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Mass brawl at Sheffield School


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This can't be tolerated, i am far from a law n order' type, but just not acceptable.


I know i shouldn't ask this, but why weren't they all at work.?


What you asking me for? I was working when it happened......:hihi:

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This can't be tolerated, i am far from a law n order' type, but just not acceptable.


I know i shouldn't ask this, but why weren't they all at work.?


My colleague was on his way to work and got caught up in traffic outside the school. He commented on the number of adults present and wondered the same thing.

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Ive watched a couple of videos on social media of the mass brawl at firvale and the first obvious observation was. The amount of parents attending this mass brawl which took place during school hours..is that what we pay them benefits for to go out and pick fights with our police...what is this country coming to.

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Ive watched a couple of videos on social media of the mass brawl at firvale and the first obvious observation was. The amount of parents attending this mass brawl which took place during school hours..is that what we pay them benefits for to go out and pick fights with our police...what is this country coming to.


were all the attended parents involved in fighting? or just observing?


Genuine question.


Reason I ask is the school closed early therefore I'd expect any concerned parent to leave work and collect their kids from school.

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This is all over the online media, but not on the broadcast media, whatever its origins, the scale of this event means Sky News, BBC, etc should be covering it.



my feelings too, a few lines in the press, its all over facebook, but almost a media block out on national TV.

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my feelings too, a few lines in the press, its all over facebook, but almost a media block out on national TV.


I must have imagined the report on Look North tonight.:rolleyes:


It isn’t national news, because not much happened in the end. If the knives, guns and wounded teachers had really happened, then it would be. As things stand, it was a nasty local incident, well dealt with by the police.

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