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Final call to save the world?

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3D printed houses can be built very cheaply and quickly, and have any requirements automatically built in.


I will look on ebay for a printer ;)


---------- Post added 09-10-2018 at 11:11 ----------


"China is the world's No. 1 polluter. It burns more coal than the rest of the world combined. It produces more than a quarter of the world's human-caused global warming gases, nearly as much as North America and Europe put together."



The country that make most of our goods and the country with the largest population.

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One thing we should do, but won't because we're driven by self-interest and are only paying lip service to environmental issues, is population (birth) control. For example, we should consider how many people our planet can sustain, and reduce births to meet that target.

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I once tried one of those electric cars, but couldnt find an extension cable long enough to get me further than the end of the drive.


I once tried one of those electric cars, for over 3 years. Bad move, it was more expensive to run than its diesel counterpart. So they are not saving the planet are they.




---------- Post added 09-10-2018 at 12:13 ----------


Agreed, but we are happy to buy billions of pounds of stuff they have made, and so continue the problem.

As an example, years ago, I used to buy circuit boards from a firm manufacturing in Roherham. Their chemical recycling costs were very high, as they (rightly) had to have them disposed of correctly - that was a major part of their costs. They closed down as they became uncompetitive with China, who were allowed to just pour the waste chemical down the drain.

If we impose environmental regulation on our own companies, then we should only allow imports that comply with the same standards.



Cannot argue with that, it would be difficult though to get the Government to implement such measures.



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One think I find odd is that this seems to concentrate on C02 emissions as if that is the only GHG. I notice on the BBC that it states we should cut down or give up beef and dairy products because it would drastically reduce C02 emissions? I though it was mainly because of the methane they produce?

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One think I find odd is that this seems to concentrate on C02 emissions as if that is the only GHG. I notice on the BBC that it states we should cut down or give up beef and dairy products because it would drastically reduce C02 emissions? I though it was mainly because of the methane they produce?


I think it's the fact that large areas of woodland/forest are being removed to accomodate beef farming.. less trees = less CO2 being scrubbed out of the atmosphere.. maybe

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The American ones are more expensive than "normally" built homes $275/m2 /$223/m2...


I believe they are being used/considered in 3rd world countries and disaster zones, so cheaper ones must be available.


---------- Post added 09-10-2018 at 12:58 ----------


One thing we should do, but won't because we're driven by self-interest and are only paying lip service to environmental issues, is population (birth) control. For example, we should consider how many people our planet can sustain, and reduce births to meet that target.


I understand the population is stablising and will start to drop soon. In the west there is actually a problem with fertility / sperm count so maybe nature is taking care of it by itself...

Edited by Anna B
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