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Brett kavanaugh - Supreme Court

Guest makapaka

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You are out of your mind if you think this confirmation is anything like normal. I genuinely do not think the Senate as it is balanced will confirm him. Mike Pence will not even be needed to to break a tie. What is the issue in getting the FBI to investigate before the nomination is confirmed? Why would the ABA ask for a delay if they did not genuinely think there is an issue that needs to be resolved.


The ABA has not asked for delay.




The Republicans were absolute cowards in the hearing. Too scared to question Dr Ford themselves? :huh: Sounds like you have the same mentality.


They had an impartial prosecutor question her instead of all Republican Senators.


Are you genuinely asking why she had lawyers at the hearing? She has ZERO legal training whereas the judge is a...... legal advocat maybe? Just maybe, he knows how the legal proceedings work and she doesn't.


She can't just tell the truth? Really.


The lies the Democrats are allegedly have been saying. Any proof? Just one, pick one...... any one...... well?


All of them. Just pick one where you have any evidence please. Any at all. Time? Location? Date? Maybe the 6 previous FBI background checks were all lies too.


You know that this disgrace of a judge is is primed to tip the balance of the court so far to the right that abortion in the US has a real possibility of becoming illegal. Do you have any idea what you are talking about?


The only disgrace is that you label someone this with zero evidence of anything. Kavanaugh has already said Roe vs Wade was "an important precedent of the Supreme Court that has been reaffirmed many times."


"I don't live in a bubble, I understand, I live in the real world. I understand the importance of the issue," Kavanaugh said. He said that the Supreme Court's ruling in Planned Parenthood v. Casey added force to the court's legal reasoning. It was "precedent on precedent," he said.


Republican lawmakers — Sen. Susan Collins of Maine told reporters last month that Kavanaugh told her he viewed Roe as "settled" law.


Please stop reading Facebook for your news. It's why the left are insane. The Democrats have committed suicide with this. Why did she delete all her social media?


Is is because the Democrats were terrified of anyone finding out she's a fanatic Bay Area far-left activist. She also made pink pussy hats and participated in the anti-Trump women's marches. And her 2012 trip to the therapist took place right when Kavanaugh's name came up in the news as a possible Mitt Romney Supreme Court nominee, though interestingly, Kavanaugh's name was not used in her own claims in the report so she could name anyone when the time came.


Before she came out as the accuser, she spent what must have been days scrubbing her social media accounts of all the lefty activities and statements she must have been involved in. That's the detail that stands out to me.


Why did she do that?


If they manage to derail Kavanaugh, Trump can get Amy Coney Barrett as the next Justice. Be careful what you wish for!!!!


I think they confirm Kavanaugh on Thursday.

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The ABA has not asked for delay.






They had an impartial prosecutor question her instead of all Republican Senators.




She can't just tell the truth? Really.




All of them. Just pick one where you have any evidence please. Any at all. Time? Location? Date? Maybe the 6 previous FBI background checks were all lies too.




The only disgrace is that you label someone this with zero evidence of anything. Kavanaugh has already said Roe vs Wade was "an important precedent of the Supreme Court that has been reaffirmed many times."


"I don't live in a bubble, I understand, I live in the real world. I understand the importance of the issue," Kavanaugh said. He said that the Supreme Court's ruling in Planned Parenthood v. Casey added force to the court's legal reasoning. It was "precedent on precedent," he said.


Republican lawmakers — Sen. Susan Collins of Maine told reporters last month that Kavanaugh told her he viewed Roe as "settled" law.


Please stop reading Facebook for your news. It's why the left are insane. The Democrats have committed suicide with this. Why did she delete all her social media?


Is is because the Democrats were terrified of anyone finding out she's a fanatic Bay Area far-left activist. She also made pink pussy hats and participated in the anti-Trump women's marches. And her 2012 trip to the therapist took place right when Kavanaugh's name came up in the news as a possible Mitt Romney Supreme Court nominee, though interestingly, Kavanaugh's name was not used in her own claims in the report so she could name anyone when the time came.


Before she came out as the accuser, she spent what must have been days scrubbing her social media accounts of all the lefty activities and statements she must have been involved in. That's the detail that stands out to me.


Why did she do that?


If they manage to derail Kavanaugh, Trump can get Amy Coney Barrett as the next Justice. Be careful what you wish for!!!!


I think they confirm Kavanaugh on Thursday.


What kind of a crazy bubble do you live in? You quote a trash news site as a source about the ABA requesting a delay to the voting as untrue? Really? Did you not see the hearing when the very letter by the ABA was quoted? Oh yes, it didn’t happen in the hearing :loopy:


The senate vote will not be until Friday at the earliest. Some reality you live in. Also, if he doesn’t get confirmed. What makes you think Trump will get the judge he wants? The mid terms are on the 6th November, do you really think the Republicans will have a senate majority still? :loopy:

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What kind of a crazy bubble do you live in? You quote a trash news site as a source about the ABA requesting a delay to the voting as untrue? Really? Did you not see the hearing when the very letter by the ABA was quoted? Oh yes, it didn’t happen in the hearing :loopy:


The senate vote will not be until Friday at the earliest. Some reality you live in. Also, if he doesn’t get confirmed. What makes you think Trump will get the judge he wants? The mid terms are on the 6th November, do you really think the Republicans will have a senate majority still? :loopy:


You mean the single letter from a single person who does not represent the whole ABA. That one. The one that was later refuted by multiple members? You did not see Senator Lindsay Grahams read out of the rating for Kavanaugh? Here I'll link it for you, you might not be able to find it on Facebook.



Later, Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley released a letter by the ABA's Standing Committee on the Federal Judiciary, which said its members were not told in advance of Carlson's letter, and the panel reaffirmed its well-qualified rating of Kavanaugh.


The ABA committee is nonpartisan, its chairman, Paul Moxley, wrote. He noted that the nominee rating committee "acts independently of ABA leadership."


The confirmation moves forward and votes this week. I think the Republicans hold the senate majority in Novemebr and Trump stays until 2024. There is no blue wave. The left have shot themselves in the head with this.


Looking forward to the rest of the insane lefts smear campaign going into overdrive this week.

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This isn't a court of law, it is a judicial panel to assess his suitability for a position of great responsibility for life and recommend him to the Senate.


On a balance of probabilities, it is very unlikely that Ford is making this up (why would she?) and there is growing evidence that he has lied at previous hearings. And that is without the other accusations of sexual assault in the pipeline and the fact that Republicans are desperately trying to prevent Mark Judge from giving evidence.


This alone makes him unfit for office, and that would apply whether he was a Republican or a Democrat. The fact that he is also the person of choice for a President who has made it known that he doesn't have a problem with men sexually assaulting women, doesn't help his case either. :suspect:

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Its the crazy new world we live in where you are now guilty until proven innocent. Those that say this is a positive thing would change their tunes if they were falsely accused.

I agree with what you write.


---------- Post added 02-10-2018 at 08:43 ----------


He won't be confirmed. New evidence has come to light that he lied under oath.



I believe the women.

Why do you believe the women?

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