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The Royal Family Discussion Thread

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I'm  lost 🐘🐘 🐘.


Andrews a total disgrace ✔️

How dare he show his face in public ever again :gag:

Andrews not Ill at all, he hasn't got Covid :suspect:


So whats the problem 

Andrew did turn up :nono:

Realised he was being a prat,  and even the general public didn't want him there :banana:

Backs out the best way he could (with an obvious lie)  🥴.


So correct me if I'm wrong 

The Anti's Did want him there :suspect:

Didn't want him to back out :suspect:

& wanted him to be part of the celebrations :huh::huh:.


Silly me! of course they did :banana:.

And now have Egg on their face for not being allowed to promote the abolition of the Monarchy :hihi:  🥴 .










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5 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

Get well soon Queenie.

Maybe all the stress caused by that horrible grandson and his nut job wife have taken its toll?

Let's not play the blame game.


I'm not interested in the Royals, or the antics they get up to. They should be bound by the same laws we are...but that won't happen.


As for Liz, I wish no harm on her and I genuinly hope she gets well. I know the news tend to exagerate, but if all the others are on their way to be with her, it does make you think that her time may be near.

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36 minutes ago, zach said:

Let's not play the blame game.


I'm not interested in the Royals, or the antics they get up to. They should be bound by the same laws we are...but that won't happen.


As for Liz, I wish no harm on her and I genuinly hope she gets well. I know the news tend to exagerate, but if all the others are on their way to be with her, it does make you think that her time may be near.

Hmmm, fair enough. 👍

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