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Doctors letter for pip

bassett one

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Definitely Appeal.


The DWP seem to use the doctor bit as an excuse for turning down a claim in all sorts of ways. Either they say they've contacted them and had no reply, or it's your responsibility to contact the doctor and then pass on the information, or any combination of the above. Ask your doctor if he/she's been contacted by DWP and if not, ask for a letter to that effect.


You can get a patient summary from your doctor, which is basically a list of your medical conditions. Just ask for it at reception and see what the procedure is at your particular doctor's. Or you can ask your doctor for a supporting letter, or you can get a copy of all your medical notes. Sometimes these cost money, but as far as I'm aware the patient summary is free. Send them in with your reconsideration/appeal. Get proof of posting.


In future it's also a good idea to try and see the same doctor for consultations (if possible,) so he gets to know you and you build up a relationship. This is how it used to be, but has stopped happening with the current long delays for appointments, and more Locum doctors etc.

Edited by Anna B
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This is the major reason why claimants really need to get their evidence from doctors who do know them well by letter ahead of their application, because you've no control at all over who they contact or whether that person even knows them from a bar of soap. In all of my applications I put the same doctor down as the one who knows me best and both him and his secretary have confirmed that he has never been contacted for information after application.


Because of that I choose not to leave it to the chance that the DWP will contact the correct doctor, and your wife now really has no alternative but to take charge of this process bassett one. A good evidence letter from a doctor who knows the worst of it is the only way forwards for most applications, from the most senior doctor that can be relied upon to give it them with both barrels.


I'm lucky to have a palliative care consultant who has known me for nearly 20 years, but most of my diagnoses are now so old that a new doctor would have trouble finding them more than 20 years after they made their appearance in my notes.

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  • 2 weeks later...

do you know and i think its unfair,if you put in a pip claim and fail,ie march 2018,fail letter sept,if you win your appeal you can only claim from the medical in our case august,thus losing 16 weeks money as its a new claim,but if its there mistake this cannot be fair can it?

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do you know and i think its unfair,if you put in a pip claim and fail,ie march 2018,fail letter sept,if you win your appeal you can only claim from the medical in our case august,thus losing 16 weeks money as its a new claim,but if its there mistake this cannot be fair can it?


You/This is wrong, If a claim is awarded after a mandatory reconsideration it is back dated to when the claim was first registered. It's hard to find Gov. papers on this ( though I have seen/read them in the past) but this piece from https://forums.moneysavingexpert.com/showthread.php?t=5037700 may be of help.


Hey guys . quick question have just found out that my pip claim has not been successful . I am asking for a MR . I have just been informed though that if my MR is accepted then I won't get the backpay to the original phone call ( 12 months) and will only get it backdatedb to when the original decision was made ??? . is this correct and if so how could they possibly justify this. Thanks in advance .

Originally posted by thomas the tank ”



Thomas, not sure who advised you of that, but it's wrong. I started my claim for PIP on November 12th, and had a decision in July. I applied for an MR and was granted enhanced mobility which wasn't on the original decision. In my letter from DWP it clearly states that they will back pay to the time you first applied on the telephone.


If you already had some monies from the decision, such as awarded standard rate and the MR result stated you should have been in the enhanced rate. In that case you would get the monetary difference between the two dating back to the original claim. Hope that makes sense. Good luck



I hope this helps - phil ........MR = mandatory reconsideration

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