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Is austerity working- and will it ever end?

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The only thing the Tories are good at handling is peddling lies. They are excellent at that, and having the media and elite on their side helps enormously in getting any lie / propaganda across that they want. They've relied on it for years. And it's worked.


What they haven't reckoned on is the internet. People can get information from many sources, anywhere in the world, and see the opposite side of the argument. No wonder they want to shut it up by any means possible. You think it's only places like China and Korea that will have a monitored and limited internet?


You really think the Tories are the tops at handling our economy? Their Privatisation policies have worked a treat haven't they?


Corruption in business and banking abounds because of weak legislation. The 'trickle down' effect of a successful economy is no longer happening. Money is being sucked up into fewer and fewer hands at the expense of everyone else because of their ideology. Democracy will wither as power transfers to the all powerful super rich Corporations and a few individuals.


As usual we will be told that under the Tories everything is grand and we've never had it so good, that our perceptions are wrong, and not backed up by their statistics. Any of this sound familiar?


The only thing that will prosper under the Tories is the Tory elite,


More political sound bites with no evidence.


According to you, the hundreds of thousands of jobs that are supported either directly or indirectly by government are considered the Tory elite? Really? :loopy:

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Did you actually say that with a straight face?

Well, that's accurate at least.

How did the FTSE do for the duration of the last labour run of government?


As we are repeatedly told by Corbynites on here, the last Labour government was Tory lite, and nothing like ‘real’ Labour.

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If it's nothing to worry about, how come the Tories peddled it ad nauseum after the crash and won an election and brought in austerity on the strength of it. (And no it wasn't just the defecit they used, far from it.)


Of course it's not possible the Tories could have been lying is it?


How is voting for brexit going to improve things Anna?

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Business like the Tories, or did, and the general population trust them more than Labour.

Corbyn/MacDonald are too left wing to be trusted, although Mays Government is the worst Tory Government, ever.


They trust them more than Labour because that is what they are constantly told to do. It's brainwashing.


They started the same ridicule / slurs / guilt by association / misinformation with Milliband remember. All that stuff about his Dad, the bacon sandwich, the stones, and all the personal jibes about his looks and 'wierdness.'


Corbyn is constantly associated with anything negative whether it has anything to do with him or not, so you get headlines like 'Corbyn-loving capital is the rudest place on the planet' and 'Chuck Chequers - or risk letting in Corbyn. (todays DM) You don't have to look far, there will be at least a dozen negative references to Corbyn in the DM every single day.

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Corbyn is constantly associated with anything negative whether it has anything to do with him or not, so you get headlines like 'Corbyn-loving capital is the rudest place on the planet' and 'Chuck Chequers - or risk letting in Corbyn. (todays DM) You don't have to look far, there will be at least a dozen negative references to Corbyn in the DM every single day.


Back to this again? The Daily Mail is a pro Tory newspaper. Its readership like reading articles in a negative slant about Corbyn.


The Daily Mirror is a pro Labour newspaper. Its readers like reading articles in a negative slant about Theresa May.


Expecting the Mail to start praising Corbyn is like us expecting you to start praising the Tory party. We don't expect you to do it and no one expects the Mail to start praising Corbyn. Get over it.

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Back to this again? The Daily Mail is a pro Tory newspaper. Its readership like reading articles in a negative slant about Corbyn.


The Daily Mirror is a pro Labour newspaper. Its readers like reading articles in a negative slant about Theresa May.


Expecting the Mail to start praising Corbyn is like us expecting you to start praising the Tory party. We don't expect you to do it and no one expects the Mail to start praising Corbyn. Get over it.


I'm not sure they're very happy with Mrs May at the momnt...

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I'm not sure they're very happy with Mrs May at the momnt...


They might not be very happy with her, but they do at least treat her with some respect, and discuss the issues.


The modus operandi with Corbyn (and Milliband) is usually ridicule which is far more damaging.

Edited by Anna B
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They might not be very happy with her, but they do at least treat her with some respect, and discuss the issues.


The modus operandi with Corbyn (and Milliband) is usually ridicule which is far more damaging.


So it's not what they say it's how thay say it? Have a look in the Mirror,they take the rise out of May... you can't blame the media for all of Labour's issues...

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