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Final call to save the world?

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With the use of widespread fake news and populist parties, is there any hope for real politics?


The world cannot meet its target without changes by individuals, urging people to:


buy less meat, milk, cheese and butter and more locally sourced seasonal food - and throw less of it away • drive electric cars but walk or cycle short distances • take trains and buses instead of planes • use video conferencing instead of business travel • use a washing line instead of a tumble dryer • insulate homes • demand low carbon in every consumer product


That will never happen, so I guess we are all doomed, eventually. :rant:



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With the use of widespread fake news and populist parties, is there any hope for real politics?


The world cannot meet its target without changes by individuals, urging people to:


buy less meat, milk, cheese and butter and more locally sourced seasonal food - and throw less of it away • drive electric cars but walk or cycle short distances • take trains and buses instead of planes • use video conferencing instead of business travel • use a washing line instead of a tumble dryer • insulate homes • demand low carbon in every consumer product


That will never happen, so I guess we are all doomed, eventually. :rant:




I once tried one of those electric cars, but couldnt find an extension cable long enough to get me further than the end of the drive.

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Unfortunately, if there were enough people in the world taking the actions you describe, there'd also be enough of them to vote out the politicians who choose not to act.

I think the only solution is my plan for world domination by me.


It would need a single global voice - and you sound reasonable - so I'll give you the job.

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"Drive electric cars"??????


When I was at school, every time you convert energy you lose energy....


Think about how many energy conversions are involved between the generation of said electricity and the contact of your wheels to the road.


It just doesn't make sense!


Not only that, but what happens when you live in (say) a terrace of houses with no drive/garage?


A Huge cable across the footpath while you are in bed would probably do the trick eh?


What could possibly go wrong.

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"Drive electric cars"??????


When I was at school, every time you convert energy you lose energy....


Think about how many energy conversions are involved between the generation of said electricity and the contact of your wheels to the road.


It just doesn't make sense!



We will all have our own solar panels soon. And they do recommend that getting on your bike is the best option, no lost energy there :hihi:

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It's going to need a heck of a lot of joined up thinking, (big problem.) But we have to do it, to have any hope of pulling back from the brink.


We can all make small changes that will help, but the big ideas have to be put in place by government. And I also think we should be putting billions into research and development, and new technology.


All new housing should have solar panels, high levels of insulation and grey water systems for a start.

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