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2 hours ago, Tyke02 said:

It really isn't, it falls into the category that an old boss of mine used to call: "Have you stopped beating your wife" questions.  The fact that you can't see that is rather telling. 

It is not the same as the question "have you stopped beating your wife at all", unless one considers switching off coal fired power stations was a huge negative (like "beating your wife" is in your example).

 If climate change activists are proud of having coal fired power stations switched off, which I assume they are, why is asking "should coal fired power stations be reopened (to alleviate the present sky high power bills and the possible power outages) be an unreasonable question to ask ?


2 hours ago, sibon said:

You don’t get to decide what people debate on here. You aren’t in charge, despite your narcissistic delusions . Don’t forget that.

I really don’t think that I can phrase that question any more simply. You suggested that there were numerous people on this forum who advocated net zero. 
The question is an attempt to get you to justify your statement.  I asked it, because I think that your original statement was a fantasy. 

It appears that I’m correct

This is a pointless discussion but you implied that there were no people on here in favour of nett zero, so, if you are right in your guess then the fact that the government (and in fact all political parties) are forcing that on us that is an appalling and undemocratic state of affairs, which I am sure you would agree with.

Have you just backed yourself into a corner ?

Edited by Chekhov
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2 hours ago, Tyke02 said:

But you said: "our bills (still pegged at 2020 rates.....) were £1500 a year".  More hyperbole perhaps?

I had forgotten exactly when, but I wouldn't have thought there is enough difference between £1100 and £1500 to be worth arguing about., particularly when compared to the difference between predicted Omicron deaths and actual.......

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16 minutes ago, Chekhov said:



This is a pointless discussion but you implied that there were no people on here in favour of nett zero, so, if you are right in your guess then the fact that the government (and in fact all political parties) are forcing that on us that is an appalling and undemocratic state of affairs, which I am sure you would agree with.

Have you just backed yourself into a corner ?

I haven’t reached any judgement about how many, if any, of the members of this forum back net zero.


The supposition is all inside your head.


Now. Can we have the names of the SF posters who have backed net zero, please. 

Then we can discuss your tedious question from a more informed point of view.


Don’t be shy.

Edited by sibon
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13 minutes ago, Jeffrey Shaw said:

Someone once said that it takes genius to be an island (like GB):

a. surrounded by water, yet often facing drought; and

b. standing on >300yrs of coal, yet often facing energy crises!

Hmmm... :huh:

Well I'm no 'genius' (although I do have aspirations of one day becoming a 'forum expert') so...

... my inner pedant would like to know if anyone knows of an island NOT surrounded by water! :suspect:

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3 minutes ago, Mr Bloke said:

Hmmm... :huh:

Well I'm no 'genius' (although I do have aspirations of one day becoming a 'forum expert') so...

... my inner pedant would like to know if anyone knows of an island NOT surrounded by water! :suspect:

Isle of Axholme

Isle of Ely

Isle of Dogs

Canvey Island

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2 hours ago, Chekhov said:

It is not the same as the question "have you stopped beating your wife at all", unless one considers switching off coal fired power stations was a huge negative (like "beating your wife" is in your example).

Hard to believe this needs an explanation but the similarity is in the structure of the question.  Both are closed questions expecting a yes or no answer.  In my example if the alleged abuser answers no, he is admitting he is still beating his wife, so looks bad.  If he answers yes, then he is admitting that he used to, so looks bad.  It might be that he never beat his wife, but forcing a yes/no answer to a question that isn't adequately answered by either of the options he is pushed towards.  


That sort of interrogation, since you are insisting somebody answers, just looks like you trying to force your opinions on others, rather than giving your opinions and exploring theirs.  You might think you are winning an argument with this sort of thing, but a positional approach like yours seldom changes anyone else's opinion.

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3 hours ago, Chekhov said:

I had forgotten exactly when, but I wouldn't have thought there is enough difference between £1100 and £1500 to be worth arguing about., particularly when compared to the difference between predicted Omicron deaths and actual.......

The difference between 850 and 1500 is 600, enough to think that something is wrong with  the picture.  850 and 1100 are close enough that I wouldn't have bother to comment.  I guess you were inflating the size of the bill to start with to support your argument that insulation cannot achieve useful savings.  

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3 hours ago, Chekhov said:

This is a pointless discussion but you implied that there were no people on here in favour of nett zero, so, if you are right in your guess then the fact that the government (and in fact all political parties) are forcing that on us that is an appalling and undemocratic state of affairs, which I am sure you would agree with.

The manifesto on which the Conservatives won a landslide election victory in 2019 included a pledge to reach nett zero by 2050.  That is how the democratic process works, not by straw polls of anonymous people on local internet forums.

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