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Climate Change thread

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Guest sibon
17 minutes ago, top4718 said:

Guardian boy is pumped full of the MSM's garbage on a daily basis, his views are so slanted they'd slide off a level surface.


When the penny drop that your being played, I've explained how it works in an earlier thread, pump the narrative, suppress anything that counters it easy peasy when you have so many gullible people.


Are any of the believers up for paying extra taxes towards this claptrap I'm sure if you volunteer they'll snatch your hand off.


I take it you've given up flying, owning a car and have totally renewable energy sources in your caves, you know to save da planet.


Jesus wept.

That’s me convinced .




Who could possibly argue with a word of that well reasoned argument?


Still waiting for the data, sadly.

Maybe tomorrow..,

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1 hour ago, sibon said:


Follow Toppy. He’s got this all figured out. Evidenced. And sorted

I believe every country and their scientific bodies believe in man made climate change, every UK political party, but you think we should follow Topsy 🤣

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Guest sibon
6 hours ago, El Cid said:

I believe every country and their scientific bodies believe in man made climate change, every UK political party, but you think we should follow Topsy 🤣

I might not have been entirely serious when making that suggestion.

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In the forty's and fifty's  I had ten army blankets on my bed in wwinter , plus a fire in the upstairs grate  in mams bedroom , the inside of the windows were always covered in thick frost in winter , The snow was some times 6ft deep  (1947) , today my bedroom window is open all year around ,  very rarely do i need a blanket , some times no snow at all even up here in the foothills of the Pennines . So has the climate changed       of course it has it always has done .

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'Becoming a  Conspiracy Theorist'* A  guide to becoming a successful Conspiracy Theorist in your own world.



Remove any empathy from your work as this is a sign of weakness.

The only emotion you should portray is a shouty/angry.

Never use science or statistics numbers as your readers will find you out that you haven't got a clue.

Use obscure American links and/or links to people with titles unrelated to the subject.


Don't use sentences like the following as they give the impression you are preaching and that you are superior:

"...suppress anything that counters it easy peasy when you have so many gullible people"

."Hope the gullible swallow it (they clearly do)"

"...some people are so gullible. "

"...you can apply the same pattern with Convid or climate garbage:"

"...grease a few palms and you can always get the data you want"

"Suppress anyone or anything that counters these claims"

"Its quite notable that the same people who are cheerleaders for this are also the ones that were fully behind the catastrophic Covid nonsense,"

"Collected and modelled data that's mollycoddled to produce a particular outcome."



*also appears in 'How to fail to persuade people'.

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1 hour ago, Leo Tomlinson said:

So has the climate changed of course it has it always has done .

You haven't been alive all that time, so I assume that you follow the scientists research.

Ice cores, tree rings and many things beyond ordinary people's knowledge.

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12 hours ago, top4718 said:

There's plenty of data out there showing that climate changed is mostly governed by solar activity

There's also an overwhelming amount of data showing that it is not possible to explain the warming of the past 60 years on the basis of solar activity alone, and that any effects are much smaller than the total net human influence of the climate system through the emission of greenhouse gases and other factors.


Then there's that the Sun has been heading towards, or within, a deep solar minimum recently...


...the energy coming from the Sun was at its weakest in 2019, for the last 100 years!  :?


So I'd love to see this "data" that explains how less energy being input into the system leads to higher temperatures without some blanketing effect change within the the atmosphere...


...where is it?



and nothing to do with anything mankind is doing but that won't make anyone any money so it's debunked.

That is not why it's totally debunked! :?


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On 03/08/2022 at 22:06, El Cid said:

I am sure the UK will too. But surely all countries will be pushing for more wind and solar power.

Without David Cameron pushing for more renewables, we would be in a much worse position now. My solar panels are certainly bring down my energy bill. Those at the bottom of the economy have been eligible for free solar panels for years, some still are.


"researchers estimate the United States will have more than 720,000 tons of blade material to dispose of over the next 20 years, a figure that does not include newer, taller higher-capacity wind turbines."


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If you are not worried about "The Greatest Threat to Humankind", you should be.


Here's a "peer reviewed" analysis by an "International team of experts", from today's The Guardian



They don't mince words, either!


Climate End Game, Human extinction, Catastrophe, Disaster, Apocaliyptic disaster, Extreme consequences, Famine, Extreme weather, War, Disease, Catastrophic, Mass extinction event, Disaster, Financial crises, New disease outbreaks, Calamities, Deadly heatwaves, Major droughts, Fires, Povery, Crop failures, are all posited in their "analysis".


They can find not one, not one, benefit in a greening world, such as:


Proof that life is getting better for humainity in 5 charts.


NASA - Carbon Dioxide Fertilization Greening Earth, Study Finds


They leave it to the politicians and celebrities to put a time line on the End of Times, and how much money you must spend (borrow) now, to head off this catastrope


Serious stuff to scare the every man, woman and child on Earth.


Of course, in any science, there are skeptics, and that's a good thing, if science is to progress.


But governments may not be the ones to solve the coming catastrophe.


Europe is paying Putin, $billions for his Fossil Fuels, and China has withdrawn it's climate change co-operation with the West, in response to Nancy Pelosi's recent junket to poke another Totalitarian Bear over Taiwan.


So much for the Paris Accords  :)


I'll be long gone before y'all get it sorted out, so Good Luck!


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27 minutes ago, trastrick said:

If you are not worried about "The Greatest Threat to Humankind", you should be.


Here's a "peer reviewed" analysis by an "International team of experts", from today's The Guardian



They don't mince words, either!


Climate End Game, Human extinction, Catastrophe, Disaster, Apocaliyptic disaster, Extreme consequences, Famine, Extreme weather, War, Disease, Catastrophic, Mass extinction event, Disaster, Financial crises, New disease outbreaks, Calamities, Deadly heatwaves, Major droughts, Fires, Povery, Crop failures, are all posited in their "analysis".


They can find not one, not one, benefit in a greening world, such as:


Proof that life is getting better for humainity in 5 charts.

Acknowledges all of the climactic disasters, and states that unless action is taken then there is no reason to assume that this trend would continue.


The article highlights that the issues and threats are real, that action must be taken and that we're in a better position to do so now, than ever!



NASA - Carbon Dioxide Fertilization Greening Earth, Study Finds

“Studies have shown that plants acclimatize, or adjust, to rising carbon dioxide concentration and the fertilization effect diminishes over time.”


While rising carbon dioxide concentrations in the air can be beneficial for plants, it is also the chief culprit of climate change. The gas, which traps heat in Earth’s atmosphere, has been increasing since the industrial age due to the burning of oil, gas, coal and wood for energy and is continuing to reach concentrations not seen in at least 500,000 years. The impacts of climate change include global warming, rising sea levels, melting glaciers and sea ice as well as more severe weather events.





They leave it to the politicians and celebrities to put a time line on the End of Times, and how much money you must spend (borrow) now, to head off this catastrope

Did you even bother to read them, beyond the headline?



Of course, in any science, there are skeptics, and that's a good thing, if science is to progress.

Yeah, but they're not skeptics because they have no clue about the issues involved, or data, to support their position... quite the opposite!


None of these articles are skeptical about the issues related to climate change, the reasons for it, or the need to take action.



But governments may not be the ones to solve the coming catastrophe.

Perhaps, but as your first link makes clear, doesn't mean it isn't coming! :?

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