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Brett kavanaugh - Supreme Court

Guest makapaka

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Guest makapaka

What are people’s thoughts on this?


I’ve looked at some of the reports - is this the first trial by social media?


Seems like he’s standing trial without being charged?

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I'm sort of on he fence on this one. Dr Ford came across as quite compelling, and in my opinion she's got more to lose than gain by bringing it public. But if she's that serious about torpedoing this mans career should it go to court? Should the ****** up actions of a teenager (who didn't rape her) stop him from getting a position on the Supreme Court even if it is true, if his character has been good since? I know he's trumps boy but he must be of a standard to get close.

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Guest makapaka
I'm sort of on he fence on this one. Dr Ford came across as quite compelling, and in my opinion she's got more to lose than gain by bringing it public. But if she's that serious about torpedoing this mans career should it go to court? Should the ****** up actions of a teenager (who didn't rape her) stop him from getting a position on the Supreme Court even if it is true, if his character has been good since? I know he's trumps boy but he must be of a standard to get close.


I don’t know if the accusations are true or not. But isn’t that what courts are for?

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What are people’s thoughts on this?


I’ve looked at some of the reports - is this the first trial by social media?


Seems like he’s standing trial without being charged?


Obviously do not know how Supreme Justices are elevated to the bench. What do you think Senate committee confirmation hearings are for?


I find it absolutely astonishing that the American Bar Association gave a recommendation to delay the Senate selection process.

Edited by ez8004
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Guest makapaka
Do you think it should go to court?


Well if whatever their equivalent of the CPS thinks there’s sufficient evidence then yes.


Don’t get me wrong I’m no supporter of the guy or the president for that matter.


It just concerns me when you read the news / social media on the subject and theyve pretty much announced him guilty.


I would hate that to happen to me if I was innocent.


Obviously if he’s guilty I wouldn’t have any sympathy- but who’s proven that?


---------- Post added 01-10-2018 at 22:13 ----------


Obviously do not know how Supreme Justices are elevated to the bench. What do you think Senate committee confirmation hearings are for?


I don’t know - feel free to educate me.

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Lies won't make it to court. Courts like facts over feelings unfortunately for the disgusting Democrats. They are desperate to delay the vote and hope they can win the midterms and deny any Justice being confirmed until 2021.


The "2cd Front door" she said they were having in a remodel in 2012. Redacted to avoid personal information. I have the unredacted one too. Totally made up. Under oath. I mean would it take you 25 years to decide that you need another front door because you are that scared and need an exit route.




She was terrified yet had complete strangers living with her for years. Weird. She is not terrified of the massive amount of money she is making from gofundme.


Waiting 30 years to report it after suffering sooo much trauma and what does someone do. Report it to the media just as the nomination to the supreme court is getting confirmed. Not go to the police. Go straight to the media. That sounds like a victim to me. :loopy:


And the week prior to showing up they conducted an absolute deep clean of all social media accounts she had. What is she trying to hide?


The report by Rachel Mitchell who interviewed her in the Senate. (tldr: She would never prosecute on the evidence presented)



She is also the lead author on a study for the abortion pill ... and worked directly for the Drug Company who's primary income is selling the abortion pill, who is licensing it from the University she also works for. Kavanaugh is pro life.



Notice the difference to who is getting coached.




The democrats will no doubt lie about something else in the coming days.


I hope he gets confirmed and he remembers this in every decision he makes for the next 30 years.


Just as was done to Clarence Thomas decades ago. Always smear campaigns with no evidence.


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Lies won't make it to court. Courts like facts over feelings unfortunately for the disgusting Democrats. They are desperate to delay the vote and hope they can win the midterms and deny any Justice being confirmed until 2021.


The "2cd Front door" she said they were having in a remodel in 2012. Redacted to avoid personal information. I have the unredacted one too. Totally made up. Under oath. I mean would it take you 25 years to decide that you need another front door because you are that scared and need an exit route.




She was terrified yet had complete strangers living with her for years. Weird. She is not terrified of the massive amount of money she is making from gofundme.


Waiting 30 years to report it after suffering sooo much trauma and what does someone do. Report it to the media just as the nomination to the supreme court is getting confirmed. Not go to the police. Go straight to the media. That sounds like a victim to me. :loopy:


And the week prior to showing up they conducted an absolute deep clean of all social media accounts she had. What is she trying to hide?


The report by Rachel Mitchell who interviewed her in the Senate. (tldr: She would never prosecute on the evidence presented)



She is also the lead author on a study for the abortion pill ... and worked directly for the Drug Company who's primary income is selling the abortion pill, who is licensing it from the University she also works for. Kavanaugh is pro life.



Notice the difference to who is getting coached.




The democrats will no doubt lie about something else in the coming days.


I hope he gets confirmed and he remembers this in every decision he makes for the next 30 years.


Just as was done to Clarence Thomas decades ago. Always smear campaigns with no evidence.



You sound like a leading authority on victims in sexual harrassment. :loopy:


You are out of your mind if you think this confirmation is anything like normal. I genuinely do not think the Senate as it is balanced will confirm him. Mike Pence will not even be needed to to break a tie. What is the issue in getting the FBI to investigate before the nomination is confirmed? Why would the ABA ask for a delay if they did not genuinely think there is an issue that needs to be resolved.


The Republicans were absolute cowards in the hearing. Too scared to question Dr Ford themselves? :huh: Sounds like you have the same mentality.


Are you genuinely asking why she had lawyers at the hearing? She has ZERO legal training whereas the judge is a...... legal advocat maybe? Just maybe, he knows how the legal proceedings work and she doesn't.


The lies the Democrats are allegedly have been saying. Any proof? Just one, pick one...... any one...... well?


You know that this disgrace of a judge is is primed to tip the balance of the court so far to the right that abortion in the US has a real possibility of becoming illegal. Do you have any idea what you are talking about?

Edited by ez8004
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