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Why does the universe exist?


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I take your point.


Hawkins gave it a goe with his M-Theory.


"Quantum fluctuations ", he said,


"lead to the spontaneous creation of tiny universes out of nothing. Most of the universes collapse to nothing, but a few that reach a critical size will expand in an inflationary manner and will form galaxies and stars and may become like us".

Edited by petemcewan
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How does one's knowledge or otherwise of DNA dictate one's beliefs or otherwise regarding the existence of God?


I have no idea but the complexity of DNA is what Vargheseas (and Flew agreed with) used as an example when Varghese wrote "And the only viable explanation here is the divine Mind."


It used to be the eye that was used so it's not a new idea. Just in case an explanation arose for DNA, they then went for the complexity of the Universe.


And it was not God it was their personal version of the god Aristotle alluded to.

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I take your point.


Hawkins gave it a goe with his M-Theory.


"Quantum fluctuations ", he said,


"lead to the spontaneous creation of tiny universes out of nothing. Most of the universes collapse to nothing, but a few that reach a critical size will expand in an inflationary manner and will form galaxies and stars and may become like us".


Yeah, I guess the obvious next question, would be how did the quantum fluctuations get there? Where did they come from? What created them, and so on...


It is incomprehensible to my mind, something coming from pure nothing. The only thing that makes sense would be if there has never been pure nothing. Even then it's as mystery as to why there is something.


One thing is for sure, this line of inquiry kinda hilights how limited we are (or at least my mind is) when it comes to thinking about our cosmic origins. It's a mystery.

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You may like this link. I'll admit that it all smacks of magic and hard to prove assertions. The whole subject is submerged in continuously regressive propositions. Like ,what comes before that? What is that made of? What came before the Boson -and on, and on, and on, and on.


"Quantum Foam,sort of something". That makes me laugh so hard.


The Land Of Cold Dark Matter Model.


Aside: Do you remember Unbeliever ? He was on the quest for Dark Matter.


Edited by petemcewan
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Ys why do we exist on this planet .. what is the reason to go on?


In my case, because there are people around who'd be very sad if I died, because I want to make it at to be at least as old as my old man was when he died and because there are still things I haven't done, but want to. Like retiring so I can spend more time at the seaside.

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I understand that people want to get closer an answer, but I think even our greatest minds won't get there.

A dog will never be able to understand the fundamnetals of electronics, or learn French etc etc Unfortunately, in the same way, we have to accept we don't have the mental capacity to get some of the answers we are searching for.

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