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The Royal Family Discussion Thread

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1 hour ago, Zinger549 said:

How do you know she hasn't been to see him yet.

She's been estranged from her father for years - he wasn't invited to her wedding for example. His response has been to sell his story to the papers at seemingly every opportunity, including selling private letters from Megan to the Mail. He's back in the papers again with a sob story about her not visiting him now he's ill. ECCOnoob is normally very critical of people who sell their connections to famous people to the media. It's rather inconsistent of him to give Thomas Markle a pass and it's making people wonder what his real motive is.

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Meghan Markle had a small security team and arrived at Uvalde unannounced with no photographers accompanying her, according to the director of the community centre she visited.




Rankin [the director of the community centre] also shot down internet speculation that Meghan visited the center with an accompanying camera crew or personal photographer.

“It was not a photo op,” she said. “I reiterate: Meghan did not bring any cameras with her. She didn’t bring any reporters.”

In fact, she said, Meghan had expressed a desire to stay at the center for more time, but she and her security team left when Texas gubernatorial candidate Beto O’Rourke arrived with a crew of news reporters in tow.

“As a matter of fact, as soon as his team arrived for him to get the notoriety of giving blood — when Beto’s crew arrived, they left. And I didn’t know that they had left.”


Rankin said she got a call from Meghan’s security team apologizing for the quick exit, as they didn’t want the duchess to be recognized by the members of the press arriving with O’Rourke.

She said Meghan told her that she had made several other quiet stops at various locations around Uvalde.

“There were other places in town that knew she was coming because she did the same thing,” she said. “She went into other places around town incognito. No one knew she was here.”

Rankin said that, because of the promise she’d made to keep the visit secret, she only agreed to talk with BuzzFeed News after her contact from Meghan’s team told her it was OK, as news of the duchess's Uvalde visit had been made public.


We all know Piers Morgan still sobs bitter tears into his pillow at being shunned by Markle, but at some point you have to have a think about what's motivating your own animosity towards the woman.

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I don't have any motive or agenda. Nor am i filled with misogyny and racism as some people seem to think.


I'm free to have an opinion just as much as anyone else. I dont like her. I didn't like her from the moment she emerged on the scene.  I am not talking about all women. I am not talking about all people who are non white.


In my opinion She (i.e. Megan) is a low rent low level actress who bagged herself a Royal, immediately behaved like a spoilt diva, clearly tried to embarrass and attack our long-standing institution and who now trots around being a wannabe Saint building vast amounts of wealth, influence and contacts to worm her way into politics.


I have no support for any of her family one way or another. They all seem troubled, loaded with  baggage and all seem to have at least a certain level of toxicity everytime they open their mouths.


As for her husband, we always knew Harry was the flaky one just like his mother. Another fantastic manipulator of the press whenever it suits then instantly turn on the water works as soon as they dare to challenge back.  


Quite frankly I'd be delighted if the pair of them just disappear off into to obscurity as they both claim to want. But of course we all know that will never happen because it's their PR that keeps them in the money. She's certainly not going to be getting some blockbuster Hollywood role anytime soon and I doubt very much that Harry Windsor is going to have a comfortable fit finding a career in the fickle world of Los Angeles.


Whether people agree with the concept or not, the institution of monarchy and those senior-level participants have a duty. They do of course have a life of extreme luxury, privilege and influence, however that comes with a lifetime of service. Trivial it may seem to many but there is equally just as many who take it very seriously and see it as a great honour when any part of our royalty influences their lives. People can't deny that when that particular Circus comes to town the world watches. Just as the world will be watching with all focus on this tiny speck of a country next week.


Miss Markle and her ginger lap dog could have been at the heart of that -  however they clearly thought they were somehow better than and bigger than "the firm". Clearly tried to have their cake and eat it...   Take the title and influence but do none of the duty. Worse, they went one further and sought to make money off it like some smart price facsimile brand to anyone who offered the highest bid.


Why shouldn't they be criticised and challenged and attacked.  


