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Bakery found NOT to have discriminated against a gay couple

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Well, I'm glad.

I support everyones freedom, to live their lives as they wish, so long as they don't bring harm to anyone else.

Had they refused to serve the guy in question, as a regular purchasing customer, because of his sexual orientation, I would be fully behind him suing them. But I don't think you can force someone to do something, in this case a sloganned cake. If the gay guy owned a shop, he should also be allowed to refuse to print a 'no same sex marriage' sloganned item too.

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Happy for the cake shop owners. What happened to them was a disgrace. Hopefully the cake shop owners will still have enough money left after their ordeal to live a good life.


Well the legal bill for each side is running at around £200k. That's alot of cake.


I wonder if the gay couple got permission to use that seaseme street image?

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Well the legal bill for each side is running at around £200k. That's alot of cake.


I wonder if the gay couple got permission to use that seaseme street image?

Not idea about seaseme street, but I do know, if a shop didn't want my business for whatever reasons, I would choose another shop to spend my money and wouldn't cause a fuss.

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Well the legal bill for each side is running at around £200k. That's alot of cake.


I wonder if the gay couple got permission to use that seaseme street image?

You need to read the full story. The cake shop owners are pre-gay weddings, they just really, really hate Sesame Street.

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Not idea about seaseme street, but I do know, if a shop didn't want my business for whatever reasons, I would choose another shop to spend my money and wouldn't cause a fuss.


Exactly right. The fact this stupidity ever went to court in the first place beggars belief.

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