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The Royal Family Discussion Thread

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So the UK taxpayers are expected to pick up the security costs, currently £2 million, for the wedding of a minor royal of one of the country's richest families.




Their wedding, they should be picking up the costs I say. What a smack in the teeth to all those struggling.

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OK, she wants a big flash wedding. That's fine as long as she pays for it.


But £2 million for security, and taxpayers pick up the tab?


Who does she think she is?


It's not up to her whether there is security or not, it comes as a consequence of her being a princess.

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It's not up to her whether there is security or not, it comes as a consequence of her being a princess.



Exactly. And she may only be a minor royal, but the Queen will be attending plus the rest of the Royal family.

They also need to ensure the safety of the members of public that will be there.


In an ideal world we wouldnt need measures like this, but as we all know its far from being that at the moment :(

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Then it ought to have been a consideration when she was planning where to get married.

Does she really need to parade all around Windsor in a horse and carriage? Policing that route must have doubled the security bill.


Why not follow Zara Phillips example, a small wedding in a country church in Scotland.

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Zara was married in Edinburgh but yes, it was a smaller occasion than this one. Her mother also had a much more discreet wedding when marrying for the second time. This is precisely what should have happened with the wedding in May. It was a scandalous waste of money, all about keeping them high in the popularity stakes. No better than a soap opera. Since the wedding we have been bombarded with photographs of Harry’s wife in extremely expensive clothing, plus all the fallout from her upset family. Not a good start.


Beatrice and Eugenie were recently in the news bemoaning how hard it is to be a modern princess. It really was quite silly and does nothing to endear them to the public. They are very good at taking holidays though!


As has been said, we can expect to pay for the safety of certain members of the Royal family but this is a matter of degree - parading around in a carriage is complete overkill. These people appear to have little respect or understanding of the hard pressed taxpayer, struggling to make ends meet.

Edited by Jomie
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Zara was married in Edinburgh but yes, it was a smaller occasion than this one. Her mother also had a much more discreet wedding when marrying for the second time. This is precisely what should have happened with the wedding in May. It was a scandalous waste of money, all about keeping them high in the popularity stakes. No better than a soap opera. Since the wedding we have been bombarded with photographs of Harry’s wife in extremely expensive clothing, plus all the fallout from her upset family. Not a good start.


Beatrice and Eugenie were recently in the news bemoaning how hard it is to be a modern princess. It really was quite silly and does nothing to endear them to the public. They are very good at taking holidays though!


As has been said, we can expect to pay for the safety of certain members of the Royal family but this is a matter of degree - parading around in a carriage is complete overkill. These people appear to have little respect or understanding of the hard pressed taxpayer, struggling to make ends meet.

My thoughts exactly. But did they ever?

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