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The Royal Family Discussion Thread

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7 minutes ago, makapaka said:

Put simply - I hate the idea that for some reason people think that there are a group of people that are somehow more deserving than us by way of their hereditary privilege.


that they’re somehow better than you and should be lauded.


and that their prizes from that privilege aren’t to be challenged because of who they are.


i think that idea is obscene. 


Regarding your remarks about certain royals dressed in military dress order....


I will have to do some research but I remember watching a documentary some years ago now and I can’t remember who once’s said....


“Kings and Queens no longer have to lead from the front into battle they will go anyway”....


Kings always used to lead from the front so that their subjects would follow them into battle or they wouldn’t fight how times have changed eh !!!!!....

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8 hours ago, makapaka said:

Put simply - I hate the idea that for some reason people think that there are a group of people that are somehow more deserving than us by way of their hereditary privilege.


that they’re somehow better than you and should be lauded.


and that their prizes from that privilege aren’t to be challenged because of who they are.


i think that idea is obscene. 


Do you really think they have a better life than you ?

Would you enjoy people you do not know criticising you all the time.

Would you like the press to be ready to sensationalise your every move.

Honestly I would not swap my life for theirs.


Now the important part of why a monarchy is essential for our country.

The Royal Family is non political.

In times of war or disaster the whole population regardless of political beliefs can come together behind the Crown for the good of the country.

Why do you think the army have regiments/corps with the prefix Royal in their title or a Crown incorporated in their badge, it is the same with the police and other organisations badges.


The monarchy (and I accept there are exceptions) need to act in a way to reflect their position in the constitution and earn respect and affection of the population.


The monarchy is an institution that is easy to criticise by anyone who needs a target to criticise and see it as the extreme level in a class war.


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28 minutes ago, harvey19 said:

Do you really think they have a better life than you ?

Would you enjoy people you do not know criticising you all the time.

Would you like the press to be ready to sensationalise your every move.

Honestly I would not swap my life for theirs.


Now the important part of why a monarchy is essential for our country.

The Royal Family is non political.

In times of war or disaster the whole population regardless of political beliefs can come together behind the Crown for the good of the country.

Why do you think the army have regiments/corps with the prefix Royal in their title or a Crown incorporated in their badge, it is the same with the police and other organisations badges.


The monarchy (and I accept there are exceptions) need to act in a way to reflect their position in the constitution and earn respect and affection of the population.


The monarchy is an institution that is easy to criticise by anyone who needs a target to criticise and see it as the extreme level in a class war.


Today's monarchy is the last symbolic vestige of those that went out and forcefully imposed their moral values, religions and language on those they saw as uncivilized  "savages", "barbarians", "infidels", and "blasphemers" "heretics", and "deniers",  and  drew up the boundaries of countries.


We are the product of those empires,  Persian, Greek, Roman, Viking, British, Arab, Portuguese, and Spanish.


They still pay homage to, and take pride in their legacies,, and still retain a sense of moral superiority, as can be seen in the endless wars they are fighting to impose their "values" on the rest of the World.


A war that is already lost, and still being lost, to the vast numbers of people in the World, that will ultimately decide their own rightful destiny.


They have one thing in common.  Their intolerance, and demeaning, of anybody who doesn't agree with them.


Ironically, the anti-monarchists, are right up there with the best/worst of them, if this thread is anything to go by. :)



Edited by trastrick
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34 minutes ago, harvey19 said:

Do you really think they have a better life than you ?

Would you enjoy people you do not know criticising you all the time.

Would you like the press to be ready to sensationalise your every move.

Honestly I would not swap my life for theirs.


Now the important part of why a monarchy is essential for our country.

The Royal Family is non political.

In times of war or disaster the whole population regardless of political beliefs can come together behind the Crown for the good of the country.

Why do you think the army have regiments/corps with the prefix Royal in their title or a Crown incorporated in their badge, it is the same with the police and other organisations badges.


The monarchy (and I accept there are exceptions) need to act in a way to reflect their position in the constitution and earn respect and affection of the population.


The monarchy is an institution that is easy to criticise by anyone who needs a target to criticise and see it as the extreme level in a class war.


Thank you Harvey.


My questioning is where does that mentality of a  'Class' War come from ?

You live in a rented home (be it council or private rented) - them across road have bought theirs (who do they think they are?).

Them across Rd are havin' another baby, we only had the one - shouldn't be allowed more than one ( should have his bits cut off).

Bloke across Rd's bought a car - can't he catch buss like everybody else?  (Who does he think he is?)

Works week  & off to Skeggi  -  them across Rd are off on a Cheap package holiday inc flight (Who do they think they are).

Him across Rd's started his own business  - It'll never succeed (Just who does he think he is?).

Him with the business has just moved into a factory unit and started employing people - Not be long before it fails (Always thought he was better than everybody else).

Rumour has it him across Rd just bought an house up Dore &  he's driving a Mercedes - (All on the backs of his repressed Workers!).

Him across Rd - must be doing well, workers car park's always full - the same workers who are repressed, have bought houses and are now flying off on holiday with their ever growing family's - (Yeh! while he does nothing!)


What you doing tonight Bert? - of t' club. two local lads on tonight - they aren't bad saw them when they first started.

Here them to lads are doing well - never come to  ought' - (ain't got the talent).

Only brought a record out - only a single (flash in the pan- one off).

Touring America - wouldn't go there myself!  (they'll be back - tails behind their legs).

Band split up - Ha ha  (knew that'd happen - told you so).

Both restarted their careers and now living in LA  (Yeh! but wouldn't they rather still be livin' on't Manor 🤣.


