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The Royal Family Discussion Thread

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Piers Morgan has outed Charles & Kate as the two Royals named in the Dutch edition of the latest book, allegedly stating that it was those two who raised the issue as to the skin colour / shade of  Harry's first born? 



The Palace are now exploring all their options including possible legal action.  Who are they going to sue?  Scabie?  The Dutch publisher / translator?  Morgan? Harry?


So the tax payer funded, dysfunctional Royal circus rolls on.  


No comment yet from Harry's dad. 


Vive la République! 

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As a family we have had mixed marriages ,, We have had discussions as to will the baby be darker or lighter than mam or dad , Often while having a good laugh as to who has the nicest tan and so on , No one has ever taken offence at these discussions in fact the opposite has been the case , We all have colour . What is the problem .

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1 minute ago, cuttsie said:

As a family we have had mixed marriages ,, We have had discussions as to will the baby be darker or lighter than mam or dad , Often while having a good laugh as to who has the nicest tan and so on , No one has ever taken offence at these discussions in fact the opposite has been the case , We all have colour . What is the problem .

Yes but then again you're not a whinging American who thought she was marrying into an institution that was going to turn her into a real life Disney princess, (the best acting part of her career), until she realised that she'd be expected to curtsey to her brother & sister-in-law & their small children, everytime they  entered the room, on top of being married to  a sop of a husband.


Plus you've never been offered a shed load of money by Oprah Winfrey & Netflix. 


Maybe its time social services paid a visit to Buckingham Palace to see if they can help out? 


Vive la République! 

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It’s the people that make the royals feel important, all the Ma’am,ing, Sir,ing and bowing makes me want to puke. George11 was the last king to lead troops into battle at the Battle of Dettingem in 1743, how many have died for King/Queen and Country since?

Edited by crookesey
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59 minutes ago, crookesey said:

It’s the people that make the royals feel important, all the Ma’am,ing, Sir,ing and bowing makes me want to puke. George11 was the last king to lead troops into battle at the Battle of Dettingem in 1743, how many have died for King/Queen and Country since?

We certainly would have had less wars if those at the top had to lead the troops into battle.

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