Edited by ECCOnoob
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2 hours ago, ECCOnoob said:

I don't have any motive or agenda. Nor am i filled with misogyny and racism as some people seem to think.


I'm free to have an opinion just as much as anyone else. I dont like her. I didn't like her from the moment she merged on the scene.  I am not talking about all women. I am not talking about all people who are non white.


In my opinion She (i.e. Megan) is a low rent low level actress who bagged herself a Royal, immediately behaved like a spoilt diva, clearly tried to embarrass and attack our long-standing institution and who now trots around being a wannabe Saint building vast amounts of wealth, influence and contacts to worm her way into politics.


I have no support for any of her family one way or another. They all seem troubled, loaded with  baggage and all seem to have at least a certain level of toxicity everytime they open their mouths.


As for her husband, we always knew Harry was the flaky one just like his mother. Another fantastic manipulator of the press whenever it suits then instantly turn on the water works as soon as they dare to challenge back.  


Quite frankly I'd be delighted if the pair of them just disappear off into to obscurity as they both claim to want. But of course we all know that will never happen because it's their PR that keeps them in the money. She's certainly not going to be getting some blockbuster Hollywood role anytime soon and I doubt very much that Harry Windsor is going to have a comfortable fit finding a career in the fickle world of Los Angeles.


Whether people agree with the concept or not, the institution of monarchy and those senior-level participants have a duty. They do of course have a life of extreme luxury, privilege and influence, however that comes with a lifetime of service. Trivial it may seem to many but there is equally just as many who take it very seriously and see it as a great honour when any part of our royalty influences their lives. People can't deny that when that particular Circus comes to town the world watches. Just as the world will be watching with all focus on this tiny speck of a country next week.


Miss Markle and her ginger lap dog could have been at the heart of that -  however they clearly thought they were somehow better than and bigger than "the firm". Clearly tried to have their cake and eat it...   Take the title and influence but do none of the duty. Worse, they went one further and sought to make money off it like some smart price facsimile brand to anyone who offered the highest bid.


Why shouldn't they be criticised and challenged and attacked.  


My bold. 


Oh you must be because you're levelling criticism at Meghan.  By the way you've also spelt her name wrong so there's a special place in Hell reserved for you. 


I used to  like Prince Harry.  I once thought there's a bloke I could sit & have a pint with.  When he took up with Meghan Markle, I thought, if I had a hat on Sir, I'd tip it too you. I remember her as a bit part actress playing a secondary role in 'Suits' as a secretary in a law firm.  She's a looker. 


My wife, (call if female intuition & being a bit smarter than me), was the same as you. She said straight from the off, she'll cause problems.  I'll now tip my imaginary hat to my wife & say she was right.  


If Harry is asking after me, I'm too busy for that pint because since getting married, he's become a whining, dull as ditch water individual, seemingly intent on only pleasing his wife's whims & not being able to think for himself. 


I see that Harry is a few years younger than Meghan but appears more than that maturity wise.  It's like he's after / now needs a mature female / 'mummy' figure to RUN his life these days, rather than being the 'blokey' ex-serviceman, happy go lucky figure he once was. 


Ferch the psychiatrist.  At least there's plenty of them in the US. 

Edited by Baron99
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5 hours ago, Baron99 said:

My bold. 


Oh you must be because you're levelling criticism at Meghan.  By the way you've also spelt her name wrong so there's a special place in Hell reserved for you. 


I used to  like Prince Harry.  I once thought there's a bloke I could sit & have a pint with.  When he took up with Meghan Markle, I thought, if I had a hat on Sir, I'd tip it too you. I remember her as a bit part actress playing a secondary role in 'Suits' as a secretary in a law firm.  She's a looker. 


My wife, (call if female intuition & being a bit smarter than me), was the same as you. She said straight from the off, she'll cause problems.  I'll now tip my imaginary hat to my wife & say she was right.  


