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Ronaldo rape case

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Yeah, thought as much; you really are misogynist - or at least seriously uneducated about the plight of women - maybe, if I'm being generous, you're just part of that older generation that was brought up to regard woman as less than equal and as the sexual playthings of men.


Maybe he's one of those wierd people that realise women have the ability to fabricate things like men. Perhaps he also believes that the accused are also innocent until proven guilty.


Sorry am I mansplaining?

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Maybe he's one of those wierd people that realise women have the ability to fabricate things like men. Perhaps he also believes that the accused are also innocent until proven guilty.


Sorry am I mansplaining?


If you're a man and you don't understand the reality that women endure vast amounts of abuse, harassment and sexual abuse from men and you don't challenge it at every opportunity, then you're not really a man, you're a waste of breath and no friend to women.

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I am none of the above, but I can spot a fake, male or female a mile off. I was brought up by women( mother and grandmother) as I was fatherless from birth. I have been with the same lady for 45 years have three adult daughters with whom I have a great relationship and even my first wife would call you out if you said what you said about me in front of her.


:thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:Good on you MR. T.

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If you're a man and you don't understand the reality that women endure vast amounts of abuse, harassment and sexual abuse from men and you don't challenge it at every opportunity, then you're not really a man, you're a waste of breath and no friend to women.


Does that mean every woman should automatically be believed then? Perhaps Ronaldo should just got straight to prison then?


Perhaps this woman needs to be released for false imprisonment? What do judges know eh?




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If you're a man and you don't understand the reality that women endure vast amounts of abuse, harassment and sexual abuse from men and you don't challenge it at every opportunity, then you're not really a man, you're a waste of breath and no friend to women.


She was in a situation not open to a lot of us, hanging around with wealthy footballers. She's probably more 'privileged' than you or i, and probably more well off.


Getting it on with a footballer and then suddenly regretting it for the money makes it more difficult for those who have actually suffered sexual assault to come forward.


Women are human and just as capable of fabrication as men. More so, in many cases... having been on the receiving end myself.

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If you're a man and you don't understand the reality that women endure vast amounts of abuse, harassment and sexual abuse from men and you don't challenge it at every opportunity, then you're not really a man, you're a waste of breath and no friend to women.

Do you think women who make false accusations of rape are also no friend of women?

Surely, their lies make life so much more difficult for the women who have truly suffered.

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With all these retrospective sexual prosecutions against men currently going on - some of them date back to the 80's - it does scare men to have any physical contact or relationship with the opposite sex out of fear of having a claim brought against them.


The Me Too movement is encouraging women to go down this path.


It is dividing the sexes - no doubt about that. Depopulation yes.


In the end most of these court cases will decided by her word against the blokes word. In a civil case you only need around 50 percent proof.


Ronaldo being one of the most famous people in the world - it is bringing a lot of attention to this Me Too movement.

Edited by MAC33
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She was in a situation not open to a lot of us, hanging around with wealthy footballers. She's probably more 'privileged' than you or i, and probably more well off.


Getting it on with a footballer and then suddenly regretting it for the money makes it more difficult for those who have actually suffered sexual assault to come forward.


Women are human and just as capable of fabrication as men. More so, in many cases... having been on the receiving end myself.


Many years ago a mate of mine was accused of raping a woman, he was so scare he went on the run for a month because he thought the police would take her side of the story, they did, he was arrested and locked up on remand for three months, when it got to court her story was ripped into pieces and she was found to be a liar, not just about him but also about other men in the past.

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Many years ago a mate of mine was accused of raping a woman, he was so scare he went on the run for a month because he thought the police would take her side of the story, they did, he was arrested and locked up on remand for three months, when it got to court her story was ripped into pieces and she was found to be a liar, not just about him but also about other men in the past.


Mine wasn't a rape allegation, it was about the mother of my kids lying in court.


But yes - as much as people like Halibut try to claim 'patriarchy' and 'male privilege', men still suffer bias towards women in court.


Feminists, their allies and SJWs seem to forget 'equality' when it goes against their narrative.

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