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Mass brawl at Sheffield School


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Perhaps you can explain why your rumour-mongering is helpful? The same goes for everyone who had a quick ride on the bandwagon to bash whichever ethnic group they don't like. Clearly it was an unpleasant incident but since some of the key 'details' are now being dismissed as untrue, there is no point in speculating on what may or may not have happened.


I notice that The Star, the shame of Sheffield, are now terming it a 'RIOT' on their cack website, but the only people who termed it a riot in the first place were the Sheffield Star. Still, it doubtless got a good amount of traffic to the page where they had sold advertising space and they can now go to their clients and say 'look how many hits that page got' and make some good money out of it, so that's the main thing.


Why do you not think it was a riot? I dont know what your definition of riot is but in my book it very much qualifies as one.

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Whatever you want to call the situation the footage that emerged was very unsavoury, featured a lot of people and a fair amount of police resources, does the terminology make much difference.


I agree I dont see what the complaint about the terminology is. Its just someone on here was unhappy with the Sheffield Star calling it a riot. Personally A) I dont see what the problem is with the Sheffield Star using that term and B) It seems quite appropriate to be honest and describes exactly what took place.


Probably a snowflake upset about the words being used.

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lets have a look at what we do know rather than rumour:


Fir Vale is a popular school and is full and oversubscribed. The majority of students are BME with a more recent intake of eastern European background; the multi ethnic intake reflecting their diverse local community. Whilst the school serves a deprived social-economic community with 37% of the students qualifying for a free school meal.


There were reports last year that the school were struggling to keep a lid on gang rivalry and there were reports of pupils carrying knives for their own protection, skirmishes were reported between rivals within the school.


Something occurred within the school at around lunchtime this week that caused adults of whom the majority were BME to descend on the school which would have been securely locked during class hours, veering away from the facts there were reports of adults trying to gain entry and possible carrying of weapons, a police response team was called into action including dog to disperse the crowd.


Thats about as much as is known at the moment, I doubt more will emerge as the media seem complicit in covering up incidences of this nature.

What is a BME please.

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Perhaps you can explain why your rumour-mongering is helpful? The same goes for everyone who had a quick ride on the bandwagon to bash whichever ethnic group they don't like. Clearly it was an unpleasant incident but since some of the key 'details' are now being dismissed as untrue, there is no point in speculating on what may or may not have happened.


I notice that The Star, the shame of Sheffield, are now terming it a 'RIOT' on their cack website, but the only people who termed it a riot in the first place were the Sheffield Star. Still, it doubtless got a good amount of traffic to the page where they had sold advertising space and they can now go to their clients and say 'look how many hits that page got' and make some good money out of it, so that's the main thing.


Why do you think I put apparently?

Also it did start off from a fight with two pupils in the canteen as my friends son who was at the school told me.

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I agree I dont see what the complaint about the terminology is. Its just someone on here was unhappy with the Sheffield Star calling it a riot. Personally A) I dont see what the problem is with the Sheffield Star using that term and B) It seems quite appropriate to be honest and describes exactly what took place.


Probably a snowflake upset about the words being used.


Does it chuff. I was in Trafalgar Square for the poll tax riot. THAT was a riot, this was nothing close. A fight, yes. A brawl, very possibly. A riot? Give over.

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