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The Royal Family Discussion Thread

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11 hours ago, West 77 said:

We are not France.  Our country has the most famous and most prestigious monarchy the World has ever seen and there is not a cat in hell's chance our country will throw all that away and become a republic. 

When and mark my words it will  happen, you will have to chuck away your pin stripe suit, umberella  and Bowler hat and live in the real modern  world.  :hihi:

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While I don't wear leather myself, it is hardwearing and lasts longer than most substitutes. Cows are domestic animals and not in short supply. Their hides are another product of the slaughtering process and as we have not reached total vegitarianism yet, let alone veganism, slaughtering still continues.  


Bearskins are different. Bears are wild, and rarer than some other animals and have to be hunted. And as far as I'm aware not commonly eaten by a vast section of the population. Bears are killed mainly for the fur trade. Busbies are not worn on the battlefield but for ceremonial duties and alternatives are cheaper, lighter, cooler and almost imperceptable from the real thing.


I do appreciate your point though.





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13 hours ago, West 77 said:

We are not France.  Our country has the most famous and most prestigious monarchy the World has ever seen and there is not a cat in hell's chance our country will throw all that away and become a republic. 

I note from other threads that you & I are often singing from the same hymn sheet but not on this occasion. 


Last reports for 2021 state the Royals cost the UK taxpayers £87.5 million



Up £20 million from 2019. 



What happend to increase the amount by £20 million in the space of 2 years?  I understand a few of the younger Royals got married & had children.  Is this the result for the £20 million increase?  I don't see that Her Majesty has had a large conservatory added to Buck House to necessitate the increase or had a 'Man cave' fitted  with pool table for Prince Charles' benefit.


Get rid of them, then that figure would be reduced as not only would we not be paying for them, we'd also not have to contribute to staff wages as well.  The only things we'd have to maintain would be be the various palaces & other buildings, much of which we could turn into museums & other visitor attractions for paying tourists. 


People are often quick to point out, whatever the the Govt., look at the money wasted by on that project etc but the payment for the Royals just keeps continuing & ever increasing.  


Overall, I think they are something we could do without & within a generation we'd not know we've missed them.   Tourists to Europe wise,. London is just in front of Paris & the French got rid of their's centuries ago. 

Edited by Baron99
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He or his representatives should be making a response to this. Grouse shooting should be the next to be banned. Not just from the birds welfare point of view (I appreciate the birds wouldn't have the same (short) privileged lifestyle) but from a environmental viewpoint.

The "land management" that goes on, including the unlawful killing of protected species is obscene.  


Charles is not a fit person to be king. 



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