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5 minutes ago, blackydog said:

Odd that one. I subscribe to TLACS and they sent me a mail reminder yesterday regarding this petition. The petition identified my signing as a duplicate. I see the government responded in February. 


I still believe you are incorrect though, but appreciate the use of "bearskin" may be a bit vague and generic.

the smaller busby hats worn by the King's Troop are made from faux fur


However reading the response in full - (this is an extract)

Unfortunately, there is currently no non-animal alternative available that meet the essential criterion for the Queen’s Guards ceremonial caps.


As the artificial fur sadly didn't meet the standards required for a ceremonial cap which is worn throughout the year and in all weathers, the MOD has no plans to take this fake fur fabric forward.


Currently we have no plans to end the use of bearskins. Bear pelts that are used for the Queen’s Guards ceremonial caps are the by-products of these licenced culls

Phone a Barracks in London and ask, all new orders for for Bearskins are synthetic, on the last trooping the colour which was at Windsor Castle for the first time due to covid, the BEEB Comentator Hugh Edwards actually remarked on the  new issue and difference between real and synthetic skins.   The evidence you have produced I think is pointing out, it is not illegal to order real but choose synthectic because of price with the forces buget, so I'm not saying your wrong .

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2 minutes ago, PRESLEY said:

Phone a Barracks in London and ask, all new orders for for Bearskins are synthetic, on the last trooping the colour which was at Windsor Castle for the first time due to covid, the BEEB Comentator Hugh Edwards actually remarked on the  new issue and difference between real and synthetic skins.   The evidence you have produced I think is pointing out, it is not illegal to order real but choose synthectic because of price with the forces buget, so I'm not saying your wrong .

I'm not looking to be argumentative, but it was a genuine government response I provided that is still there for all to view.

I agree that non animal alternatives are in use, but the response strongly suggests (in fact leaves little doubt) bearskin is still being freshly sourced, and used for Queen's Guard's Ceremonial Caps as there is no suitable  alternative.


Contacting a barracks would simply be their word against the government's, not that I'm likely to do that anyway.


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Three things I've picked up from reading the paper today (the 'i'). 


The new Australian Govt has just created a new post, 'Assistant Minister for the Republic' to explore the options for the future of the constitutional monarchy.  Given that the last time the Australians voted on becoming a Republic back in 1999 only 55% voted in favour of keeping the monarchy, things might be different at a future vote?  I think it's also we should be considering in the 21st CENTURY. 


Latest UK You.Gov poll states Prince Harry's popularity poll at - 26 (yes minus), down from being the most popular Royal in 2018 with a popularity rating of 77%.   (So him thinking it's funny to do fancy dress in a Nazi costume, appears to endear him more than his current whining & whinging & marrying Meghan Markle?) 


Lastly, the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, suggests the nation should be more forgiving of Price Andrew?  To me it suggests that the Archbishop is more in tune with pleasing his Earthly boss, than his divine one?

Edited by Baron99
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17 minutes ago, Anna B said:

Oh dear, I do wish they'd wait until the Queen passes so she can at least go out at peace, with the satisfaction of a job well done.

Isn't forgiveness a tenet of all the faiths?

My bold. 


I'll remember that the next time you're having a pop at Boris & the Tories in general. 😁


But back to the Royals.  I'd find it difficult to forgive Prince Andrew the fact that out of all of the 4 Queen's children, he appears to have been the biggest, most arrogant, a*se of them all.  


Out of the 4 of them, I don't recall Princess Anne ever whinging about her life. She's definitely her father's daughter.   The 'men' in the family appear to have issues?  Mainly whining & whinging issues. 

Edited by Baron99
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2 hours ago, blackydog said:

I'm not looking to be argumentative, but it was a genuine government response I provided that is still there for all to view.

I agree that non animal alternatives are in use, but the response strongly suggests (in fact leaves little doubt) bearskin is still being freshly sourced, and used for Queen's Guard's Ceremonial Caps as there is no suitable  alternative.


Contacting a barracks would simply be their word against the government's, not that I'm likely to do that anyway.


No argument intended, just saying synthetic replacements are cheaper and a more used version,  tongue in cheek when the Barracks were mentioned but Im sure they would be truthful, anyhow if we didn't have the scroungers and hangers on the Regiments wouldn't  waste their time standing outside guard boxes looking after the spoilt brats.  :hihi:

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34 minutes ago, Anna B said:

Oh dear, I do wish they'd wait until the Queen passes so she can at least go out at peace, with the satisfaction of a job well done.

Isn't forgiveness a tenet of all the faiths?

There's no need to stress @Anna B I don't think anything will change in Jug eared Charlie's lifetime, never mind his mother.

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14 minutes ago, PRESLEY said:

No argument intended, just saying synthetic replacements are cheaper and a more used version,  tongue in cheek when the Barracks were mentioned but Im sure they would be truthful, anyhow if we didn't have the scroungers and hangers on the Regiments wouldn't  waste their time standing outside guard boxes looking after the spoilt brats.  :hihi:

I agree. The only reason they insist on real bearskins is tradition. It's always tradition. The Royal family and everything to do with it are mired in ****** tradition! It's time to move on folks.

As I've said before we're not living in the 1950's anymore, the world is a very different place and moving ever quicker. You move with it and keep up the pace, or get left behind. The monarchy is just the tip of a very large pyramid of British systems and institutions that refuse to let go of the past. It's holding us back.

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