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3 hours ago, butlers said:

And Spain 

And Ireland

And France

And Poland.


There's almost a pattern .

In the UK every subsequent decade from the 1960s has been warmer than the one before 

Thats easy to explain as the populations have also increased. That means there are more bodies giving out extra heat warming up the atmosphere....:hihi:


**** Breaking news.... Plus it also means more carbon dioxide is being breathed out as well, forgot to put that bit of information in.

Edited by Dromedary
did a slinny
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Here's a more optimistic look at the so called Catastrophic Man Made Climate Crisis.


Settled Science and the Politics of Knowledge

- American Mind


"Over the last decade, “The Science is Settled” has been a major refrain of American life. As so many critics have noted, this phrase is not an empirical statement. People who challenge the “settled” state of science explain that science is a process of discovery and not a conclusion. They aren’t wrong, but they unfortunately assume that “the science is settled” is meant in good faith. It’s not. The slogan is a form of rhetorical bullying. Its singular purpose is to create an illusion of certitude in order to preempt any meaningful debate about the natural world, public policy, and the role of scientific knowledge in democratic deliberation.


“The Science,” we are told, is “settled” about many topics, but global climate change is the one where the science is most settled. The Earth is getting dangerously hot (and cold), and if we don’t take decisive action immediately, civilization as we know it may end. But as the years pass with no “comprehensive” action taken to fight climate change, the moment of civilizational collapse is quietly moved down the line, in increments of a few years at a time.


The climate apocalypse is always just close enough that we should all be terrified, and just far enough away that we still have time to get serious and implement the sweeping (leftist) reforms that could save us. Convenient, isn’t it?..........


See more at:


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For anyone wondering who the Claremont Institute, who trastrick got that quote from, are, here is their Wikipedia page and a few selections from it (my bolds):


The institute was an early defender of Donald Trump.[3] After Joe Biden won the 2020 election and Trump refused to concede while making claims of fraud, Claremont Institute senior fellow John Eastman aided Trump in his failed attempts to overturn the election results.[4][5]




The Claremont Institute provides fellowships.[13] Fellowships in the past have gone to prominent figures on the right such as Laura Ingraham, Ben Shapiro, Mark Levin, Mary Kissel, and Charles C. Johnson.[14][15][16][17] The institute caused controversy by granting a fellowship in 2019 to the Pizzagate conspiracy theorist Jack Posobiec.[18][19][20] National Review columnist Mona Charen wrote that "Claremont stands out for beclowning itself with this embrace of the smarmy underside of American politics."[18] In 2020, Mark Joseph Stern of Slate magazine called the institute "a racist fever swamp with deep connections to the conspiratorial alt-right", citing Posobiec's fellowship and the publication of a 2020 essay by senior fellow John Eastman that questioned Kamala Harris' eligibility for the vice presidency.


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I see no reference to the Author, Adam Ellwanger, or even his views, here but no matter.


He makes the point that the Left have declared the "Science Settled", so that should finally settle the matter!


Or is will it?  :)



Edited by trastrick
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1 hour ago, trastrick said:

I see no reference to the Author, Adam Ellwanger, or even his views, here but no matter.


He makes the point that the Left have declared the "Science Settled", so that should finally settle the matter!


Or is will it?  :)

All major scientific bodies believe that the science is settled, it's just the non experts that don't understand the science.


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2 hours ago, trastrick said:

Here's a more optimistic look at the so called Catastrophic Man Made Climate Crisis.


Settled Science and the Politics of Knowledge

- American Mind


"Over the last decade, “The Science is Settled” has been a major refrain of American life. As so many critics have noted, this phrase is not an empirical statement. People who challenge the “settled” state of science explain that science is a process of discovery and not a conclusion. They aren’t wrong, but they unfortunately assume that “the science is settled” is meant in good faith. It’s not. The slogan is a form of rhetorical bullying. Its singular purpose is to create an illusion of certitude in order to preempt any meaningful debate about the natural world, public policy, and the role of scientific knowledge in democratic deliberation.


“The Science,” we are told, is “settled” about many topics, but global climate change is the one where the science is most settled. The Earth is getting dangerously hot (and cold), and if we don’t take decisive action immediately, civilization as we know it may end. But as the years pass with no “comprehensive” action taken to fight climate change, the moment of civilizational collapse is quietly moved down the line, in increments of a few years at a time.


The climate apocalypse is always just close enough that we should all be terrified, and just far enough away that we still have time to get serious and implement the sweeping (leftist) reforms that could save us. Convenient, isn’t it?..........


See more at:


Do you ever manage to express an opinion that isn't a quote from somewhere else?

Especially when that quote is from the Donald Trump Institute of all places.

The first thing to do when reading anything Trump believes is make sure you believe the opposite.

The fact that it's down to "leftist reforms" too is not a shock as every problem on the planet is down to them,  according to Trump, and you, his self appointed publicist.

You can ignore the fires and floods and the temperature highs & lows, if you wish, but as time goes on, you will find, as Canute did, that  you cannot overrule nature with talk. 

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22 minutes ago, El Cid said:

All major scientific bodies believe that the science is settled, it's just the non experts that don't understand the science.


Glad you know your place!


Don’ t question “scientists”!  Lol


But, a lot of scientists who don’t make the Guardian front page do.


Send them to re-education camps, all of em!  :)



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