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Serious incident in Barnsley town centre 08/09/2018 - Woman charged.

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Sigh, I quoted exactly what you said, i didnt make it up, you dont trust what SYp said, because according to you "SYP must be telling the truth because as everyone knows, SYP always tell the truth" which sounds like you dont trust them much.

Which leads me again to my question, if you dont trust their version of events, and you have family in the know, perhaps you'd enlighten us to the "real" turn of events?


---------- Post added 09-09-2018 at 22:21 ----------


and? in this instance i see two sets of people, SYP / media, racists who have an agenda

K1 doesnt believe the SYP / medias version of events, he knows people who know the "real" story.

now is it the real story, or is it dreamt up by racists to create hysteria and push their agenda?


Not arguing with you Mel but it comes across as you having an agenda . I will leave it now . Goodnight

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Not arguing with you Mel but it comes across as you having an agenda . I will leave it now . Goodnight

my agenda is...a criminal commits a criminal act, and is a criminal. Im not saying that it is the opposite of what happened. or i have family that saw and heard different, or the official line is wrong / lies.

Ive aked for proof, and so far not got proof


---------- Post added 09-09-2018 at 22:49 ----------


i'm still waiting for the "real turn of events? rather than the offcial "made up" reason, but it seems youd rather argue tittle tattle, shame

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because as everyone knows, SYP always tell the truth


I totally agree with you.


South Yorkshire Police are an indescribably poor organisation and have been caught lying many times in the past.


What I'd like you to explain to me though, is why they would lie about what is a fairly simple public order incident which has led to an attempted murder charge.


To put it in legal terms they have the means and opportunity to lie, but what is their motivation?

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I have family who live in Barnsley and some work in Barnsley center.

The story being pushed by the press is NOT what occurred.

Much of the story is being hidden for some strange reason.


I am also beginning to think there is more to this story. Let’s hope after the police investigation we will get to know more. It’s saying this woman comes from West London and her name is Ayaan Ali. They still don’t know if she was working alone at the moment.

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A similar incident has happened in Paris:



The response from their authorities is just the same as ours: Nothing to do with terrorism; nothing to do with immigration policies; mental illness; nothing to worry about; please move along; nothing to see here. These and other similar events might not have been planned by ISIS but they're still examples of brainwashed religious nutcases wielding knives and spilling blood on the streets of Europe.

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I am also beginning to think there is more to this story. Let’s hope after the police investigation we will get to know more. It’s saying this woman comes from West London and her name is Ayaan Ali. They still don’t know if she was working alone at the moment.

You are not just wrong, you are deliberately spreading misinformation.


From the SYP site:

Chief Superintendent Scott Green, district commander for Barnsley said: “There remains a lot of speculation and rumour on social media, much of which is inaccurate and is creating a lot of fear and distress locally.


“While it would be inappropriate to provide specific information about ongoing legal proceedings, what I can clarify is that at this stage, there is absolutely no information whatsoever to suggest that this was a group attack.


“We’ve had officers scouring hours of CCTV, working in partnership with other agencies, to gather as much information as we can about the circumstances surrounding yesterday’s incident. We are satisfied that this was an isolated incident by a single person. We would therefore ask the public to stop reinforcing the rumour that there were multiple people involved.


“We can now also confirm definitively that this was not an act of terrorism.

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The police need to update the BBC news channel.

That is were I got my information from this morning.


You may wish that we did live in a police state but we don't and the last I heard, it was BBC News editors who update the BBC News channel, not the police.


So, apart from far right cranks and conspiracy theorists shouting 'cover up!', is there any evidence that this was anything more than a mentally disturbed woman having a particularly nasty breakdown?

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A similar incident has happened in Paris:



The response from their authorities is just the same as ours: Nothing to do with terrorism; nothing to do with immigration policies; mental illness; nothing to worry about; please move along; nothing to see here. These and other similar events might not have been planned by ISIS but they're still examples of brainwashed religious nutcases wielding knives and spilling blood on the streets of Europe.


If it’s not terrorism then they are going to say it’s nothing to do with terrorism regardless of how much you and your sort wish it was so you can push your anti Muslim agenda.

Next you will be saying the Muslim market trader who stopped her is also linked to terrorism!


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I am also beginning to think there is more to this story. Let’s hope after the police investigation we will get to know more. It’s saying this woman comes from West London and her name is Ayaan Ali. They still don’t know if she was working alone at the moment.


then the government should round ‘em all up and send ‘em back . . . to London

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