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Life expectancy now going down.

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Life expectancy is now going down in large parts of the UK for the first time ever.


So now we're not all living longer, can we retire earlier please?


There seems to be some doubt about the cause; you would think the number crunchers would have it worked out.

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Life expectancy is now going down in large parts of the UK for the first time ever.


So now we're not all living longer, can we retire earlier please?




This seems to be a habit Anna.


If you are going to try and start a debate with such a sensationalist headline at last provide some figures so people can see what you are on about.

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This seems to be a habit Anna.


If you are going to try and start a debate with such a sensationalist headline at last provide some figures so people can see what you are on about.


To be fair, you demanded a source last night and were rewarded with multiple ones.


Google is available to everyone you know. Even to sceptics, and rude people.

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Thank you Tinfoilhat.


To the other more unnecessary comments. If you choose to bring up a subject for discussion why do you think its fine to say, google it yourself.


YOU start the debate. YOU provide the evidence.


I didn’t start the debate.


The evidence is in the public domain though, and an intelligent person would have no problem finding it and analysing it.


Nothing unnecessary about my comment. Take a look in the mirror instead.

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Having read through it seems like all statistics its about how one chooses to interpret them.


Its certainly not as back and white as made out.


There are some contradictions with the report seeming to say that progress has slowed and ground to a halt but then states it is expected to increase again next year.


Add on the huge range of what's causing it, dependant on what side of the political fence you are on and I think the real conclusion to be took from this is "....I dont know..."


Dont think I am going to be applying for my early retirement and cashing in for the yacht just yet.

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