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Knife attacks in Sheffield 2018


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Guest makapaka
The fact that you have to ask that shows you are not of my generation. I could go on for hours but would only be repeating things that have been said a thousand times on here in various threads.

In short, there is a complete lack of respect for authority on the streets or in the home by a lot of today's young people. Also they are the "must have" generation, irrespective of whether they can afford it. Of course the marketing media have to take some blame here, as they create so much peer pressure on kids and financial strain their parents.


No - you are comparing two entirely different generations and therefore the actions of previous generations has nothing to do with the current generations.


I don’t know what generation you’re from - but I also guarantee it wasn’t as perfect as people will make out either.

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What kind of work?


---------- Post added 24-09-2018 at 18:46 ----------



Absolutely right.


I've worked at hotels with young eu migrants - often they were managers and they weren't any older than mid twenties. Was towed off a motorway by a young lad called Maris who looked about 12. Warehousing work obviously, and a couple who work in my chippy, who are by the way, delightful. They've been there ages.

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There's a lot of truth in that.


Not only the jobs but the communities have gone too.


When young lads like these worked down the mines or in the steelworks or factories they worked with, and were supervised by big strong men who demanded respect and got it. They kept them in line and showed them how to go on, what was acceptable behaviour and what wasn't in no uncertain terms etc. They usually had a sense of humour, common sense and were down to earth making them good male role models and mentors.


Alas, all this disappeared along with the jobs.

spot on, well said and so correct
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Don't you think that "not wanting to work" is symptomatic of wider problems surrounding a complete lack of connection with their environment, and a complete failure to see any hope or opportunity in the future?


Let's be honest - you don't get to the point of stabbing someone else without being absolutely at the end of the line in terms of caring about not just others, but also the consequences to yourself.


Are you though? Are we absolutely sure they're stabbing each other because of their lack of employment prospects? Are you saying they just need a job - a really good job by the way that's fulfilling and with excellent career advancement because working in a warehouse or a shop just isn't good enough - and they'll become less stabby and see the lives of their peers as worth something?


Sorry, that's cobblers.



That's been allowed to happen by funding cuts to things that aimed to change these feelings, and by successive government policies designed to favour the very rich in society at the expense of the very poor.


NO ONE is defending or trying to justify these actions at all: they're shameful and I think we all hope justice is metered out and that punishments are severe. But we also have to look at the wider picture, unless we want things to endlessly repeat, and ask exactly why many teenagers feel so disengaged that they are willing to kill someone else.


(In terms of the 'jobs for young EU workers' discussion it's quite different. Many of these young workers come for a few years to save money which they can then take back to their poorer economy and live more comfortably on in the future. For the sake of that they're willing to do hard menial jobs that have no future or progression to them, with a longer term goal ahead of them. When you don't have that aim of escaping to a better live dangled in front of you it's not hard to see why people are utterly depressed at the prospect of some of that work.)


Again, I know it's a useful narrative for many arguments that the foreigners come over here and send/take the money home but it's far more nuanced than that. And surely it's easier to hire a Brit and explain the job once rather than take on a succession of foreigners and teach them several times, potentially a different language each time.


That said, amongst the cuts, the further education sector has got hammered again. We are creating a society that's divided into graduates and kids labelled no-hopers, even when they're not. It's been going on for years and isn't changing soon.

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Guest makapaka
Are you though? Are we absolutely sure they're stabbing each other because of their lack of employment prospects? Are you saying they just need a job - a really good job by the way that's fulfilling and with excellent career advancement because working in a warehouse or a shop just isn't good enough - and they'll become less stabby and see the lives of their peers as worth something?


Sorry, that's cobblers.




Again, I know it's a useful narrative for many arguments that the foreigners come over here and send/take the money home but it's far more nuanced than that. And surely it's easier to hire a Brit and explain the job once rather than take on a succession of foreigners and teach them several times, potentially a different language each time.


That said, amongst the cuts, the further education sector has got hammered again. We are creating a society that's divided into graduates and kids labelled no-hopers, even when they're not. It's been going on for years and isn't changing soon.


You say something is cobblers - and then reinforce the point you arguing in your last paragraph.


If you come out of education without any qualifications you don’t have much opportunity to get on in a long term, worthwhile job with likeminded peers and role models.


If you feel like a “no-hoper” it’s not going to make you automatically want to stab someone - but it might lead you down a path where you end up doing so. That’s not to excuse the action in anyway.

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Are you though? Are we absolutely sure they're stabbing each other because of their lack of employment prospects? Are you saying they just need a job - a really good job by the way that's fulfilling and with excellent career advancement because working in a warehouse or a shop just isn't good enough - and they'll become less stabby and see the lives of their peers as worth something?


Sorry, that's cobblers.




Again, I know it's a useful narrative for many arguments that the foreigners come over here and send/take the money home but it's far more nuanced than that. And surely it's easier to hire a Brit and explain the job once rather than take on a succession of foreigners and teach them several times, potentially a different language each time.


That said, amongst the cuts, the further education sector has got hammered again. We are creating a society that's divided into graduates and kids labelled no-hopers, even when they're not. It's been going on for years and isn't changing soon.


Your last points is exactly it....but apply that to mental heath, to youth work, work with young offenders etc etc and the picture builds up.

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You say something is cobblers - and then reinforce the point you arguing in your last paragraph.


If you come out of education without any qualifications you don’t have much opportunity to get on in a long term, worthwhile job with likeminded peers and role models.


If you feel like a “no-hoper” it’s not going to make you automatically want to stab someone - but it might lead you down a path where you end up doing so. That’s not to excuse the action in anyway.


But it's been that case for years - I was more or less told the same 25 odd years ago - "you need to get 5 GCSEs or you'll end up down the road at the tech" - like it was a threat. Maybe I'm a bit more yozza Hughes than the current generation but I'd have taken pretty much anything, and I did, we did. Some had training some went to college, some took what they could, all under the backdrop of pit closures left right and centre.


Here's the rub. Some really loved a punch up on a Friday night (on or two I recall had the better jobs too). It never got stabby though, that's the big difference I can see. If anything, I see less groups of kids hanging about on street corners than I did as a kid. Are they all in the bedrooms on whatsapp?

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Glasgow have reduced their violent crime massively in recent years - ''Between 2006 and 2011, 15 children and teenagers were killed with knives in Scotland’s largest city; between April 2011 and April 2016, none were.''


Maybe we should look at what they did - and start doing it here?

Further information here - https://www.theguardian.com/membership/2017/dec/03/how-scotland-reduced-knife-deaths-among-young-people

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Yes, outdoor play has dropped massively, not due to tech necessarily, but mostly due to parents (and inappropriate paranoia?).

But we're not talking about the same ages of 'kids' that are stabbing each other, the stabby ones are all adults aren't they, the ones in the news recently have been.


I'd say that it is highly likely that the people doing the stabbing aren't under graduates, they're almost certainly under educated in fact. But is that correlation or causation. They've probably done badly at school for some underlying reason and that reason is what contributes towards an increased risk of being engaged in crime. Poor school qualifications might be indicative, but I don't think it's the cause.


---------- Post added 25-09-2018 at 07:40 ----------


Enough is enough, the people that are arrested must be given the maximum sentences and show that the system is going to finally get it's act together. Maybe when some of the idiots that carry these weapons see that they will be going to prison for a long time they will hopefully think before going out armed with knives.


Highly unlikely that harsh sentencing will work as a deterrent. Study after study shows that it doesn't work. Criminals are convinced that they won't get caught, and no amount of media or statistics will convince them otherwise, they're either not that bright, or they're bright enough to think they can get around it!

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