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Knife attacks in Sheffield 2018


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Absolutely. Anyone who thinks the root of all these problems doesn't lie with this is seriiusly deluded.


I don't necessarily disagree with you, but how would a total reverse in cuts stop these stabbing? Just more police on the streets and areas like centertainment? Do we have the police doing far greater stop and search? The criminal masterminds have been arrested about 12 hours after it all happened.


I'm not sure how you can stop someone thinking "I'm going to stab him/her/them". That starts at home surely.

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It's about time for a new offence is created.


Carrying a knife should equate to "Going equipped to maim or murder".



And how on earth is that going to help?


It is already an offence to carry a bladed article without very good reason, and murder and attempted murder are already criminal offences. As has already been pointed out this is a problem with society and will only be solved (eventually) by treating it as such.


Dog whistle slogans and knee jerk reactions may make people feel righteous but it won't to a thing to change matters while we refuse to acknowledge the roots of the problem.

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I don't necessarily disagree with you, but how would a total reverse in cuts stop these stabbing? Just more police on the streets and areas like centertainment? Do we have the police doing far greater stop and search? The criminal masterminds have been arrested about 12 hours after it all happened.


I'm not sure how you can stop someone thinking "I'm going to stab him/her/them". That starts at home surely.


Everything is interlinked- there isn't one 'fix' for theae problems. More police obviously change things- they are in communities, making impacts and obviously acting as a deterrent. That's one part of it.


What people often fail to understand though is that all cuts feed into this violence rise. Social welfare cuts, cuts to mental health support, youth work- all of it feeds into the same thing; an increasing desperation, isolation and resentment that only leads to negative consequences.

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I don't necessarily disagree with you, but how would a total reverse in cuts stop these stabbing? Just more police on the streets and areas like centertainment? Do we have the police doing far greater stop and search? The criminal masterminds have been arrested about 12 hours after it all happened.


I'm not sure how you can stop someone thinking "I'm going to stab him/her/them". That starts at home surely.


Exactly that, You have to be deluded to think otherwise especially in a case like this.

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Everything is interlinked- there isn't one 'fix' for theae problems. More police obviously change things- they are in communities, making impacts and obviously acting as a deterrent. That's one part of it.


What people often fail to understand though is that all cuts feed into this violence rise. Social welfare cuts, cuts to mental health support, youth work- all of it feeds into the same thing; an increasing desperation, isolation and resentment that only leads to negative consequences.

Agree with the above.


On policing,

Policing seems to be about social media, they've recently stopped reporting their daily incidents, now it's all come and meet your local Policing team for a chat and see our leaflets etc at the library or shopping centre or look we came to your fete/public event of some kind, aren't the FB photos brilliant, can't we have a few less likes and a bit more mundane working the street interacting with the problem areas.


Half hearted campaigns, never work it's just an exercise in distraction.


Not blaming the officers on the streets, however those that make the higher decisions need to have a rethink, its not an online popularity contest.

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Agree with the above.


On policing,

Policing seems to be about social media, they've recently stopped reporting their daily incidents, now it's all come and meet your local Policing team for a chat and see our leaflets etc at the library or shopping centre or look we came to your fete/public event of some kind, aren't the FB photos brilliant, can't we have a few less likes and a bit more mundane working the street interacting with the problem areas.


Half hearted campaigns, never work it's just an exercise in distraction.


Not blaming the officers on the streets, however those that make the higher decisions need to have a rethink, its not an online popularity contest.


Its all easier said than done.


Its all well and good getting bobbies on the beat engaging with the community roots but the online social media world is where most of these yoof are.


The little fetuses carrying their knives and stabbing each other are hardly likely to be the kind of people who will willing engage in community interactions with their local plod.


Their world is a life glued to their smartphone and plugged into the Matrix. That is where the target needs to be focussed and a big majority of it starts in the home under the responsibility of thier own parents.


Blame the police cuts, blame the lack of bobbies on the beat, blame the government is just a cop out (no pun intended).


PARENTS needs to step up to the plate too. Give your little dahling a smart phone at age 8, hook them up to the internet, get them on social media and then what... Sit down and let Nanny Google take care of the rest.


