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The Royal Family Discussion Thread

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20 hours ago, zakes said:

During the time after the death of the queen, I noticed something from one of the parades I thought was amiss. My criticism may be wrong, but I'm sure someone will put me right if I've got things wrong.


Prince Charlie and Prince Bill were dressed in RAF uniforms on one particular parade.


When wearing a uniform in the RAF your(their)ears should be completely free of hair. The neck should also be free of hair.Charlie had hair sticking out all around his peaked cap.He should have had the good grace to have had a proper haircut before donning his uniform. Charlie also saluted in Royal Navy style, instead of the RAF style.


When wearing RAF uniform you must at all times wear your tie in full Windsor knot fashion.The two Princes did not wear their ties in this fashion. They knotted their ties in the way everyday men do. It is frowned upon in the Army and in the Navy to wear Windsor knots.

In the past, Prince Harry when wearing Army uniform always had his whiskers...seven day look. That is totally forbidden. In the Army the face must be hair free apart from having a small moustache, if so desired.


I would have thought the Princes, and their advisors would have known these rules. What a bunch of loppy, slovenly, disrespectful sods they are.28 days jankers would sort them out. Scrubbing the floors with a toothbrush apiece might be a good idea. Royal Family?..more like Royle Family.   


When I was in the Territorial Army in the early 70s, I did my Army training at Southwood Camp, a military installation, located in Hampshire. At 5:30 each morning 5 dozen of us were jostling for position around 6 wesh basins, to get a close shave before going out for an hour of square bashing. Our faces had to be free of hair or we'd receive a rollicking. Needless to say, many of us were stood to attention with shaving cuts. Some of us were also wearing elasterplasts around our chops. Some of the wiser among us had brought electric razors with them to training.

Well said !!!!...


Way back when kings and Queens would lead their army’s into battle so the army  would follow if they didn’t lead no one would follow !!!...


I can’t remember which King stated that we no longer need to lead from the front they will go and fight without us !!!!...


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14 minutes ago, Box11 said:

Well said !!!!...


Way back when kings and Queens would lead their army’s into battle so the army  would follow if they didn’t lead no one would follow !!!...


I can’t remember which King stated that we no longer need to lead from the front they will go and fight without us !!!!...


In the days of Empire, the Dukes, Earls, Barons and Earls. sent their best and brightest youth to lead what they perceived to be war against their evil enemies. Cowardice in a family was mortal sin in those days.


It seill was in WW2, as I recall, and  "deserters" were ostracised.


Best exmplified the somewhat over dramatised film, "The Four Feathers" with James Roberston Justice.


Edited by trastrick
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For years people have  argued about whether or not we should have a royal family, and that if we should, what kind of role should it play in todays world.

Should it be old and stuffy, a moth eaten metaphor for the Britain that once was?  Or should it have a more meaningful role than opening hospices and asking visiting dignitaries from Bongo Bongo land round for tea.

And if it does have a more meaningful role, what should it be?

How do you move something along when it has the millstone of history around it's neck?

How's this for a brilliant idea I've just had......

You simply cut those irksome ties with the past and move the royal family into the most modern arena of them all...

We have a craving for soap opera's in this country, Coronation St. is watched by millions of people every night.

We can't, it seems, get enough of who said what to whom, and what ramifications of that might be.

Other people's lives,

Other people's trivia, we lap it up.


And now were drinking from the saucer of "Big Brother" as well, which when you think about it is just another soap opera only with no storyline, no plot, and no actors..Just a lot of very clever editing to make those dreary non-people look interesting...

And boy, does it work, so desperate are we to keep abreast of things, that when Jade Goody, who was part woman and part scientific blunder, was unable to go to the gym, or pop to the shops without being papped.

Is there room for more? love island, I'm a celebrity get me out of here,

More soap, More bit-part nobodies to feed the insatiable hunger of the British red-topped tabloids.

Yes, of course there is, and so. Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you, "THE ROYAL FAMILY"


We turn the whole dam thing into a reality soap opera, aired across the week's TV schedules, with late night updates and a big publicity machine to feed the morning newspapers.

At present the cost of the Royal Family to each taxpayer in Britain is 60p a year.

That looks like bad value when all the key players ever do is open stuff and talk to vegetables. But 60p a year for a Five-Times-a Week soap opera, would be the best value television in the world.


Charles and Camilla, could be the new Jack and Vera Duckworth.

And of course we would need a villain, someone with a real grudge against the Windsors, I know just the man..

Mohamed al-Fayed whose son died in a car crash in Paris, with the eco-mentalist ex wife..Jesus...What scriptwriter could have come up with a plot line as good as that.

And what about Randy Andy, photographed in a nightclub squeezing the ample right breast of a pretty young blonde, They could have gone further with that one, how about he caught a spot of syphilis, and then drove home in a bright red Ferrari at 150 mph.

We could have the gorgeous shape of Zara Phillips, pop up from time to time in dresses with lower and lower necklines, on the arm of a boyfriend who plays Rugby for his country.


Do you see what I'm getting at here? 

The story's already been written, the characters are already in place, so no clever editing is necessary.. We have the house-several houses actually,  and best all, with the possible exception of Princess Anne, they would have the chance to have their currently rather silly life's given some meaning and purpose.

We  wouldn't ask them to do anything different to what they do already.

But instead of being shocked when Harry drives his small hatchback through Wiltshire at 40mph, we'd be dismayed that he wasn't doing 120mph in a Lamborghini.

And when he leans over  to fiddle with the bosoms of a blonde, we won't wonder what the country's coming to.

We could watch him as he slipped into his Herman Goering outfit , and give her a good seeing to.


Will the TV companies oblige? Well, that's the point, We just don't know, of course they could just employ scriptwriters, but no matter how good they might be, they could never come up with what the Royal Family manage themselves.

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  • 2 months later...

"I want my father & brother back", says Prince Harry from the UK's most socially dysfunctional family. 



I didn't know his immediate family members turned their backs on him or started slagging him off in public for vast amounts of money. 


Another week, another interview, this time using the 'evil media' once again to promote his latest book.  Kerching! 

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56 minutes ago, Baron99 said:

"I want my father & brother back", says Prince Harry from the UK's most socially dysfunctional family. 



I didn't know his immediate family members turned their backs on him or started slagging him off in public for vast amounts of money. 


Another week, another interview, this time using the 'evil media' once again to promote his latest book.  Kerching! 

Why would he want to be rekindled with a racist family?


It's almost as if his PR team have realised that he is being ridiculed around the world, and folk are finally wising up to him being a complete money grabbing, lack of any morals dick.

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1 minute ago, Ethella said:

It is quite appalling.  I would have thought that Harry needs to apologise to his father and brother to 'get them back'.


I suspect that his family are awaiting the publication of Harry's book with trepidation. 

To be fair, I would imagine they would be more excited about the next Katie Price autobiography.   


Be less tits in that one.

  • Haha 1
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