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Brett kavanaugh - Supreme Court

Guest makapaka

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For me this is nothing to do with wealth.


A bloke went for a job. A lady accused him of something from 30 years ago.


He said it didn’t happen.


Millions of people found him guilty by trial of social media.


So wrong.


Hopefully the lady will take it to trial and the truth can be established.


Not much chance of that.




It's almost like it was a political hit job. They mention impeachment in there. Loads of BS.


Alan Morton Dershowitz (Not just a liberal law professor, a professor emeritus at Harvard, and widely viewed as the greatest constitional law mind alive ) says he cannot be impeached for things in the past, only his actions on the Supreme Court.

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A gangsters lad at the top.


it's a myth that - one of those total misconceptions that is repeated so often, that a lot of people believe it to be true. But it isn't. Jack Kennedy's dad Joe P, was a thoroughly horrible person, without a doubt. But he wasn't a gangster or a bootlegger.

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I'm glad common sense prevailed and mindless mob rule didn't win the day.


We just don't know, and probably never will know what happened, if anything between Brett Kavanaugh and this lady all those years ago, but there has to be proof, there has to be due process or other wise where are we?

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I'm glad common sense prevailed and mindless mob rule didn't win the day.


We just don't know, and probably never will know what happened, if anything between Brett Kavanaugh and this lady all those years ago, but there has to be proof, there has to be due process or other wise where are we?


It wasn't mindless mob rule, it was calculated political meddling and it backfired, thank god. Of course, the rabble of protesters was more concerned about the #Me Too doctrines than they were about justice and the law.

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Either way, and no matter who was in law correct:

a. the complainant never pressed criminal charges; so

b. the accused is of necessity Not Guilty; and

c. it beggars belief that USA politics has no arguments on policies but merely on personalities.


It makes the UK Parliamentary system- and even its Political Party leaders- look like exemplars of correct and rational debate.

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What has this man done?

1) if he's guilty lock him up

2) if he's isn't then let him get on with the job

3) but there shouldn't be trial by media

4) if this lady has got evidence then she should produce it


Denouncing Democrats for violating the sacred tenet that someone is innocent until proven guilty, Trump led the crowd in a chant of "Lock her up!" for a person who has never been charged with a crime.


... that was *after* the evidence had been produced and showed no crime had been comitted :?


Hmmmm :suspect:

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