If Harry is asking after me, I'm too busy for that pint because since getting married, he's become a whining, dull as ditch water individual, seemingly intent on only pleasing his wife's whims & not being able to think for himself. 


I see that Harry is a few years younger than Meghan but appears more than that maturity wise.  It's like he's after / now needs a mature female / 'mummy' figure to RUN his life these days, rather than being the 'blokey' ex-serviceman, happy go lucky figure he once was. 


Ferch the psychiatrist.  At least there's plenty of them in the US. 

"She's a Looker" :huh:


I'd be calling Specsavers 24/7

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23 hours ago, Anna B said:

I'm wondering when Meghan is going to visit her poor old ailing Dad.


Some humanitarian eh? And she expects to be taken seriously?

Strangely enough it's been mentioned in the papers today, reaching out to her ailing dad and heal the rift.

Maybe she's doing it just to stop your ranting

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Guest makapaka
12 hours ago, ECCOnoob said:

I don't have any motive or agenda. Nor am i filled with misogyny and racism as some people seem to think.


I'm free to have an opinion just as much as anyone else. I dont like her. I didn't like her from the moment she emerged on the scene.  I am not talking about all women. I am not talking about all people who are non white.


In my opinion She (i.e. Megan) is a low rent low level actress who bagged herself a Royal, immediately behaved like a spoilt diva, clearly tried to embarrass and attack our long-standing institution and who now trots around being a wannabe Saint building vast amounts of wealth, influence and contacts to worm her way into politics.


I have no support for any of her family one way or another. They all seem troubled, loaded with  baggage and all seem to have at least a certain level of toxicity everytime they open their mouths.


As for her husband, we always knew Harry was the flaky one just like his mother. Another fantastic manipulator of the press whenever it suits then instantly turn on the water works as soon as they dare to challenge back.  


Quite frankly I'd be delighted if the pair of them just disappear off into to obscurity as they both claim to want. But of course we all know that will never happen because it's their PR that keeps them in the money. She's certainly not going to be getting some blockbuster Hollywood role anytime soon and I doubt very much that Harry Windsor is going to have a comfortable fit finding a career in the fickle world of Los Angeles.


Whether people agree with the concept or not, the institution of monarchy and those senior-level participants have a duty. They do of course have a life of extreme luxury, privilege and influence, however that comes with a lifetime of service. Trivial it may seem to many but there is equally just as many who take it very seriously and see it as a great honour when any part of our royalty influences their lives. People can't deny that when that particular Circus comes to town the world watches. Just as the world will be watching with all focus on this tiny speck of a country next week.


Miss Markle and her ginger lap dog could have been at the heart of that -  however they clearly thought they were somehow better than and bigger than "the firm". Clearly tried to have their cake and eat it...   Take the title and influence but do none of the duty. Worse, they went one further and sought to make money off it like some smart price facsimile brand to anyone who offered the highest bid.


Why shouldn't they be criticised and challenged and attacked.  


Proper weird to have this much opinion on a load of people you’ve never met.


they can all go in bin for me. 

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Would Meghan have looked twice at Harry if he wasn’t a member of the Royal Family? I don’t think she would.  However when they married I did think with William, Kate, Harry and Meghan the Royal Families future was that bit more secure but as it turned out Meghan had other plans for her future.  


A lot of people in this country respected their decision to leave the Royal Family but once they did the Oprah interview airing their grievances in public they lost a lot of that respect.  In the interview she claimed her and Harry were secretly married by the Archbishop days before the wedding.  The Archbishop gave a statement saying he did not marry them days before their wedding.  Harry claimed Charles cut him off financially after he and Meghan stepped down as senior royals but expenditure reports were published to prove he did not cut him off straight away.


Should their Netflix contract dry up I can see Meghan entering politics, she’s  already been approached by the Democrat party who said they would welcome her with open arms.  You have to be good at telling porkies to be a politician, something she has proved she can do.  All I can say is, God Bless America, if she decides to enter politics. Senator Meghan here she comes.

Edited by hauxwell
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