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My sister in law aged just 35 passed away suddenly -please read

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On Friday 27th September my sister in law went to the doctors with severe headaches and dizziness that had gotten worse over the past few days, she was told to go to hospital and have some tests done for suspected meningitis. None of us thought by Sunday we’d be saying goodbye to her for the last time.

Alice was just 35 she had a rare disease called Klippel Trénaunay Weber syndrome which was diagnosed when she was born which caused alice lots of problems, she had a large area of her body covered in port wine stains which also had connective tissue issues and other complications in her vascular system. So she was around doctors all her life,but this time doctors were unable to diagnose a spontaneous inter cerebral bleed on Alice’s brain which took her life just 14 hours after she was admitted. The family are trying to raise as much awareness as possible over brain hemorrhages/strokes/aneurism’s and of course the rare syndrome alice had. She leaves behind her partner of the past 18 or so years Michael her 2 beautiful girls melanie 10 and Megan 6 and her mum Wendy and brother Paul his partner Becky and Little girl Freya.

There is a gofund me page set up to raise funds which has been featured on the star online if anyone can give a little or even share this post I would be so grateful. Gofundme/Alice oldhams funeral / send off :)

We will be continuing to raise money after Alice’s funeral on 22nd October at city rd 11:45 to raise awareness and hopefully make people aware of brain disorders and rare syndromes. Many thanks

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Thank you all for taking the time to read this we are hoping to try and get some fund raisers sorted to raise awareness and raise some money so we can print out flyers and hopefully help with a brain charity as it was a brain hemorrahage that took her life but due to complications with her syndrome as a specialist wasn’t brought in to look after her


---------- Post added 13-10-2018 at 11:54 ----------


We are also trying to set up a wake somewhere for after Alice’s funeral as Michael is dealing with the girls at the moment and he’s not a drinker,to be honest I think he’s just managing to do day to day tasks and not planning ahead which is understandable so if anyone knows of a pub or club that has a room that is available to have where we could bring food etc on Monday 22nd October after 12:30 as we are trying to do this as heap as we can so the funds we raise will go towards other costs. Please forward this on to anyone you think could help and please pm me many thanks

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We are in need of somewhere to hold a wake for my sister in law next Monday 22nd October between the hours of 12-2/3. All we need is the room which ideally would be as cheap as possible but be able to have our own catering in as a very kind friend has offered to do the catering for us. This is for my sister in law who passed away suddenly 2 weeks ago after what she thought was a cold but the doctors thought meningitis, within 24 hours she had an inter cerebral haemorrhage and just 12 hours after the family said their last goodbyes she leaves 2 girls aged 6 and 10 and a loving partner behind as well as a brother and sister in law and her mum. If anyone knows anywhere please pm me I am trying to organise this as easily as possible at the sad time to take the ease off my brother and the girls. Many thanks for taking the time to read this. Hopefully once the family have had time to grieve we are hoping to raise funds and awareness of Klippel Trénaunay Weber syndrome, penicillin allergies and brain conditions/strokes/haemorrhage

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