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Old farts from the 40 s.Do you remember these kids pastimes?

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What about the lasses, blowing the seeds of a dead dandelion and screaming what time is it Mr. Wolf?


Another for the lads. Finger, Thumb or Rusty bum.


All in the halcyon days of being able to "play" outside in safety until well after dark.

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The bit about the old flash hats makes me remember the other head gear which was very popular from the army and navy stores, the leather ex RAF flying helmets. Loads of lads used to have these as warm winter hats in the late 50s, some complete with headphones, these would be worth an absolute fortune to vintage aircraft nuts today.



Bad memories of the leather flying helmet. I had a habit at that time of sucking the strap which annoyed my sister. Whilst watching Flash Gordon at the Saturday morning matinee at the Paragon,Firth Park,she yanked it out of my mouth taking my two front teeth as well!!

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What about this one not sure if it has been told before here goes .Put some dog s**t on someones front door step light it with lighter fluid and then knock on the door and run and I mean run whoever came to the door would see the small fire and try to put the fire out by stomping on it ever smelt burning s**t.

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What was that game of conkers a chestnut on a peice of string something like that.

We used to play at shop collecting coloured glass' fancy stones' bits of toffee paper if we were lucky. making a stall on the footpath, seemed like a good idea at the time.french knitting on a cotton reel and dressing up dolly pegs. we had some imagination in those days. Very interesting reading on here enjoyed it all


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Do any of you guy's remember making small clay containers ,letting them dry ,then using them to burn material like rotted wood,or stuff that would just glow and smoulder?

I seem to remember we would run with them to make them glow.

I dont remember what the point of the pastime was.

We also used to use a tin can with holes.put the same combustable material inside attach a wire sling and whirl it round to make it glow.

The things we did to entertain ourselves.

I suddenly remembered these things as I was passing a dead tree that had been felled by the wind, and seeing all the dead wood in the trunk.

We use to call these "touch burners" don't know why though. Although they kept our hands warm when we were playing out in the winter months !

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My Dad used the top of a tin can, cut off with a tin opener so it was jagged, and threaded it through 2 holes in the middle with string with a loop either side.

I used to spin it round and then pull on the loops. Usually a nestles condensed milk can.

I then had a circular saw the could cut through most things.

The boys used cans with holes in the sides and put pieces of red coal from the fire and swing them round on string to keep them burning. They called these winter warmers but would they be far to hot for their hands.


we also used a tizer top for a spinning top with a stick with a piece of cloth for a whip.



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  • 2 months later...

Me and my partner in crime use to put a drawing pin on the outside toilet latch. With a bit of dog s--t on the point, when they tried to open the door it stuck in there thumb. This would make them want to suck the pricked thumb.Some times but not often it did the trick. Spent many hours trying to perfect it. Can anyone remmember knocker bobbing ?

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