Where is the boundaries. Where is the discipline. Where is the control. Who is asking the questions.


Who are they interacting with? What are they signing up to? Who are they networked to? What are they watching and listening to? Who do they hang around with? What activities do they seem to be drawn towards? What are they wearing? Who are their heros? Where do they go?


The above are all obvious signs which can be monitored, picked up upon and dealt with long before they fall into the wrong crowd.


I am sure lots will disagree but in my opinion PARENTS (or often complete lack of proper parenting) are just as much a contributor to this social problem as any austerity.


For all the protesting, the fact is clear.

Incident happened, police investigated, arrest made 12 hours later. Really, what more do people expect the police to have done?


Without madatory stop and search on every citizen (which do gooders protest about)


Without mandatory security scanning on entry to every public place (which do gooders would protest about)


Without police powers for advance observations and profile building of every potential criminal element (which the human rights brigade would implode about)


Without mandatory screening, listening and observing of every internet process, transaction, text message and phone recording upon every profiled and suspected citizen (which the privacy brigade would seek to block)


.....what exactly would have stopped this incident from happening??


From the inital reports we seem to know that fight started, fight out of control, person used weapon, person fatally injured. From the current reports this does not seem to be some random attack on an innocent victim minding their own business.


When people fight, there is a high chance they get hurt. Stabbed maybe wholly extreme, but that all goes onto the points I raise above.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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PARENTS needs to step up to the plate too. Give your little dahling a smart phone at age 8, hook them up to the internet, get them on social media and then what... Sit down and let Nanny Google take care of the rest.



Absolute rubbish.


The digital world is part of everyone's life now, not just childrens', and the vast majority of kids do not grow up to be anti social or go around stabbing people.

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Its all easier said than done.


Its all well and good getting bobbies on the beat engaging with the community roots but the online social media world is where most of these yoof are.


The little fetuses carrying their knives and stabbing each other are hardly likely to be the kind of people who will willing engage in community interactions with their local plod.


Their world is a life glued to their smartphone and plugged into the Matrix. That is where the target needs to be focussed and a big majority of it starts in the home under the responsibility of thier own parents.


Blame the police cuts, blame the lack of bobbies on the beat, blame the government is just a cop out (no pun intended).


PARENTS needs to step up to the plate too. Give your little dahling a smart phone at age 8, hook them up to the internet, get them on social media and then what... Sit down and let Nanny Google take care of the rest.


Where is the boundaries. Where is the discipline. Where is the control. Who is asking the questions.


Who are they interacting with? What are they signing up to? Who are they networked to? What are they watching and listening to? Who do they hang around with? What activities do they seem to be drawn towards? What are they wearing? Who are their heros? Where do they go?


The above are all obvious signs which can be monitored, picked up upon and dealt with long before they fall into the wrong crowd.


I am sure lots will disagree but in my opinion PARENTS (or often complete lack of proper parenting) are just as much a contributor to this social problem as any austerity.


For all the protesting, the fact is clear.

Incident happened, police investigated, arrest made 12 hours later. Really, what more do people expect the police to have done?


Without madatory stop and search on every citizen (which do gooders protest about)


Without mandatory security scanning on entry to every public place (which do gooders would protest about)


Without police powers for advance observations and profile building of every potential criminal element (which the human rights brigade would implode about)


Without mandatory screening, listening and observing of every internet process, transaction, text message and phone recording upon every profiled and suspected citizen (which the privacy brigade would seek to block)


.....what exactly would have stopped this incident from happening??


From the inital reports we seem to know that fight started, fight out of control, person used weapon, person fatally injured. From the current reports this does not seem to be some random attack on an innocent victim minding their own business.


When people fight, there is a high chance they get hurt. Stabbed maybe wholly extreme, but that all goes onto the points I raise above.



That reads like a speech from a clueless and out of touch Tory MP: blame the internet, blame smartphones, blame the parents.......but never suggest that serious and unsafe cuts

to public services are mainly to blame.


Absolutely ludicrous to blame the internet and smart phones- it's a bit like in the past when politicians blamed 'tv' or 'computer games'...or even 'books'. Out of touch and out of date fearmongering aimed at diverting attwntion from the real issues.

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