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Climate Change thread

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Just now, El Cid said:

That is a good lifestyle. Many households have two/three cars.

Population increase is a major factor, you would massively increase your carbon footprint if you have three/four children.

I have two! (children)


They have no children!



Just now, Annie Bynnol said:

Your flights?

Rare and necessary! Medical and family matters.


And no other way to get off the Island :)




A couple doors away from where I live, they opened a wood burning pizza oven place. The real McCoy!


Thanks to a bad habit picked up in Toronto, after rice, beans exotic fruits and vegatables and little chicken or pork everday, the odor wafting through the neighborhood is sometimes irrisistablle.


My Dominican partner doesn't approve, and she's the only one who's opinion I value!  :)



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2 minutes ago, Annie Bynnol said:

When you say that you have posted "...the entire satelllite record, from 1979..." from NOAA,  and added random polar maps and graphical interpretations data it gives the impression that you are not familiar with the subject.


NOAA currently operate nearly 20 satellites, they have previously operated at least 30 (known) satellites since 1970.

They also belong to international data sharing systems enabling 24 hour cover and different types of sensors and penetrating observation methods. Since the Arctic Ocean would have been the seen main attacks from the Soviet Union,  Arctic ice has been the focus of continuous $billion research budgets, covertly by US Navy and more openly by NOAA. The reasons these budget spends are never ending is that Artic ice changes are never ending and unpredictable.

Only a tiny fraction of satellite time would be allocated to measuring the extent of the sea ice in the Arctic as there are far more important observations to make.


To help you prove your point, focus on continental Antarctica as that is where the 'Climate Change' activists claims are weakest. The Arctic data is too easily manipulated and emotive(Polar Bears are better adapted to live and hunt on land than on sea ice-the issue is more to do with human encroachment). Continental Antarctica has by a factor of 100 more effect on sea level rise.

Another factor ignored by the activists is: A major limiting factor that controls plant growth is the low level of  CO2 in the atmosphere. 

I consider that NOAA and NASA are the only valid sources of continuous monitoring of the whole Earth's temps and ice cover.


I posted what they have. The source data is available through the links.


If you have other sources other than "Climate Change activists" please post them.


We're all aware of what climate activists are saying!  :)


Only too well!


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38 minutes ago, Magilla said:

The data isn't at issue, your complete failure to understand or interpret it is. :roll:


Which is why they don't appear to agree with your assessment! :thumbsup:


The NOAA's Climate page:






And which "assessment" is that, exactly?


(he asked knowingly, for the usual response)


By the way your usual personal childish insults were missing from your last post.


I see you are making a little progress, in that department, at least.


Well done!

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49 minutes ago, trastrick said:

And which "assessment" is that, exactly?

That efforts to tackle climate change are "ponzi schemes". :roll:


49 minutes ago, trastrick said:

By the way your usual personal childish insults were missing from your last post.

Oh sorry, must have forgot... yes, you still don't understand the graphs you posted, you're still hopelessly ill-informed and staggeringly gullible. :thumbsup:


Here's the data from all those NOAA graphs summed up.





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Just now, Magilla said:

That efforts to tackle climate change are "ponzi schemes". :roll:


Oh sorry, must have forgot... yes, you still don't understand the graphs you posted, you're still hopelessly ill-informed and staggeringly gullible. :thumbsup:


Here's the data from all those NOAA graphs summed up.





Summed up by who?  :)


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Just now, trastrick said:

That efforts to tackle climate change are "ponzi schemes". :roll:

Ah, we're finally getting somewhere. almost, but not quite!  :)


Here's what I said, and I quote:


"Presumably the environment was ok, before the Industrial Revolution freed the serfs, and created a middle class, and a world economy.


Wreck the economy, and there's no money for such niceties as Green New Deals, and wealth tranfers from the rich countries to the poorer ones.


The "cost" of these GNDs is touted as a "small " percentage of Western Developed Nations GDP.


Problem with the socialist accounting, is that it's based on the current Fossil Fuel driven, Capitalist markets driven GDP.


Their called for "Fundamental Change" to the World's economies would doubtless affect the continuing positive GDP, in ways that nobody can predict, since it would all be done on borrowed money.


A giant Ponzi scheme."


Now when you Rob Peter to Pay Paul. (transfer of wealth to undeveloped nations)


And do it on money you don't have (borrowing from future generations to pay for your bills now, and creating spiraling and "unsustainable" (The Guardian) National Debt)


What do you have?  :)


Feel free to disagree, but I stand by my post.


Just now, Magilla said:

The NOAA! :thumbsup: :roll:

Ah, the last 1500 years!


But links are always useful.


Mankind seemed to thrive in the last 1500 years, if you read the history books.


And still thriving!  :)


Nicer houses, telly, computers, and sofa. A car? Holiday in Spain?


And down at the corner fresh meat and produce from around the World.


You never had it so good, or so they say.  :)


Don't let folks get you in a dreadful fear of the future.  :)


Feel free to transfer your own wealth to Nigeria and the Mad Mullahs in Afghanisan.


But don't steal it from generations unborn.


(and keep you hands off my wallet - But I've already taken care of that)










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Just now, trastrick said:

And do it on money you don't have (borrowing from future generations to pay for you bills now, and creating spiraling and "unsustainable" (The Guardian) National Debt)


...and yet you cheer lead for the party, people and policies that have exacerbated it more than most! :roll:


Donald Trump Built a National Debt So Big (Even Before the Pandemic) That It’ll Weigh Down the Economy for Years:



Maybe you should take a leaf out of his book:



Just now, trastrick said:

What do you have?

Less problems, damage and cost than the real "ponzi-scheme" of doing nothing :roll:

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11 minutes ago, trastrick said:

Ah, the last 1500 years!


But links are always useful.

It has "NOAA" stamped on it so it seemed fairly obvious :?


11 minutes ago, trastrick said:

Mankind seemed to thrive in the last 1500 year, if you read the history books.


And still thriving!  :)

Well thanks for highlighting your complete failure to comprehend the issues at hand! :thumbsup:

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Just now, Magilla said:


...and yet you cheer lead for the party, people and policies that have exacerbated it more than most! :roll:


Donald Trump Built a National Debt So Big (Even Before the Pandemic) That It’ll Weigh Down the Economy for Years:



Maybe you should take a leaf out of his book:



Less problems, damage and cost than the real "ponzi-scheme" of doing nothing :roll:

Doing "nothing" is not a definition of a Ponzi Scheme.


Look it up!  :)


Just now, Magilla said:

It has "NOAA" stamped on it so it seemed fairly obvious :?


A link usuallly contains the source. Why no link?


Things like a date, for example!


Not that I don't trust you!  Heaven forbid!  :)


But I had my morning fun with you, now I got to go lived my llfe as a "plague on the planet", according to some.


We'll have a good laugh about that down at the beach shack, over a cold beer!


See ya later! 


(Maybe, if you keep it clean!)  :)



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