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1 hour ago, top4718 said:

The sea level isn't rising, not at all.

Regular readers of this forum will be shocked 😮 


Shocked 😮 


Shocked 😮 


To learn that you are absolutely 180 degrees wrong about that.

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1 hour ago, top4718 said:

 Yeah, shouldn't we be under water by now according to his predictions 20 years ago, absolute nonsense.



1 hour ago, top4718 said:

The sea level isn't rising, not at all.

The sea level has changed and will continue to change due to a number of factors which have nothing to do with human activity.

Long before extremists like you and the climate activists existed peoples had observed and explained several coastal feature that are the result of local, regional and global sea level changes.

You extremists just want to play politics over one factor- the human effect.

Extremist views like "The sea level isn't rising, not at all." or inventing  comments like "Yeah, shouldn't we be under water by now according to his predictions 20 years ago, absolute nonsense." don't credit their author with much understanding.



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10 hours ago, The_DADDY said:

Ah but at least Al made a tidy bundle of cash from it all bless his heart. Every cloud and all that  😁

It was in the news that he was paid thirty thousand pounds when he came to Sheffield to give a talk about climate change.  That was a number of years ago which would be worth a lot more today.  

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2 hours ago, retep said:

Not worrying some,


"Climate activists invest in property on beaches they say are disappearing"


That is such good news for everybody.

1 the extremist climate deniers and extremist climate activists can annoy each other on the beach.

2 the property sellers don't have to worry about being able to sell.

3 normal people won't have to listen to the extremists and can make their own minds up.

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5 minutes ago, Annie Bynnol said:

That is such good news for everybody.

1 the extremist climate deniers and extremist climate activists can annoy each other on the beach.

2 the property sellers don't have to worry about being able to sell.

3 normal people won't have to listen to the extremists and can make their own minds up.

“ normal people “ . How dare you , I’m outraged 

Edited by hackey lad
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On 08/10/2022 at 10:17, Annie Bynnol said:

Do not misquote me.

Or is it the just bad grammar?

Is this really a reply:

"So no "The  Model!

Just any number of models that are "refined or ditched"at will.

It doesn't bode well for being able to predict the Earth's temperature in 2100, by a few tenths of a degree. 

So is which is the latest model, which needs to be "refined or ditched'?"


You and the activists are as bad as each other- just opposite extremes. You want to stick to your political beliefs and your climate extremism fine, I'll sick to the science. 

One day make an effort to understand modelling in science which includes weaknesses, strengths and limitations, instead of being spoon fed dialogue to backup your beliefs by Michael Shellenberger -darling of the far-right.





I honestly never heard this Shellenberger guy, until yesterday. I guess I'm not "far right"  :)


Any way, I'm happy not to follow you down your usual , far right, conspiracy theory, semantic, grammar parsing, ad hominem rabbit holes, and to agree to disagree!


Except I do strongly agree with your contention that "modelling in science which includes weaknesses, strengths and limitations".


The future is at best an educated guess, and at worst, a cynical fortune telling scam that makes gullible folks part with their worldly goods, and others rich.


Religion and politics are just two examples I cite.  :)


Edited by trastrick
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16 minutes ago, trastrick said:



The future is at best an educated guess, and at worst, a cynical fortune telling scam that makes gullible folks part with their worldly goods, and others rich.



For some on here an 'educated guess' would be an improvement on their politically driven/conspiratorial need to regurgitate American far-right views. 

The inability of others to understand the current situation and how this is used to build a model, condemns them to rely on an 'educated guess' rather than the range of outcomes the model provides to which the politicians can attempt to mitigate.


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7 hours ago, retep said:

Not worrying some,


"Climate activists invest in property on beaches they say are disappearing"


San Diego is 19 meters above sea level, where Bill Gates has bought property,

sea levels are predicted to rise around 1 meter in the next 50 years.


Parts of Hull are already below sea level, so you need to research about climate sceptics buying property in Hull!


Happy to be corrected, I am sure San Diego is a big place, but it's easy to be taken in by the media, especially when they are referring to a foreign country.

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