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Don't die of ignorance - have your Flu Jab

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From your link;


"The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has awarded Adventist Health Study-2 $5.5 million over the next five years, which will allow the study to continue its analysis on cancer and other lifestyle diseases."


Personally would be very concerned by any institution - research, funding agency etc - who referred to cancer as a "lifestyle disease".


I posted that in response to the claim that the Adventist Health studies research was done by a university that was not fully honest.


As I understand it, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) is a very highly respected organisation which would be unlikely to give $5.5 to fund dodgy research.


You seem to be of the opinion the National Institutes of Health is somewhat dubious?


---------- Post added 14-11-2018 at 17:50 ----------


Nope - MAC33 only swallows things from conspiracy theory websites.


Couldn't we do a thread without the ad hominem attacks?



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You are far from the only scientist/medical professional who is not anti-vax, but who are suspicious of, or oppose, the flu vaccine.


Very true - thankfully. I felt that Cyclone was suggesting MAC33 took the opposing view to scientists, thereby suggesting all scientists agreed on the validity of the flu vaccine.


I agree with your posts in the previous thread that mandatory flu vaccination for health professionals is out of order.

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And some cancers have nothing to do with lifestyle - my mother died of cancer of the womb - having a womb is not a lifestyle choice.


True, but a lot are.

So I can see how they could include cancer and other lifestyle diseases... It's a bit overly broad, but not in a detrimental way really.


---------- Post added 15-11-2018 at 08:06 ----------


Each to their own, Cyclone. I prefer not to introduce thiomersal, or any other unnecessary compounds, particularly when the vaccine is ineffective.

The NHS give guidance as to vaccine ingredients https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/vaccinations/vaccine-ingredients/ and it's worth following their link to the eMC to find out what is in the particular one you are considering having.


I am not an "anti-vaccer" and am entitled to make my own decision about the flu vaccine. I have never had flu, btw, whereas my colleagues that had the flu jab were off sick later on with the flu :huh:


I wasn't trying to convince you to have it, and I said about 100 pages back that as I'm not in a high risk group I won't be having it myself.

I'm not spreading FUD about vaccine ingredients though.


---------- Post added 15-11-2018 at 08:13 ----------


Regarding how effective it is, flu mutates rapidly, but even so


How effective is the flu vaccine?

CDC conducts studies each year to determine how well the influenza (flu) vaccine protects against flu illness. While vaccine effectiveness (VE) can vary, recent studies show that flu vaccination reduces the risk of flu illness by between 40% and 60% among the overall population during seasons when most circulating flu viruses are well-matched to the flu vaccine



---------- Post added 15-11-2018 at 08:15 ----------


Timing is an issue though

at least 10 studies have found that the flu vaccine wears off as the weeks go by. Kaiser Permanente Northern California reported this month that the risk of a flu infection increases 15 percent every 28 days after vaccination.


The standard flu season peaks in mid-December and remains widespread through February. A shot in September might not yield any protection come February.


---------- Post added 15-11-2018 at 08:17 ----------


And the Minnesota study


Influenza vaccines can provide moderate protection against virologically confirmed influenza, but such protection is greatly reduced or absent in some seasons. Evidence for protection in adults aged 65 years or older is lacking. LAIVs consistently show highest efficacy in young children (aged 6 months to 7 years). New vaccines with improved clinical efficacy and effectiveness are needed to further reduce influenza-related morbidity and mortality.


Is a call for improved vaccines, not a reason to avoid the ones we have if you're in a risk group.

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At least take the time to read some testimonies from parents who have seen their kids regress after taking the shots.





Do you actually have any scientific proof?


Children regressing is proven to be due to genetic anomalies. There is absolutely no proof that vaccines cause this.


Blame the parents for poor genetics.

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16 minutes ago, MAC33 said:

51 000 cases in India recently of a disease that is identical in symptoms to Polio,but not called Polio - no doubt  caused by the vaccine.



Is there a rule on this thread about posting dangerous lies? The uneducated might be taken in by this nonsense, which could ultimately be life threatening. If posting rubbish like this is allowed, there should be a fact check system or something whereby links to unscientific conspiracy theorist claptrap comes with a big bold note in red with a warning..

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Is there a rule on this forum that Big Pharma self funded studies have to be taken as gospel?


Is their a rule that all their claims of vaccination causing no harm  are to be believed when there's clearly monumental evidence of harm.

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