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Good use of police time maybe?

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One of the brass hat brigade was being interviewed on Calendar last night about this & trying to wriggle out of the embarrassing post SYP put in their social media accounts.


Apparently it's the general public who have got the wrong end of the stick on this(?). Anyway SYP received a large number of mocking responses, some of which SYP deem to be of a highly offensive nature, according to the brass hat & consequently, SYP will chasing the posters down with a view to possible prosecution.


I didn't realise that SYP have managed to solve ALL crime & therefore now need to generate it in order to keep busy.


Even the Police Commissioner was interviewed & he was embarrassed for them.

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I know I started this thread and been guilty of poking fun at SYP with my title. However after reading between the lines on some news posts I think I've managed to work out whats happened.


A woman was going around attacking people with a knife in Barnsley. She was clearly a fruit loop but because they started to say it was terrorist related and the terror squad was involved and she was Asian the keyboard racists came out and made comments on SYP social media page. This resulted in some computer geek that runs SYP social media feed to fight back and try to reassure communities they were doing something about the comments.


This was a result of that action. Problem is its made things far worse for SYP rather than mentioning the incident itself they have gone the full hog and told people to report everything. Making them out to be a complete joke.

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I know I started this thread and been guilty of poking fun at SYP with my title. However after reading between the lines on some news posts I think I've managed to work out whats happened.


A woman was going around attacking people with a knife in Barnsley. She was clearly a fruit loop but because they started to say it was terrorist related and the terror squad was involved and she was Asian the keyboard racists came out and made comments on SYP social media page. This resulted in some computer geek that runs SYP social media feed to fight back and try to reassure communities they were doing something about the comments.


This was a result of that action. Problem is its made things far worse for SYP rather than mentioning the incident itself they have gone the full hog and told people to report everything. Making them out to be a complete joke.


Except social media campaigns such as the one in the tweet in question take weeks of planning and vetting before being given the green light. It wasn't some civilian muppet who had 10mins to kill and access to photoshop.


It was posted 3 days after the incident in Barnsley, not nearly enough time.

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Just another example of complete incompetence from South Yorkshire plod. They have a long history of lying, covers ups, sheer incompetence and being useless beyond belief. They are not fit for purpose .


How about they spend their time tackling real crime instead of harassing people giving their opinion online.


As has already been mentioned , "sticks and stones may break my bones ,but calling names cant hurt me". Some people would do well to remember that and grow a backbone.


---------- Post added 13-09-2018 at 18:24 ----------


Stop hating and you'll be fine ;)


From what ive read, no one has said anything wrong what so ever concerning this case. In fact the only people who have made offensive comments are South Yorkshie plod.

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it's not fiction. I know a police officer who has to field these calls!! He is sick of 'he said she said'. These stupid people dial 101 to tell the police. My advice to these daft folk would be keep off face book etc. Simples!


That's just the sort of moronic response as people who say that women who dont want to be sexually harrassed should stop wearing short skirts and low cut tops.


Ask yourself why should the victim of abuse keep off social media. What exactly have they done wrong to deserve being self barred from a very useful and ever increasingly popular form of communication and media.


Dont you perhaps think that it is the bullying scumbags dishing out abuse who should be the ones penalised????


As for your police officer acquaintance who is "sick of" dealing with all these reported incidents, well perhaps they need to have a reconsider about whether they are suitable carrying on doing such a job.


Hate crime is still a crime. Online Bullying is still bullying. Online Harrassment is still harrassment.


Its completely irrelevant whether a victim is absued by means of verbal, physical, handwritten, online posting or a message stamped on the back of a elephant's backside. Its still a crime and it needs to be treated as such.


Just like the huge drop in house robberies being replaced with online fraud, now harrassment has moved on from verbal abuse face to face to keyboard warriors spouting their bile from behind their sticky keyboards in their dank basements.


As the world changes the Police need to evolve with it. We too as society needs to evolve with it and start taking these incidents seriously.


Its not just about being called nasty names on facebook. Do a little research before spouting off and you might realise that.

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Boo hoo, I want to make racist comments on the internet and the nasty PC police won't let me!


Grow up you snowflake and realise this is 2018 not 1950! :suspect:


Ban all speech on the internet or ban no speech on the internet.

As long as people are not encouraging acts of violence then all speech should be allowed or non of it should.

A few days ago whilst on my rounds I was called a <removed> My reply?

"No mate, Im half <removed> I then got on with my day and no one died.

Offense is not given, its taken and if you are so easily offended then leave the internet to the people who aren't. Trying to force your views on others is not cool.

Edited by nikki-red
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