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The Royal Family Discussion Thread

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1 hour ago, Chekhov said:

Err, it's not just "me and my friends" though is it ?

It's millions of parents,

So, what you mean is :


End of the day who cares whether you or your friend, or millions of others, are ****** off.


Talk about condemning yourself out of your own mouth.


>> just be grateful they are *****g alive.<<


The implication of this is rubbish.

I think we have had words about this on the Covid thread, everyone dies. She was 96 and, far more importantly, in pretty good health more or less up to when she went. She is (or was) very very lucky.


BTW, my mother in law is in a care home with a **** quality of life (and she is being looked after by people in masks looking like extras from a cheap 1970s SciFi film). She is not lucky to be alive at all, I feel like crying when I see her, in fact I know 100% she does not want to be alive......

So, in at least some cases, your assertion that everyone should "be grateful you are *****g alive" is total cobblers.

So you would prefer your mother in law to be dead?

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9 minutes ago, HeHasRisen said:

Where are all these gyms that close on Bank Holidays?

Stocksbridge Leisure centre is closing on Monday.

I seem to remember that, for "normal" bank holidays leisure centres often open restricted hours.

Whether they're closed or open shorter hours that (ignoring the negative effects on people's fitness and health) is fair enough for those paying as they go, but it's a bit unfair on those who have paid in advance...

Again, difficult as it may be to compute, they were shut for 7 months during the pandemic so what is one day ? 

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8 minutes ago, Delayed said:

So you would prefer your mother in law to be dead?

Bearing in mind she wants to be dead, she keeps telling us that, and I know from when she was compos mentis what she thought about going downhill in poor health (and even worse Dementia), so yes, definitely. It will be a blessing when she goes.

And she is about 12 years younger than the Queen was, though in fact her quality of life has been going down for about 6 years, more so when she went into the home about 5 years ago, and far more so when she went rapidly downhill during the pandemic (when she was locked away, sometime literally, for over a year).


5 minutes ago, HeHasRisen said:

Does the closure of Stocksbridge Leisure Centre actually affect you or are you moaning on behalf of other people?

Yes it affects me, as well as many others.

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1 minute ago, Chekhov said:

Bearing in mind she wants to be dead, she keeps telling us that, and I know from when she was compos mentis what she thought about going downhill in poor health (and even worse Dementia), yes. It will be a blessing when she goes.

Yes it affects me, as well as many others.

Well why has not a single person moaned about it on Facebook? Strange, dont you think?



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14 minutes ago, harvey19 said:

As you say funny old world.

you seem to have a lot of information.

is it from accountable sources or from the media  ?

Just do a search of

"Charles and cash for honours", loads of sources. Charles of course denies all knowledge, but as head of the charity, it's his business to know. No excuse. (even if true)

Also "Duchy estates tree cover"

Also "royalty exemptions from the law"


Might be best to make a cup of tea and a sandwich first.

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1 hour ago, blackydog said:

So you don't mind Charles allegedly accepting cash for his charity in exchange for honours? Met dragging their heels investigating as usual.

I asked my MP to request an enquiry into this in Parliament, but the enquiry was refused. If it was all above board, why was the cash presented in suitcases and carrier bags?

Of course being exempt from the Freedom of Information act, doesn't help the investigations progress.


In addition, you probably are aware Charles tries to promote his green credentials, yet has the lowest tree cover on his estates than any of the private estates. You Ok with that too?


I guess your Ok with Andrew's antics too then, seeing as you have thought about it?


And you're also OK with someone who hasn't even been born yet, one day being suitable to be our head of state?


Funny old world init...

Yeah it is a funny old world...


Everyone is bent whether you work in a factory and pals get more overtime or if you run a small local pub and the landlord always wins open the box or if you’re in a clique and you don’t let outsiders in society on a whole is corrupt !!!!...


Look they are bent but like I said majority of the population is in one way or another that’s just how the world is and there is nothing you can do about it at all !!!..


I will say this though the Queen served for most of her life so let her have her pomp show yes the public are paying for it and it might be over the top but she gave up her life so she deserves a good send off...


Im not a royalist but I’ve been watching a lot of footage of the royals in private and they came across normal apart from all their faults !!!!....

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5 minutes ago, blackydog said:

Just do a search of

"Charles and cash for honours", loads of sources. Charles of course denies all knowledge, but as head of the charity, it's his business to know. No excuse. (even if true)

Also "Duchy estates tree cover"

Also "royalty exemptions from the law"


Might be best to make a cup of tea and a sandwich first.

I have read a fair bit about the Family and as I posted earlier it is the institution rather than individuals that is important.

Granted all members should be above reproach in all matters throughout their lives but as human beings none of us are perfect.

You qualify your first point with the bracketed phrase "even if true"

It is very easy to criticise a subject as large and diverse as the Monarchy if that is your wish but I would suggest you take an objective view and balance the good points with those you do not like.


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Just now, harvey19 said:

I have read a fair bit about the Family and as I posted earlier it is the institution rather than individuals that is important.

Granted all members should be above reproach in all matters throughout their lives but as human beings none of us are perfect.

You qualify your first point with the bracketed phrase "even if true"

It is very easy to criticise a subject as large and diverse as the Monarchy if that is your wish but I would suggest you take an objective view and balance the good points with those you do not like.


Well seeing as Charles is not falling over himself to engage with the authorities, It is not proved true or false. We only have the word of the chief exec Fawcett (who has since stepped down) and Charles himself.  


Might have to help me out here. I can't really think of any good points. Please don't state the unproven tourism tripe.


If I understand your meaning of the "institution" and its importance, I agree with you. it is important that we end the process of hereditary succession. 


You say you have read a fair bit about the family. You must have been very selective in what you have read, if you have never come across any of the items I have pointed you to.


Please don't take my replies the wrong way. If you and others are still supportive of the royal family and monarchy after doing a bit of research into what they are really like, then fair enough. I strongly suspect this is not the case though, and there is a lot of blind faith, and the turning of blind eyes going on.



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