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Bakery found NOT to have discriminated against a gay couple

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Not when they come from idiots who will not listen when you give them an answer they dont like.Lets set the record straight once and for all, i do not support discrimination but have the right to work,or not, for anyone i choose to ,end of.


Good for you. However you weren't talking about your right to work, you were making a general point about refusal of service for any reason.


You see how discrimination will fall into that?

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Good for you. However you weren't talking about your right to work, you were making a general point about refusal of service for any reason.


You see how discrimination will fall into that?


A few years back there was a Muslim woman who worked in a pharmacy that refused to serve someone a morning after pill; I seem to remember lefty do-gooder types saying things like "other chemists are available" and so on. Funny how that reasoning doesn't apply here isn't it?

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Good for you. However you weren't talking about your right to work, you were making a general point about refusal of service for any reason.


You see how discrimination will fall into that?


Not at all.


If a business owner is not comfortable serving or selling to someone for whatever reason, a simple " we are not offering that product for sale right now " puts and end to the issue.


What has happened with the "Gay Cake " is someone took offence about a refusal to supply a product the business owner didnt want to provide , when then was nothing what so ever to be offended about. He should have just gone elsewhere to source the cake he wanted instead of finding discrimination where there wasnt any.


The real ones to blame here are the idiotic morons who decided to take it to court in the first place.

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Not at all.


If a business owner is not comfortable serving or selling to someone for whatever reason, a simple " we are not offering that product for sale right now " puts and end to the issue.


What has happened with the "Gay Cake " is someone took offence about a refusal to supply a product the business owner didnt want to provide , when then was nothing what so ever to be offended about. He should have just gone elsewhere to source the cake he wanted instead of finding discrimination where there wasnt any.


The real ones to blame here are the idiotic morons who decided to take it to court in the first place.





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As i have just said , if the owners had simply said they had no vacancies, this wouldnt have ended up in court., no matter what their reasons were for refusing the blokes a room.


A little bit naive form the hotel owners for not going down the " No Vacancies " route .


---------- Post added 14-10-2018 at 15:09 ----------



There was NO discrimination in the Gay Cake case. :roll:

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There are plenty of establishments, B&B's, cake shops, dress makers, wedding shops etc, that are owned and run by Muslims and afro carribbean's, most of whom probably would take issue with producing something with a gay theme, but these militant gay groups don't go after them do they, they leave them well alone and ONLY seem to want to pick fights with white Christian establishments, and you've got to ask yourself why that is.

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As i have just said , if the owners had simply said they had no vacancies, this wouldnt have ended up in court., no matter what their reasons were for refusing the blokes a room.


A little bit naive form the hotel owners for not going down the " No Vacancies " route .


Yeah, I guess lying is a good way of getting out of most awkward situations, until you get unstuck.





There was NO discrimination in the Gay Cake case. :roll:


I didn't say there was :roll: :roll:

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There are plenty of establishments, B&B's, cake shops, dress makers, wedding shops etc, that are owned and run by Muslims and afro carribbean's, most of whom probably would take issue with producing something with a gay theme, but these militant gay groups don't go after them do they, they leave them well alone and ONLY seem to want to pick fights with white Christian establishments, and you've got to ask yourself why that is.


Something like this, after a furore about a very similar cake-case in the US?



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A few years back there was a Muslim woman who worked in a pharmacy that refused to serve someone a morning after pill; I seem to remember lefty do-gooder types saying things like "other chemists are available" and so on.




Are you sure that you have that right and they were not right wing do-gooders?


No one claiming to be 'left wing' would ever put someone's religious views over a woman's reproductive rights! :suspect:

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