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Get rid of scumbags. legalise drugs

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By any measure, the 'war on drugs' is an expensive failure.


Example : legalise heroin, and give (administer) it to addicts in a clinic.


Benefit 1) With no profit to be made selling to addicts, the dealers would stop selling it, so no more new addicts.


Benefit 2) addicts would be freed from the cost of their addiction - crime would fall.


Benefit 3) recieving controlled amounts of clean heroin would mean improved health outcomes for addicts - reducing the cost of taking care of them.


4) it would be easy to control, and so reduce over time, the amount given to addicts. They could be on a withdrawal program without even realising it.




It'll never happen of course, government policy is rarely driven by evidence*, often going against it.


(*Yes, it's been tried, and it works)

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