoring the Earth's temperature by satellite.


Likewise the National Snow and Ice Data Center has been monotoring the polar ice (at both Poles)


So we have a 43 year old record of satellite observations, that do not rely on ground stations, sea buoys, weather balloons, ice core samples or tree ring analysis.


Here's their latest published data.


Earth's Temperature




Polar Ice Cover


North Pole





South Pole




So how catastrophic is it? How imminent?


Feel free to comment!


My own observation is that life has survived some 3.7 billion years on Earth.


Are we really to believe that the planet will die in  catastrophe in the mere lifetime of a global warmer?


Are they THAT special?


(Note: the links came in as graphics. Right click on the graphic for the source!)


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