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Bakery found NOT to have discriminated against a gay couple

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Don't you see the difference between hate speech and refusal of service on the grounds of discrimination?


What is hate speech?


And don't you understand the difference between: forcibly making someone to make something for you? (AKA slavery) And the freedom to conduct your own business according to your own religious beliefs and values?

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What is hate speech?


And don't you understand the difference between: forcibly making someone to make something for you? (AKA slavery) And the freedom to conduct your own business according to your own religious beliefs and values?


Do you know what hyperbole is?

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It's very simple though. Don't force anybody to do anything they don't want do. By your logic a gay baker should be forced to bake a cake with homophobic messages and Jewish owned printing services should be forced to print anti-Semitic holocaust denying literature.






It's very simple though, don't allow anyone to discriminate against others for reasons of race, sexuality, sex or religion. By your logic people should be allowed to discriminate.

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It's very simple though, don't allow anyone to discriminate against others for reasons of race, sexuality, sex or religion. By your logic people should be allowed to discriminate.


Yes, they should. Humans should have the free will to associate with who they wish.


By your reckoning, children shouldn't have a 'best friend' because it's not inclusive of the other kids. I bet you're not friends with certain people for various reasons. Would you be friends with a Nazi? Afterall, it's just a differing political belief and faiure to engage with them is discrimination on your part.

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Yes, they should. Humans should have the free will to associate with who they wish.


By your reckoning, children shouldn't have a 'best friend' because it's not inclusive of the other kids. I bet you're not friends with certain people for various reasons. Would you be friends with a Nazi? Afterall, it's just a differing political belief and faiure to engage with them is discrimination on your part.


If I may butt in, that sounds like your reckoning.


How did you come to the conclusion that choosing friends is actively discriminating, especially in the context of the thread?


Actually let's explore your thinking. A man marries a woman, is he discriminating against all other women?

Edited by SnailyBoy
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If I may butt in, that sounds like your reckoning.


How did you come to the conclusion that choosing friends is actively discrimating, especially in the context of the thread?


Because every living being discriminates in some way, and that is not necessarily a bad thing.


On a basic level, you discriminate between who can and cannot enter your property. Who you interact with; who you are friends with; who you associate with etc.


We have women only groups where half the population is not allowed to participate because of their sex. I'm fine with that. A friend of mine wasn't allowed to take full part in a family wedding because he gave up the religion they believe in. He was fine with that because he understood the rules. Students get offers on transport and in shops for being students... that's discrimination because one set of people are getting something that others aren't.


The world isn't equal and that's fine, for the most part.

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Because every living being discriminates in some way, and that is not necessarily a bad thing.


On a basic level, you discriminate between who can and cannot enter your property. Who you interact with; who you are friends with; who you associate with etc.


We have women only groups where half the population is not allowed to participate because of their sex. I'm fine with that. A friend of mine wasn't allowed to take full part in a family wedding because he gave up the religion they believe in. He was fine with that because he understood the rules. Students get offers on transport and in shops for being students... that's discrimination because one set of people are getting something that others aren't.


The world isn't equal and that's fine, for the most part.


If you recall, I specifically asked in the context of the thread.


What you're describing isn't discrimination

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Guest makapaka
Didn't several people just make a blanket statement that businesses should be able to refuse service. Full stop.

Which would imply that through prejudice is just fine with them.

Some of the same people went on to say that if THEY were refused service then they'd simply go to another shop. Pretty much saying that people who complain about discrimination should just have a thicker skin.

Which is easy to say when you're a hetro white male isn't it and there's absolutely no chance of you being refused service or facing regular discrimination of any kind.


---------- Post added 15-10-2018 at 22:02 ----------



That easily solved though, you just condemn all nutjobbery and support womens rights.


Well I agree they should be able to refuse service.


I don’t agree that this refusal should be through prejudice.


It seems to me that this thread has just been hijacked to try and point score by you and snaily boy. No ones actually said people should be allowed to discriminate through prejudice but you’re arguing like the have.


I imagine you don’t like the idea of acknowledging that those opposing the gay men that wasted this money by bringing unnecessary action are right as verified by the Supreme Court - so instead are just assuming prejudice for someone’s comments in regard to their preference to choose who they do/don’t work for - something which many businesses actually aspire to in fact.


You’re now going on about white Hetero privilege - which has even less to do with this subject and is also wrong anyway. White hetero males never experiencing refused service - that’s not supported by fact either is it.

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