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1 hour ago, onewheeldave said:

Just to clarify- are you saying you have the central heating on 4hrs a day now [august22]?

No obviously not, it's about 4 hours a day in the winter, about 2 hours in the morning and 2 or 3 hours in the evening. Longer on a weekend, but still not on all day.


6 minutes ago, Carl said:

I'd suggest that most people live in a parallel universe relative to the one you appear to inhabit...

They certainly do if they thought suppressing society and the economy (to a greater or lesser extent) for about two years wasn't going to have massively damaging effects. I still cannot believe how naive they were (and many of them still are), it's laughable how they are trying to deny what is increasingly right in front of their faces. 

Similarly people who think insulating people's houses is the answer to the "climate emergency", it's BS.

Edited by Chekhov
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2 hours ago, nightrider said:

Do you have a big house? Have never paid 1500 a year in my leaky Victoria terrace even with heating on all day.

No, we have a three bedroom house which is by no means "large". It is a detached, which I accept makes it slightly harder to heat than a semi (or even more so a terraced) , but not that much.

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2 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

No, we have a three bedroom house which is by no means "large". It is a detached, which I accept makes it slightly harder to heat than a semi (or even more so a terraced) , but not that much.

Mine's a 2000 sq ft detached house, and before this nonsense started  I was paying around £850 per annum, with the thermostat set to 20 degrees all day/evening.   I think there is something drastically wrong with your setup.

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43 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

Thus answering the question is a lose lose for climate emergency wallahs and therefore they are not keen to answer it.


Yes, a child could see it's a limited option question obviously designed to have a gotcha from you as the payoff.  So not an invitation to discuss a topic, so why would your targets bother to  engage?


Not all questions are adequately answered by yes or no, (as illustrated by Annie B above).

Edited by Tyke02
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1 hour ago, sibon said:

What is that supposed to mean?

I am reluctant to continue this discussion, but, for the sake of completeness, if you did not mean to say (or even imply) that there was no support for "nett Zero" on here, what did this mean ? :


Which members of SF have advocated nett zero?


36 minutes ago, Tyke02 said:

Yes, a child could see it's a limited option question obviously designed to have a gotcha from you as the payoff.  So not an invitation to discuss a topic, so why would your targets bother to  engage?


Not all questions are adequately answered by yes or no, (as illustrated by Annie B above).

It is a perfectly reasonable question, and one of the answers is a qualified yes anyway, thus the apparent reluctance to answer it speaks volumes :


Bearing in mind the eye watering power bills that people are expecting (which many simply cannot afford), plus the possibility of power cuts if the wind doesn't blow or the rain does not replenish Norwegian Hydro reservoirs (or whatever), would you support reopening (or keeping open) some of the UK's coal fired power stations ? :


1 - No

2 - Yes but only for a limited period (and if so how long)

3 - Yes


50 minutes ago, Tyke02 said:

Mine's a 2000 sq ft detached house, and before this nonsense started  I was paying around £850 per annum, with the thermostat set to 20 degrees all day/evening.   I think there is something drastically wrong with your setup.

How many people have you got living there ?


Our bills were fixed in July 21, so not quite "before all this nonsense", but much cheaper than they are now.

I have checked up and our predicted annual cost is about £1100.


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8 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

It is a perfectly reasonable question, and one of the answers is a qualified yes anyway, thus the apparent reluctance to answer it speaks volumes :


It really isn't, it falls into the category that an old boss of mine used to call: "Have you stopped beating your wife" questions.  The fact that you can't see that is rather telling. 

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8 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

I am reluctant to continue this discussion, but, for the sake of completeness, if you did not mean to say (or even imply) that there was no support for "nett Zero" on here, what did this mean ? :


Which members of SF have advocated nett zero?



You don’t get to decide what people debate on here. You aren’t in charge, despite your narcissistic delusions . Don’t forget that.


I really don’t think that I can phrase that question any more simply. You suggested that there were numerous people on this forum who advocated net zero. 
The question is an attempt to get you to justify your statement.  I asked it, because I think that your original statement was a fantasy. 

It appears that I’m correct.



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20 minutes ago, Chekhov said:

Our bills were fixed in July 21, so not quite "before all this nonsense", but much cheaper than they are now.

I have checked up and our predicted annual cost is about £1100.

But you said: "our bills (still pegged at 2020 rates.....) were £1500 a year".  More hyperbole perhaps?

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31 minutes ago, sibon said:

I really don’t think that I can phrase that question any more simply. You suggested that there were numerous people on this forum who advocated net zero. 

Not conclusive I know, but a search on here for "nett zero" gives 19 hits, and 15 of them seem to be Chekhov complaining about it.

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28 minutes ago, Tyke02 said:

Not conclusive I know, but a search on here for "nett zero" gives 19 hits, and 15 of them seem to be Chekhov complaining about it.

I bet the other four are me asking the unanswered question.

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