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Knife attacks in Sheffield 2018


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Why dont you read my post.




That is the key word.


I am not blaming the internet. Its a tool. A very useful one. A knife is also a tool. A very useful one.


Its control, boundaries, discipline and PARENTS which are factors in an offspring's attitude, social behaviour and outlook.


Enough with the easy excuse.. Waaaa its all the government's fault. Waaa its out of touch tories.


It isnt.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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That reads like a speech from a clueless and out of touch Tory MP: blame the internet, blame smartphones, blame the parents.......but never suggest that serious and unsafe cuts

to public services are mainly to blame..


You too clearly need to read my post.


Why dont you address the issues I have raised. What exactly do you think throwing more money at the police would have done to change this incident?


What more do you think the police would have done to prevent it given the numerous restrictions I have listed.


YES I do blame the parents. They have a major if not the biggest influence over their own brats. That is why I say they are also a CONTRIBUTOR to this clear social problem.


They have the responsibility for upbringing and they have the control.


If they fail in their duties and their offspawn turns into a thuggish lout carrying weapons and contributing to violence on the streets who else do you think should be blamed??

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Why dont you read my post.




That is the key word.


I am not blaming the internet. Its a tool. A very useful one. A knife is also a tool. A very useful one.


Its control, boundaries, discipline and PARENTS which are factors in an offspring's attitude, social behaviour and outlook.


Enough with the easy excuse.. Waaaa its all the government's fault. Waaa its out of touch tories.


It isnt.


I agree that a strong and secure family life and responsible parenting is key to a lot of social evils, but achieving that is no longer as easy as it once was.


Family life is now fractured by many things. Both parents are encouraged / obliged to go out to work to make ends meet, and work long hours. (It's my belief that to parent properly requires one parent at home most of the time, but that's just me, and it's not always possible.) Outside Stresses don't help towards creating a calm, nurturing environment either. IMO we are living in a much more materialistic and selfish society and that affects everyone.


Also we learn how to parent from the way we ourselves were parented, and frankly we are getting further and further away from the ideal model. Maybe parenting lessons would help.

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You too clearly need to read my post.


Why dont you address the issues I have raised. What exactly do you think throwing more money at the police would have done to change this incident?


What more do you think the police would have done to prevent it given the numerous restrictions I have listed.


YES I do blame the parents. They have a major if not the biggest influence over their own brats. That is why I say they are also a CONTRIBUTOR to this clear social problem.


They have the responsibility for upbringing and they have the control.


If they fail in their duties and their offspawn turns into a thuggish lout carrying weapons and contributing to violence on the streets who else do you think should be blamed??


Glad they caught them....but things like this shouldn't be happening. Funding cuts, in many areas, are the cause- whether you choose to believe rhat or not doesn't matter. There have been big funding cuts- crime has increased.


So you choose to blame the parents as it's easier. What about if the parents are the problem? Blame their parents? An endless cycle of recrimination while nothing changes. Give people a reason tp value their lives and the lives of others and they respond well. Remove all that and you have people who feel they have no opportunities, nothing to lose and that society doesn't want them. That's what is going on.


Sure though- carry on blaming parents, smartphones, whatever. The problems will continue and nothing will ever, ever change.


It's very telling that your 'blame the parents' outbursts offer absolutely no solution to the problems. Just blame.

Edited by paula4sheff
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I remember the days when an argument was settled by fists.!


I've grown up kids Pat, there is no fisticuffs now.

Everything escalates to outrageous.

Guns, knives, bottles owt they can do damage with.


My kid is at Sheffield Uni he's born and bred Sheffield but won't go out in Sheffield because of the trouble.

I've got to admit it suits me, I know where he is and if they are having a drink I know they are safe but it makes me sad they have to worry.

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Just drove past, all still cordoned off and forensics are going through ALL the bins, very sad scene indeed, had my two young lads asking me and mum all sorts of questions about it.


And they were digging in all the drains. Taking all material out of them.

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