I have never understood that Jealousy thing. 

People are born into 'Money' - Fact. 

Those 'Money' people help their own - Fact (should they not?) (Would you not?)

This 'Great Little Country' doe's let people with gumption aspire to greater things. & what a great place it is for it. (wave of flag :blush:)

Siting back winging about someone having more money than me or born into a privilege family I have never understood.

The bettering yourself through life can be achieved. Being born into Royalty is a little harder I'll give you that.


Come the revolution and the abolition of the Monarchy, it'll be a better place though.

Wealth will be distributed throughout the masses.

Child birth will be limited to one per couple no matter of status.

Sorry no one will be allowed a status.


Keep safe out there 8) .



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Guest makapaka
3 hours ago, harvey19 said:

Do you really think they have a better life than you ?

Yes - and so do they. 

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7 minutes ago, makapaka said:

Yes - and so do they. 

Wouldn't it be funny if in private they moan about the lifestyle they have been born into and are jealous of the lifestyle of the ordinary people just as you moan about being jealous of not having their lifestyle.

10 minutes ago, makapaka said:

Yes - and so do they. 

I presume you agree with the rest of my post if you only respond to one sentence.

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3 hours ago, harvey19 said:

Do you really think they have a better life than you ?

Would you enjoy people you do not know criticising you all the time.

Would you like the press to be ready to sensationalise your every move.

Honestly I would not swap my life for theirs.


Now the important part of why a monarchy is essential for our country.

The Royal Family is non political.

In times of war or disaster the whole population regardless of political beliefs can come together behind the Crown for the good of the country.

Why do you think the army have regiments/corps with the prefix Royal in their title or a Crown incorporated in their badge, it is the same with the police and other organisations badges.


The monarchy (and I accept there are exceptions) need to act in a way to reflect their position in the constitution and earn respect and affection of the population.


The monarchy is an institution that is easy to criticise by anyone who needs a target to criticise and see it as the extreme level in a class war.


Your first paragraph highlights the price of fame.   Right here we go! The whole country was encouraged to support the Jubilee, well this is the thanks they got, they were told Andrew couldn't attend because of Covid, what a blatent lie, that just goes to show what they really think of the general public, feed the gullible idiots a lie as though people don't know the real reason,  so in a nutshell! Its a case of,  Support your Royals and get treated like an idiot.

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11 minutes ago, PRESLEY said:

Your first paragraph highlights the price of fame.   Right here we go! The whole country was encouraged to support the Jubilee, well this is the thanks they got, they were told Andrew couldn't attend because of Covid, what a blatent lie, that just goes to show what they really think of the general public, feed the gullible idiots a lie as though people don't know the real reason,  so in a nutshell! Its a case of,  Support your Royals and get treated like an idiot.

Have you any proof that Andrew was not ill or just unfounded  criticism ?

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4 minutes ago, harvey19 said:

Have you any proof that Andrew was not ill or just unfounded  criticism ?

:hihi:  How ridiculous, he has been told to keep out of the way because he is an embarrasment to family  and not just in this country but around the world. 

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2 hours ago, Rockers rule said:

Thank you Harvey.


My questioning is where does that mentality of a  'Class' War come from ?

You live in a rented home (be it council or private rented) - them across road have bought theirs (who do they think they are?).

Them across Rd are havin' another baby, we only had the one - shouldn't be allowed more than one ( should have his bits cut off).

Bloke across Rd's bought a car - can't he catch buss like everybody else?  (Who does he think he is?)

Works week  & off to Skeggi  -  them across Rd are off on a Cheap package holiday inc flight (Who do they think they are).

Him across Rd's started his own business  - It'll never succeed (Just who does he think he is?).

Him with the business has just moved into a factory unit and started employing people - Not be long before it fails (Always thought he was better than everybody else).

Rumour has it him across Rd just bought an house up Dore &  he's driving a Mercedes - (All on the backs of his repressed Workers!).

Him across Rd - must be doing well, workers car park's always full - the same workers who are repressed, have bought houses and are now flying off on holiday with their ever growing family's - (Yeh! while he does nothing!)


What you doing tonight Bert? - of t' club. two local lads on tonight - they aren't bad saw them when they first started.

Here them to lads are doing well - never come to  ought' - (ain't got the talent).

Only brought a record out - only a single (flash in the pan- one off).

Touring America - wouldn't go there myself!  (they'll be back - tails behind their legs).

Band split up - Ha ha  (knew that'd happen - told you so).

Both restarted their careers and now living in LA  (Yeh! but wouldn't they rather still be livin' on't Manor 🤣.


I have never understood that Jealousy thing. 

People are born into 'Money' - Fact. 

Those 'Money' people help their own - Fact (should they not?) (Would you not?)

This 'Great Little Country' doe's let people with gumption aspire to greater things. & what a great place it is for it. (wave of flag :blush:)

Siting back winging about someone having more money than me or born into a privilege family I have never understood.

The bettering yourself through life can be achieved. Being born into Royalty is a little harder I'll give you that.


Come the revolution and the abolition of the Monarchy, it'll be a better place though.

Wealth will be distributed throughout the masses.

Child birth will be limited to one per couple no matter of status.

Sorry no one will be allowed a status.


Keep safe out there 8) .



Here's to the curtain peepers.


May they will always be with you! :)


Many are happy to be where their "powers that be" put them  They've been bribed, with "free" stuff, a risk free life. (If life is the proper word, Its more like an existence) Drones in the ant hill of life.


Problem is, they resent anybody who steps above their station in life. They feel it diminishes them.


I've fought it all my life!





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