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2 hours ago, El Cid said:

San Diego is 19 meters above sea level, where Bill Gates has bought property,

sea levels are predicted to rise around 1 meter in the next 50 years.


Parts of Hull are already below sea level, so you need to research about climate sceptics buying property in Hull!


Happy to be corrected, I am sure San Diego is a big place, but it's easy to be taken in by the media, especially when they are referring to a foreign country.

Hull has seen flooding for hundreds of years.

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2 hours ago, El Cid said:

San Diego is 19 meters above sea level, where Bill Gates has bought property,




Bill Gates has got to be one of  the biggest hypocrites in the history of the world. He bangs on about sustainability of the planet yet he owns property and land that hundred's of thousands of people could be housed on. I'm not against being a rich successful property and land owner but I am against rich successful property and land owners lecturing the rest of us about living sustainably. 


I read as well he's buying up massive amounts of land used for food production and putting it out of use, helping to reduce overall food production capacity in the united states - but I'm sure  this is NOTHING to do with his association with the WEF, hmmm 🤨

Edited by HumbleNarrator
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Just now, HumbleNarrator said:

Bill Gates has got to be one of  the biggest hypocrites in the history of the world. He bangs on about sustainability of the planet yet he owns property and land that 100's of thousands of people could be housed on. I'm against being a rich successful property and land owner but I am against rich successful property and land owners lecturing the rest of us about living sustainably. 


I read as well he's buying up massive amounts of land used for food production and putting it out of use, helping to reduce overall food production capacity in the united states - but I'm sure  this is NOTHING to do with his association with the WEF, hmmm 🤨

Where did you read that and is there any chance of a link please?

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Guest makapaka

The frozen plant series - which is on now - shows exactly what changes are taking place across the planet and the impact on nature and ultimately us.


You only have to watch it.


It’s bizarre how people think it’s made up - you’ve gotta be pretty odd to think like that.

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8 minutes ago, Mister Gee said:

Where did you read that and is there any chance of a link please?

Fill your boots with that lot. His motives for buying the land vary depending on which link you choose to click on and who you believe.



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Guest makapaka
9 minutes ago, HumbleNarrator said:

I read as well he's buying up massive amounts of land used for food production and putting it out of use, helping to reduce overall food production capacity in the united states - but I'm sure  this is NOTHING to do with his association with the WEF, hmmm

Bill gates is 67 year old. 

why do you think he would be doing all these evil deeds. For a laugh and that?

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4 minutes ago, HumbleNarrator said:

Fill your boots with that lot. His motives for buying the land vary depending on which link you choose to click on and who you believe.



So you haven’t got a clue then?

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1 hour ago, retep said:

Hull has seen flooding for hundreds of years.

That is because it's so low. That is why understanding flooding and climate change is so difficult, a city or province can flood and we don't know it's sea level.

The media will just make a story out of it. True or false.

Edited by El Cid
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