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Brett kavanaugh - Supreme Court

Guest makapaka

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You keep saying this. You only have to use a tiny little bit of common sense to find out if he would.


He has repeatably said that he views this as settled law and would not change it.


Even if the absolute worst were to happen in a decade and they repealed it, it would then be left up to individual states to legislate it so you don't have to worry, you would still have your fill of killing little babies Nothing would change.


Killing little babies???? Really? A despicable comment. Do you really think women do this on a whim, that it's inconvenient at the moment, I'll just have an abortion? That you used this phrase goes to show what kind of a person YOU are.

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You answered a different question. What would your view be in the event that he does?


Why are you asking hypothetical questions? I have just said that I don't think he will.


---------- Post added 06-10-2018 at 13:04 ----------


Killing little babies???? Really? A despicable comment. Do you really think women do this on a whim, that it's inconvenient at the moment, I'll just have an abortion? That you used this phrase goes to show what kind of a person YOU are.


Do you mean like this - http://time.com/4608364/lena-dunham-wish-abortion-comments/ and she is a beacon of the left.

Edited by samonosuke
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Killing little babies???? Really? A despicable comment. Do you really think women do this on a whim, that it's inconvenient at the moment, I'll just have an abortion? That you used this phrase goes to show what kind of a person YOU are.


I don't care about what women do with their own bodies. I defend your right to do what you want. Are you saying they are not little babies though? At what point do you consider it a baby. When it's born?


Why do people get charged with 2 murders when killing a pregnant woman?


Everyone has a passion and the left has made it about abortion. They could have decided to stand up for the homeless, animals or the environment but no, they make it about the right to kill children. Even attacking those that hold a different viewpoint from them.




The only despicable people are the ones throwing rape accusations about and ruining a respectable mans family and reputation.


Lets see what the unhinged left do at the Senate today to try and force people to vote against him. It's already a done deal though if they want to keep their seats. Supreme Justice Kavanaugh will be confirmed today.

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Why are you asking hypothetical questions? I have just said that I don't think he will.


---------- Post added 06-10-2018 at 13:04 ----------



Do you mean like this - http://time.com/4608364/lena-dunham-wish-abortion-comments/ and she is a beacon of the left.


I have no idea why this woman made that comment, or your remark about being a beacon of the left, what's that got to do with abortion don't female rightwingers have abortions?


---------- Post added 06-10-2018 at 15:12 ----------


I don't care about what women do with their own bodies. I defend your right to do what you want. Are you saying they are not little babies though? At what point do you consider it a baby. When it's born?


Why do people get charged with 2 murders when killing a pregnant woman?


Everyone has a passion and the left has made it about abortion. They could have decided to stand up for the homeless, animals or the environment but no, they make it about the right to kill children. Even attacking those that hold a different viewpoint from them.




The only despicable people are the ones throwing rape accusations about and ruining a respectable mans family and reputation.


Lets see what the unhinged left do at the Senate today to try and force people to vote against him. It's already a done deal though if they want to keep their seats. Supreme Justice Kavanaugh will be confirmed today.


How noble of you to defend my right to abortion. It seems to me you have an aversion to anything that's not right wing judging by the amount of bile you heap on left wingers. You really should take some deep breaths and calm down. It's not good for you, you know I'm right.

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How noble of you to defend my right to abortion. It seems to me you have an aversion to anything that's not right wing judging by the amount of bile you heap on left wingers. You really should take some deep breaths and calm down. It's not good for you, you know I'm right.


Oh my. There I was thinking I was being a great undercover Lefty. Which one of my posts gave me away?


I do admit I try to keep away from the left wing as I value my sanity.


As this is a Kavanaugh thread I have to say ....


WE HAVE A NEW SCOTUS FOLKS!!! Justice Brett Michael Kavanaugh!


A great day, a great weekend and a great 2 years. Looking forward to the next 6.

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Guest makapaka

For me this is nothing to do with wealth.


A bloke went for a job. A lady accused him of something from 30 years ago.


He said it didn’t happen.


Millions of people found him guilty by trial of social media.


So wrong.


Hopefully the lady will take it to trial and the truth can be established.

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For me this is nothing to do with wealth.

A bloke went for a job. A lady accusedhhim of something from 30 years ago.


He said it didn’t happen.


Millions of people found him guilty by trial of social media.


So wrong.


Hopefully the lady will take it to trial and the truth can be established.


For me this is everything to do with wealth.

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