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Climate Change thread

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1 hour ago, trastrick said:

Update Part 2


The environmetalists, the politicians, The United Nations, and the Globalist agencies IMF, WHO and the Media are telling us that we face a "Catastrophic Threat" from climate change, formerly referred to as global warming, that we have a limited amount of time to deal with the issue, and that time is running out.


The solution they propose is to keep the Earth's temperaure from exceeding 1.5 degrees over pre-industrial levels (see Paris Accords)


So my earlier post discussed the proposed changes to the way the World does business, and the costs that these changes may incur.


But I learned over my career,  that "solutions" to any problem, are not really viable or productive unless the "problem" itself is fully identified and understood.


The problem stated is that the Earth is Warming at a rate that will have a catastrophic effect on the planet, and by extention, the human race, in a relatively short period of time.


Various causes of a warming Earth are postulated, including natural and historic variation, such as ice ages and interglacial periods (solar energy variation) but the overwhelming cause of this relatively rapid warming is, according to "scientific consensus", man made emissions, and mainly from the use of fossil fuels.


The scientific studies of past climate are combined with modelled projections of the future, to indicate the severity of the problem.


Climate is generally considered to be an aggregate of weather, over a minimum period of 30 years.


Today we have a consistent satellite record of continuous monitoring of the Earth's temperature, and Ice Cover at the Poles, over the last 43 years (NOAA and NASA).

This can tell us what the average temperature and Polar Ice cover has been, and is a take off point for future projections.


NOAA and NASA have recorded and published this information for every month since 1979 and is updated.


Here's what the updated information looks like, as at September


First, the Global average Temperaure since 1979 (NOAA data)






Then we have Polar Ice Cover (NSIDC)






Now I make no "interpretations" of this scientific data, I'll leave it to posters to interpret.


The question would be, is the empirical science, supporting the view that "Catastrophic Climate Change" is "imminent"?


Does the actual science support the political "narrative".


You decide!


Next up. Global Warming and "Extreme Weather".

I am glad I do not have to spend any time on your"..."interpretations"...again.

As last time you could actually read the source for professional scientists interpretation of the current data before adding your political beliefs.

At least this time we are looking at the minimum/maximum data. ice


Polar ice cover is not a direct measurement of any one factor affecting climate and is a result of many different push/pull factors. But sea ice is far more responsive to temperature change than land ice and so the data from both poles is in line with the model that predicts the changes. 

You, the climate activists and other politicos can debate as much as you like and continue selecting the bits that that justify your politics while the scientists, mathematicians and statisticians continue to refine the model that will determine how this change is managed.


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I'm pretty sure governments used convid as test to see no matter how ridiculous their policies/rules are they'd see how many of the population would fall for it and comply, they could have said gluing a Cornish pasty to your head prevents covid and a good number of people would have been straight down to the local butchers to purchase some, they've tested the water and now know that any nonsense they push (and make vast sums of money from) will be accepted by the dim.

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20 minutes ago, top4718 said:

I'm pretty sure governments used convid as test to see no matter how ridiculous their policies/rules are they'd see how many of the population would fall for it and comply, they could have said gluing a Cornish pasty to your head prevents covid and a good number of people would have been straight down to the local butchers to purchase some, they've tested the water and now know that any nonsense they push (and make vast sums of money from) will be accepted by the dim.

All the symptoms of a Conspiracy Theorist:

Vocabulary- "convid"

The enemy-  "governments"

Secret plot-  to  "...test..." the population.

Stupidity- bakers prepare Cornish pasties in Cornwall. 

Insulting-"...the dim."


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1 minute ago, Annie Bynnol said:

All the symptoms of a Conspiracy Theorist:

Vocabulary- "convid"

The enemy-  "governments"

Secret plot-  to  "...test..." the population.

Stupidity- bakers prepare Cornish pasties in Cornwall. 

Insulting-"...the dim."


The fact that you believe this absolute garbage is no surprise whatsoever, lets have a new "green" tax that all the gullible can sign up to and give up a good percentage of their hard earned to support this claptrap while us "conspiracy theorists" just get on with things, we'll all still be around in 50 years to see who was right (clue - it won't be you).

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1 hour ago, top4718 said:

I'm pretty sure governments used convid as test to see no matter how ridiculous their policies/rules are they'd see how many of the population would fall for it and comply, they could have said gluing a Cornish pasty to your head prevents covid and a good number of people would have been straight down to the local butchers to purchase some, they've tested the water and now know that any nonsense they push (and make vast sums of money from) will be accepted by the dim.

I’ve quoted this, just to make sure that Toppers can’t delete it when he wakes tomorrow morning. 

It is a priceless post in so many ways and now it is preserved for posterity.


And, btw, a bakery would be a good place to source a Cornish pasty.

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9 hours ago, top4718 said:

The fact that you believe this absolute garbage is no surprise whatsoever, lets have a new "green" tax that all the gullible can sign up to and give up a good percentage of their hard earned to support this claptrap while us "conspiracy theorists" just get on with things, we'll all still be around in 50 years to see who was right (clue - it won't be you).

Agreed.  The green tax should be a voluntary tax for those who think climate change is caused by us.

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11 minutes ago, spilldig said:

Agreed.  The green tax should be a voluntary tax for those who think climate change is caused by us.

Are any taxes voluntary?

The one scientific fact that people should look at when assessing climate change is sea level.

If the sea level is rising, something is causing that, or the land is shrinking.

Melting ice in the Antarctic and ice on land(mountain peaks) is causing sea levels to rise.

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14 hours ago, Annie Bynnol said:

I am glad I do not have to spend any time on your"..."interpretations"...again.

As last time you could actually read the source for professional scientists interpretation of the current data before adding your political beliefs.

At least this time we are looking at the minimum/maximum data. ice


Polar ice cover is not a direct measurement of any one factor affecting climate and is a result of many different push/pull factors. But sea ice is far more responsive to temperature change than land ice and so the data from both poles is in line with the model that predicts the changes. 

You, the climate activists and other politicos can debate as much as you like and continue selecting the bits that that justify your politics while the scientists, mathematicians and statisticians continue to refine the model that will determine how this change is managed.


I'm curious.


Which "model" are you referring to?

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